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School Improvement Plan team. What is a S.I.P. Team?. A School I mprovement Plan team is a group of teachers and administrators who work together to implement the School Improvement Plan with a focus on academic goals, and other core issues within the teaching and learning environment.
What is a S.I.P. Team? • A School Improvement Plan team is a group of teachers and administrators who work together to implement the School Improvement Plan with a focus on academic goals, and other core issues within the teaching and learning environment.
Who is the S.I.P. team? SIP Members • Brock A. Taylor • Ramiro Martinez • Darlene Cruz • Robben M. Howard • Jesica T. Benton • Devin M. Yates • Sharon L. George • Susan M. Huff • Tyler Ehrke • Bradley W. Leimbach • Victor H. Sanchez • Brian J. Adams • Jolette C. May • Donita Eldridge • John Dixon, Jr. Administration Team Mrs. Primas Mrs. Sullivan Mrs. Drum Mr. Saunders Mrs. Samuel
What has the Sip team been doing? • We have been doing a book study on Glickman • We have been creating the process of the Governance Team and how it will be implemented into our school. • We have been creating the policies and procedures that are transparent and for all to know.
What is the difference between SIP Team and SGT? SGT: SIP Team works together to implement the School Improvement Plan with a focus on academic goals, and other core issues within the teaching and learning environment • Promote successes • Monitor progress • Implement ideas, plans, and strategies to bring about increased achievement and partnership.
Renewing America’s school • The SIP team discussed Carl Glickman’s book Renewing America’s School as a Book Study. This book has shown us that we do have a voice and showed us how we can build our School Governance team to become empowered and vested in Del Sol High School.
Del Sol’s Framework for renewing Charter for Decision Making Critical –Study Process Covenant (Principles of learning)
Covenant • Glickman uses the word Covenant to describe learning principles within education. It is where a school plants its feet and will not be moved. From the covenant, comes school core values and beliefs. The main goal of the covenant should always to be to answer the question “What is it that we want to accomplish for our students?”
Beliefs and Core Values at Del Sol High School Del Sol High School believes: • Success is individualized. • DSHS students are productive citizens. • Students will be given every opportunity to graduate. • Students will learn in a safe, respectful, and positive environment. • Every student is a meaningful individual. • School environment maximizes students’ ability to learn. • A central goal should be fostering life-long passionate learners. • All decisions/policies should be student-centered learning. • Every student has the potential to graduate. • Important lessons to be learned are not always content-related. • There are many opportunities for success. • The level of expectation should be high. • We are never defined or limited by our problems. • Students need to feel accepted, safe, and valued. • Students are given opportunities for success each and every day. • Success is a team effort. • Open communication is a core value at Del Sol High School.
Charter • A charter is an understanding of how decisions are to be made. As the SIP team, we engaged in conversations about the process of creating the school governance team, the decisions that could be made, and the responsibilities of the team members. • As a team, we felt that to be effective, our governance team must deal with issues that are within people’s power to rectify. The team reviewed Zero-Impact, Minimal, and Core impact decisions. It was noted that the School Governance team would not put any Zero-Impact decisions on the Agenda.
Zero Impact vs. Core Impact Decisions Core Impact These decisions are at the heart of teaching and learning. These are long term, sustained decisions that the school makes regarding curriculum, instructional programs, staff development, assessment, and reporting student achievement. These are decisions that ensure there is a school-wide focus on the key issues related to student teaching. The majority of school staff time and effort should be spent on these key issues. Zero Impact Deal primarily with adult concerns such as parking spaces, lounge comforts, social events, and how sunshine funds will be spent. These decision have to be made to create a congenial work place, however, they have no direct effect on teaching and learning.
Critical Study Process • The Critical Study process is a way of making the most of important information. It is a way for the school to assess the needs of the students, implement actions, and assess results. As Glickman stated: “The essence of school renewal is the internal, critical process of studying one’s own school-looking at one’s covenant, raising critical questions about current educational practice, and then assessing where the greatest priorities abide in preparing students to become productive citizens of a democracy.”
What is a S.G.T. Team? • The School Governance Team (S.G.T.) is the umbrella group that oversees the management and coordination of our School Improvement Plan (SIP).
What is a S.G.T. Team? • A School Governance Team (S.G.T.) is a group of teachers, administrators, students, and parents who work together to improve the overall quality of the school and its programs.
Administrators • Administrators oversee the program. They review and approve, along with the School Governance Team, the ideas presented by the group.
Teachers • Teachers suggest ways to improve the learning system from their standpoint. They point out the flaws in the current system and come up with new ideas and ways to implement a better process.
students • Students work with teachers, give feedback on the current learning styles, and implement ideas on how the learning process can be more productive. • Students also comment on current trends and habits among their peers and seek to improve student relations.
parents • Parents often help oversee meetings, host, and volunteer for school activities. They also suggest ways the school can improve.
Why should we have a S.g.t.? • To streamline decision making. • To create consistency on school and curriculum issues. • To provide everyone with a voice and invite everyone to be vested in our students.
Who is On the school governance team? • Team members shall include the school principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students, and parents. • Staff members who have participated in the book study are eligible for the SGT.
Who is On the S.G.T.? • Principal • 11 Teachers, representing each department • 2 at large representatives • 1 parent representative (Child must be currently enrolled)* • 1 student representative* • Department Chairs cannot be members of the S.G.T. as the two positions are different. *After the first year
How are the s.g.t. members elected? • School Principal (Permanent member of the team) • 11 Teachers ( Each department will vote for their representative on the S.G.T.). • 2 at-large seats (School wide vote open to any candidate in the school community). • The S.G.T. will add one parent rep. and one student rep. after the first year. • Positions such as Strategists, SEIF, Keith Stark, and ECS can attend, but they do not get a vote (they are ad-hoc members). • Certain positions will be invited to give input on specific data or information that is relevant to agenda by invitation.
What should the school governance team be about? • Transparency! • Core issues raised by departments. • Concerns that arise that are brought up at the department meetings that are not adult-agendas, but related to curriculum and instruction. • Team is responsible for communicating the outcome of the SGT meetings to the departments. • Minutes are available for transparency purposes.
Task of the S.g.t.? • Curriculum development: How and what students learn, future focused, real applications outside of school and related to the CCSS. • Staff development: What faculty needs in order to improve, refine, and embellish teaching practices • Student assessment: Let teachers have the opportunity to develop, within their communities, measures of the greatest worth that are consistent with agreed-upon covenants.
Here we go… • In end, the SIP team discovered that with school renewal comes a new order and that can frightening. As a school, we have to start making decisions in the interests of all students. We are on the start of a roller coaster ride with many twists and turns. The SIP team is ready for it… ARE YOU?
Our First order of business is…(Inside Joke…) A JUICE BAR!!!!!
Q & A time Will the members of the SIP team please come to the front for a Q & A session from the staff.