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Economic crises and the role of science

AAAS 2012 Vancouver | February 17th. Economic crises and the role of science. Introduction. Disasters and crises have a familiar answer : more investments in knowledge Flood Disaster 1953 Netherlands Sputnik Shock 1957 US Ozone hole 1985 Global

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Economic crises and the role of science

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  1. AAAS 2012 Vancouver | February 17th Economiccrises and the role of science Barend van der Meulen | 1 | JST sessionRedesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  2. Introduction Disasters and crises have a familiaranswer: more investments in knowledge • FloodDisaster1953 Netherlands • Sputnik Shock 1957 US • Ozone hole 1985 Global • Global warming 1988-... Global • 9/11 2001 US - Global • Earthquake 2011 Japan • Economic crisis 2008 // Euro crisis 2011 Barend van der Meulen | 2 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  3. Flooddisaster 1953 Netherlands Barend van der Meulen | 3 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  4. Sputnik Shock 1957 Barend van der Meulen | 4 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  5. Global warming 1988-… Barend van der Meulen | 5 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  6. Economic crisis 2008 // 2011 Twoobservations • The crisis comesnotfromoutside, andscience is part of the problem. • Calls forinvestments in basic sciencecomewith claims thatrevenueswill take 20-years Barend van der Meulen | 6 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  7. Scienceand the crisis I: economics • Trigger: the destruction of the housing market. • Is there no scienceinvolved? There is! Sociology of knowledgeappliedtomarketsandfinance show how financial practices are entangledwithknowledge, technologyand information. (eg MacKenzie, Knorr-Cetina, Callon) • Theoretical misfits: • Distribution of risks • Possibilities of marketsto correct greed • Role of big firms as stabilizinginstitutions Barend van der Meulen | 7 | JST sessionRedesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  8. Role of science in crisis II: NBIC • Kondratieff waves • New scienceandtechnology • New economic sectors andgrowth • New internationalbalances Barend van der Meulen | 8 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  9. International scientificportfolios Formersoviet: Chemistry, Mechanics New Asian NBIC US - Europe Physics, Health Barend van der Meulen | 9 | JST sessionRedesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  10. The Netherlands, Massachussetts, South-Korea Economic crisis is part of a globaleconomicandscientifid shift Barend van der Meulen | 10 | JST sessionRedesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  11. First conclusions / lessons • Disasters have usual response: more science • But scienceis notonly a solution but part of the problem • Scienceandpracticesentangled in “scientific-technological-socialparadigms” • Challenge for risk control is toorganizediversity in scienceand society • Challenge for STI governancein Europe to reform STI institutions Barend van der Meulen | 11 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  12. Effects on science: Europe 2008 Different startingpositions • Science intensive countries UK, GE, FR, CH, NL, SU • Many small countriescatching up: CEEC Barend van der Meulen | 12 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  13. EU response: New Horizon 2020 Excellent Science • European Research Council • Future & Emergent Technology • Training and career • Infrastructures € 24 598 million Industrial Leadership • leadership in Key Enabling Technologies • access to risk finance • innovation in SMEs  € 17 938 million Societal Challenges • Health and demographic change • Food security • Secure and clean energy • Smart transport • Climate and resource efficiency • Inclusive societies € 31 748 million Barend van der Meulen | 13 | JST sessionRedesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  14. National responses: mix • Investments in science, policiestorestructure the science system and breed European Top Universitieswithinglobalcompetition (eg Denmark, Germany, France) • No new budgets andpoliciesto link universities closer toindustry (eg UK, Netherlands) • New budgets cuts especially in countriessufferingfrom the Eurocrisis (eg Greece, Portugal, etc.) Barend van der Meulen | 14 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  15. European struggle Securing the science system • European identity • strong in scientific output and impact • weak links witheconomy • Institutional inert Building aninnovation system • European paradox • Emphasisingsocietalchallenges • University industrycollaborations • Institutionalreforms Barend van der Meulen | 15 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  16. Three possibleoutcomes Scenario 1: Horizon 2020 results in a European knowledge area withintegratedprocesses of research, innovationandhighereducation Scenario 2: Horizon 2020 is obstructedbynationalressentimentsandresults in more complexityandfurtherinstitutionalinertia. Scenario 3: Horizon 2020 andnationalpoliciestogethercreate European winners andnational losers Barend van der Meulen | 16 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

  17. Finalconclusions / lessons • But scienceis notonly a solution but part of the problem • Challenge for risk control is toorganizediversity in scienceand society • Challenge: new governance of science, technologyandinnovation • But science as a solution createsstrugglesabout the role of scienceanditsposition • Danger: more scientific research but without restructuringmaycreate more lock-ins Barend van der Meulen | 17 | JST session Redesigning the Governance of STI after the Earthquake

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