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Preparation for Jesus. Background information. Ancestors of Jesus. The ancestors of Jesus had some outstanding men and women, but also people who were not perfect, but God was able to work with them anyway. God made promises to them that He would be with them.
Preparation for Jesus Background information
Ancestors of Jesus • The ancestors of Jesus had some outstanding men and women, but also people who were not perfect, but God was able to work with them anyway. God made promises to them that He would be with them. • Important people include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Judah, Moses, King David, and Solomon • Prophets also spoke on God’s behalf, and spoke of a new covenant • Jesus fulfilled all promises and prophecies
Old Testament Preparation • Adam and Eve – After the fall God promised a savior who would defeat the devil (Gen 3:15) • Abraham – (Gen 12:3) In Abraham all the families of the earth will find blessing. (Gen 22:18) – Promise given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Gen 28:14) The Messiah (anointed one) will be Jewish • Judah – the king would come from his tribe (Gen 49:10) • Moses – said a prophet like him would come (Dt. 18:15) • King David – His son would build God a house, and God would give him an everlasting kingdom
Prophecies about Jesus (in the Prophets and Psalms) • Born of a virgin (Is. 7:14) • Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) • Be a shepherd over Israel (Ez. 34:23) • Betrayed for 30 silver pieces (Zech. 11:12-13) • Would be killed, clothes divided, vinegar to drink (Ps. 21 and 68) • Would reign forever as king over all nations (Dan. 7:13-14)
Old Testament Types and Figures:Types and figures are situations, people, and events that foreshadow/remind us of Jesus Old Testament Jesus • Adam • Father of human race • 1st human • Eve came from his side • Abel • Offered a pleasing Sacrifice • Killed by his brother • Noah • Built an ark to save people from the flood • “New Adam” • Gives spiritual life • 1st born from the dead • Church came from his pierced side • Offered perfect sacrifice • Killed by people he loved • Gave us the Church to save us through the waters of baptism
John the Baptist • The last prophet • His parents were old and thought they couldn’t have children • An angel appeared to his father, Zechariah, and told him his wife Elizabeth would have a child • Zechariah was a priest in the line of Aaron, the brother of Moses • John was a nazirite (like Samson) • There are similarities to Abraham and Sarah and Hannah in this story • The job of John was to prepare the way for Jesus
4 Gospels Matthew Mark • Written around 85 A.D. • Written to Christian Jews • Jesus is depicted as the greatest prophet who brings the new law • Symbol is a man because his gospel starts with a listing of the genealogy (ancestors) of Jesus • First Gospel written (around 65 A.D.) • Shortest Gospel • Written to Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians who were facing persecutions • Jesus is depicted as a healer and miracle worker who accepts suffering • Symbol is the lion because it opens with John the Baptist, who is known as the voice crying out in the wilderness
Luke John • Written around 80-90 A.D. • Written to Gentile (Greek) Christians • Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles • Jesus is depicted as merciful and compassionate with a special concern for poor people, women, and non-Jews • Symbol is an ox because the gospel starts with Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, offering a sacrifice in the Temple • Last Gospel written, around 90-100 A.D. • Written to all the Christians of the world • Image of Jesus is noble, powerful, and divine, and fully in control of what happens to Him • Symbol is the eagle because his gospel is full of lofty thoughts