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Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On. - Mayuresh Pardeshi M.Tech CSE - I. Contents:. Introduction Working Structure Features Applications. Why do we need SSO ?. Current Situation: Network users interact with multiple service providers. SSO:.

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Single Sign-On

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  1. Single Sign-On -MayureshPardeshi M.Tech CSE - I

  2. Contents: • Introduction • Working Structure • Features • Applications

  3. Why do we need SSO ? Current Situation: Network users interact with multiple service providers.

  4. SSO: • A mechanism that allows users to authenticate themselves only once, and then log into multiple service providers, without necessarily having to re-authenticate. • Authentication Service Provider (ASP). • Service providers are aware of the ASP: • establish explicit trust relations, policies, contracts and supporting security infrastructure (e.g. PKI). • ASP is either a trusted third party or part of the user system (requires tamper-resistant hardware, e.g. smartcard, TPM).

  5. General SSO Protocol Typical Information Flow } Repeated as necessary

  6. Types of SSO: • Password Synchronization SecurePassSAM, Pass Synch • Legacy SSO Novell’s Secure Login & Microsoft Windows Server • Web Access Management (WAM) RSA • Cross Domain SSO OpenSSO, CAS • Federated SSO Facebook Connect, Google

  7. Novell SecureLogin

  8. Oblix (Oracle)

  9. SAML: • 1.The service provider received the client request, and it sent the request to Identity provider to do the client authentication. • 2.Identity provider authenticate the client, create the assertion , and pass it back to the service provider. SAML assertions can be add a SOAP Header blocks, and pass by the HTTP protocol

  10. Request from the Service provider • Here, a sample SAML-compliant request is sent from a service provider requesting password authentication by the identity provider. <samlp: Request ...> <samlp: AttributeQuery> <saml: Subject> <saml: NameIdentifierSecurityDomain="sun. com" Name="rimap"/> </ saml: Subject> <saml: AttributeDesignatorAttributeName="Employee_ ID" AttributeNamespace="sun. com"> </ saml: AttributeDesignator> </ samlp: AttributeQuery> </ samlp: Request>

  11. Response from the Identity provider • In response, the issuing authority asserts that the subject (S) was authenticated by means (M) at time (T). <samlp: Response MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0" RequestID="" InResponseTo="123.45.678.90.12345678" StatusCode="/features/2002/05/Success"> <saml: Assertion MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0" AssertionID="123.45.678.90.12345678" Issuer="Sun Microsystems, Inc." IssueInstant="2002- 01- 14T10: 00: 23Z"> <saml: Conditions NotBefore="2002- 01- 14T10: 00: 30Z" NotAfter="2002- 01- 14T10: 15: 00Z" /> <saml: AuthenticationStatementAuthenticationMethod="Password" AuthenticationInstant="2001- 01- 14T10: 00: 20Z"> <saml: Subject> <saml: NameIdentifierSecurityDomain="sun. com" Name="rimap" /> </ saml: Subject> </ saml: AuthenticationStatement> </ saml: Assertion> </ samlp: Response>

  12. Advantages • Reduced operational cost • Reduced time to access data • Improved user experience, no password lists to carry • Advanced security to systems • Strong authentication • One Time Password devices • Smartcards • Ease burden on developers • Centralized management of users, roles • Fine grained auditing • Effective compliance (SOX, HIPPA)

  13. References: • “OWASP, SanAntonioSingleSignOn” 2006-08, Vijay Kumar, CISSP. • “Using EMV cards for Single Sign-On” 1st European PKI Workshop Andreas Pashalidis and Chris J. Mitchell • www.cafesoft.com/support/security/glossary.html • www.ibm.com/software/webservers/portal/library/v12/InfoCenter/wps/glossary.htm • www.suliscommunication.com/language/ecommerce/ebus3.htm • http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci340859,00.html • http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci340859,00.html • Microsoft .Net Passport Review Guide • Telling Humans and Computers Apart Automatically • XADM: How Secure Sockets Layer Works Microsoft.com

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