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8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.1. VFR/IFR POLICY All flights have to be conducted under IFR rules, for all flights an ATC flight plan must befilled. In the vicinity of the airport an approach may be conducted by visual maneuvering (circling)under IFR rules if this type of approach is cleared by the ATC and if weather conditionspermit it (see chapter 8.1.3. Aerodrome operating minima*). If visual reference is lost, thecircling approach must be aborted. An aircraft should not descend in IMC below the sector safe altitude (MSA) as shown on theinstrument approach chart until it is established in the approved approach or holdingprocedure. LOOKOUT When weather conditions permit, it is absolutely essential that flight crew maintain vigilance(uyanık)so as to see and avoid other aeroplane during all phases of a flight and in any case whileoperating in VMC. Particularly critical airspaces are: • The vicinity of aeroplane and their approach and departure environments • High density terminal areas and • Airspaces where VFR flights are not subject to air traffic control service ( Class E,Fand G airspaces.) When operating in airspaces deemed critical as above in appropriate weather conditions,activities throughwhichattention is diverted from outside to within the cockpit like paperwork, map reading, EICAS(Engineindicating and crew alerting system)- handling or FMS insertions, shall be reduced as far as possible. *Note: As a general rule the aerodrome operating minima are the minima indicated on the JeppesenApproach charts.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.1. VFR/IFR POLICY LOOKOUT … According to the established rules of operation within Class E, F and G airspaces, ATSgenerally has only incompleteorno information regarding the disposition of VFR flightstherein and can provide collision hazard information to IFR flights only as far as practicable,i.e. depending on the availability of the information and the momentary workload. It istherefore the direct responsibility ofthe Commander to avoid collision with VFR traffic whenoperating in those airspaces in VMC. Flight crews shall, when receiving traffic information,sharpen their look-out accordingly and shall notabate and relax thereafter, assuming that noother traffic exists. Particularly when operating in VMC and below FL 100 the crew should refrain(kaçınmak)from allconversation which is not essential for the flight. This includes for example: • Private conversation • Use of company frequency • All other conversation which deplete the redundancy of one or more crewmembers. The Commander may deviate from the above recommendation if necessary for flightoperations, i.e. after go-around to confer with the station concerned via company frequency. DESCENT BELOW MINIMUM SAFE EN-ROUTE ALTITUDE/MINIMUM Safe Grid Altitude Descent below "the minimum safe en-route altitude/ minimum safe grid altitude"to theminimum sector altitude may be made when approaching the navigation aid from which anapproach-to-land will be conducted, provided the aeroplane’s position can be accuratelyestablished as being within 25 NM from the navigation aid upon which the minimum sectoraltitude is based by: • The use of a radio navigational aid or • Positive radar control. NOTE: The foregoing does not apply when the flight is clearedto descent during radar vectoring or to conduct a visual approach. DESCENT BELOW MINIMUM SECTOR ALTITUDE When conducting radar vectored instrument approaches, clearance to descent belowtheminimumsector altitude may be accepted, provided the Commander is able to monitorthe aeroplane’s position using the available radio navigational aids. In certain instances the minimum sector altitude for a given sector may be higher than theminimum safe en-route altitude established for a particular route segment between fixes orfor a holding area within that sector. In such cases descent below the minimum sectoraltitude down to the minimum safe en-route altitude is permitted, provided the flight isconducted along the respective route or within the holding area. Definition:Minimum sector altitude is the lowest altitude which will provide a minimum clearance of300 m (1.000ft.) above all objects located in an area contained within a sector of a circleof 46 km (25 NM) radius centered on a radio aid to navigation. NOTE: The foregoing does not apply when the flight is cleared to descent during radar vectoring orto conduct a visual approach
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.2. NAVIGATION PROCEDURES GENERAL An aeroplane shall not be operated unless the navigation equipment required or otherwiseinstalled is approved and installed in accordance with the applicable requirements includingoperational and airworthiness requirements and the minimum standards applicable. A failure of a single unit required for operation shall not result in the inability to operate safetyon the route to be flown.Detailed information about the required operational status of equipment is provided in theMEL. Navigation and communication equipment is installed to enable or to assist flight crews toperform and/or to optimize flights with regard to safety, comfort and economy. The pilots areresponsible for the correct use of the equipment in accordance with the limitations laid downin the AOM/FCOM. Continuous monitoring of the equipment and its performance is mandatory during any use ofit. Special attention shall be paid to the engagement status of systems used in order to avoidlate recognition of mode or configuration changes which could result in abnormal situations(e.g.,unscheduled disengagement). Degradation of on-board equipment must be taken into consideration for any in-flightplanning/re-planning with regard to destination and alternate weather, and for fuel planning foren-route conditions. Any downgrading of ground facilities shall be assessed with regard to possible increased landingminima at destination and/or alternate airports.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.2. NAVIGATION PROCEDURES GENERAL … Whether navigating on manually-tuned navigation aids, on the navigation system or on radar vectors,cross-checks of the primary aids are essential. The sole use of the airborne navigation systemscarried on the aeroplane is not adequate for all phases of flight and should be supplemented byspecific independent checks using those equipment not directly required for navigation. Flight plans activated in the navigation system shall be checked by both Pilots waypoint bywaypointagainst the flight plan. Where a FMS is also suitable and authorized for pre-flight planning (when anOperational Flight Plan is not available) and for in-flight re-planning, all available means (e.g., RouteFacility Charts) shall be used to crosscheck the corresponding data. Not with standing the overall responsibility of the commander for precise navigation and proper useand handling of navigation systems, the Pilot Flying (PF) is responsible for the selection of thenavigation aids and of the required navigation system configuration. Intermediate approach altitude, unless the system is certified for use in the approach according to theAOM/FCOM. If these conditions are not met, the whole descent and approach procedure shall be performed byusing conventional radio-navigation.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.2. NAVIGATION PROCEDURES GENERAL … Safe terrain clearance is dependent on navigation accuracy for take-off and climb. If the departureprocedures are stored in the navigation database, the onboard navigation system must be in theupdate mode and the system-computed positions shall be checked continuously against displayednavigation aids. If these conditions cannot be met, take-off and climb shall be performed according toconventional radio-navigation. If the arrival procedures for descent and approach are stored in the navigation database the on-boardnavigation system shall be in the update mode and the system-computer positions shall be checkedcontinuously ageist displayed navigation aids. The use is restricted down toMOCA(Obstruction Clearance)/MORA(Off-Route (10nm))/MSA. Navigation aids shall be selected with respect to coverage and geometry. Adequate selection shall beascertained for cross checks. Distance information for cross checks shall be used only if a DME isco/located with a VOR which coincides with a waypoint. DMEs co-located to ILS or approachlocalizers normally indicate zero DME at touch down and therefore are not suitable for navigationalpurposes other than the final approach - if not otherwise specified. Locators in TMAs normally provide reliable guidance within 25 NM only.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.2. NAVIGATION PROCEDURES GENERAL … ILS facilities of all categories are known to produce false beams outside their coverage sectors due toradiation aberrations. Such beams are subject to being captured without a warning flag. In order toensure proper localizer beam capture, the ILS mode shall not be armed until the vicinity of thebeam has been ascertained and checked by independent means like navigation aids and thecapture shall be monitored by the same means. A DME distance check at glide slope intercept shall be performed whenever possible. An altitudecheck shall be performed at the OM position or its equivalent. ILS localizer beam width and range available for guidance is normally of 3˚on either side ofthe centerline, and 25 NM respectively. Within 30˚ on either side of this sector, coverage isprovidednormally to the extent that a full-scale deflection to the correct side is available. ILS glide path azimuth coverage sector normally 8˚on either side of the centerline andextendsnormally to at least 10 NM. The elevation available for guidance ranges normally from atleast 2˚above to 1.5˚ below the nominal glide path, below which full-scale fly-up deflection isavailable.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.2. NAVIGATION PROCEDURES GENERAL *NAVIGATION AND APPROACH AIDS SHALL NOT BE USED: - whenever positive identification is not possible. - whenever reports or other information (e.g., NOTAMS) indicate that a system might beunreliableorinadequate for en-route navigation or approach. Published minima apply to theunrestricted availability of approach aids. *MINIMUM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR NAVIGATION CHARTS: The charts issued by Jeppesen are the only navigation charts that are allowed to be used inOnur Air flights. Before flight; the cockpit crew shall check they are updated.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.2. NAVIGATION PROCEDURES MINIMUM NAVIGATIONPERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION (MNPS) INTRODUCTION MNPS is a set of standards which require aircraft to have a minimum navigation performancecapability in order to operate in MNPS designated airspace. MNPS AIRSPACE MNPS airspace (MNPSA) as it applies to the North Atlantic has been designated betweenFL275 and FL420, between 27 degrees north and the North Pole, bounded in the east byeastern boundaries of CTA(Control Areas) SANTA MARİA Oceanic, SHANWİCK Oceanic and REYKJAVİK; in thewest by the eastern boundaries of CTA REYKJAVİK, GANDER Oceanic and NEW YORK Oceanic. And Canadian MNPS covers Arctic Control Area, Northern Control Area and portion of SouthernControl Area, between FL 330 and FL 410.
MNPS EQUIPMENT The minimum navigation equipment requirements are: Lateral navigation: Not less than two fully serviceable Long Range Navigation Systems (LRNS). A LNRS may be: - Inertial Navigation System (INS) - Global Navigation Satellite System (Global Positioning System - GPS) - Navigation system using the inputs from one or more Inertial Reference Systems (IRS) Each LRNS must be capable of providing a continuous indication to the flight crew of theaircraft position relative to track Longitudinal navigation: Longitudinal separation minimum are expressed in clock minutes. Devices intended to beused to indicate waypoint passing time must be accurate and is synchronized to anacceptable UTC time signal before commencing flight in MNPSA. Operations at RVSM level : The Minimum Aircraft System Performance Specification (MASPS) for Reduced VerticalSeparation Minimum (RVSM) flight operations are: - Two fully serviceable independent primary altitude measurement systems - One automatic altitude-control system - One altitude-alerting device At least the two primary altimeters indications must at all times agree within ±200ft. A functioning Mode C SSR(Secondary surveillance radar)transponder is also required for flight through radar controlledRVSM transition airspace.
MNPS APPROVAL: For operations within the MNPS Airspace (MNPSA), the operator must have obtained theapproval of the operator's authority. Such approval encompasses all aspects of the expectednavigation performance accuracy of the aircraft, including the navigation equipment carried,installation and maintenance procedure and crewnavigation procedures and training. MNPSA SEPARATION Within the MNPSA separation standards are based upon 60 NM lateral separation, 10minutes longitudinal separation and standard FL assignments for vertical separation butOceanic Air Traffic Control may assign them disregarding the semicircular rule in and outsidethe organized tracksystem during pick hours as follow: -during westbound flow FL 330 is delegated to Shanwick Oceanic for westbound flights: from1130 to 1800 UTC available westbound flight levels are FL310, 330, 350, 390. -during eastbound flow FL350 is delegate to Gander Oceanic for eastbound flight: from 0100to 0800 UTC available eastbound flight levels are FL310, 330, 360, 370. A 1000 ft. vertical separation minimum (RVSM) has been introduced between FL330 andFL370. This RVSM is expected to be introduced from FL290 to FL410. In order to maintain longitudinal separation Mach Number technique is applied with therequired March number issued with the oceanic ATC clearance. It is mandatory that theassigned Mach number is strictly adhered to and any change due to turbulence etc, must beimmediatelycommunicated to ATC. After leaving oceanic airspace assigned Mach numbermust be maintained in domestic controlled airspace to the final position contained in theoceanic clearance unless the appropriate ATC unit authorizes a change. ETA's within the MNPS area and/or the ETA for the Oceanic Control Area entry point shouldbe monitored and if there is a change greater than three minutes ATC should be advised. Request for step-climbs may be cleared by ATC whenever possible. Pilots should maintaintheir last assigned Mach number during step-climbs in MNPSA. If not possible ATC shouldbe advice at the time of the request.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES POLAR NAVIGATION ONUR AIR aircraft don't have the polar navigation capabilities. The FMGS of A320 aircrafthave no polar navigation capability and its use is generally limited to the latitudes 72˚ 30'Nand 60˚S. PERFORMANCE BASED NAVIGATION (PBN) DEFINITIONS PBN: Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace. Performance requirements are expressed in navigation specifications in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity and functionality needed for the proposed operation in the context of a particular airspace concept. Accuracy : The navigation performance of aircraft approved for RNAV operations requires a track keeping accuracy equal to or better than +/- 5 NM for %95 of the flight time. This value includes signal source error, airborne receiver error, display system error and flight technical error. This navigation performance assumes the necessary coverage provided by satellite or ground based navigation aids is available for the intended route to be flown. DEFINITIONS(continued) RNAV: A navigation system which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of selfcontained aids, or a combination of these. An RNAV system may be included as part of a flight management system (FMS). RNAV specification is based on area navigation that does not include the requirement for on-board performance monitoring and alerting. ONUR AIR is approved by DGCA to conduct RNAV1, RNAV5 and RNAV10 performance based navigation (PBN) operations. RNP: An area navigation system which supports on-board performance monitoring and alerting. Area Navigation Equipment: Any combination of equipment used to provide RNAV guidance. ATS Route: A specified route designed for channelling the follow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services. Cross Track Deviation: The perpendicular deviation that the aircraft is to the left or right of thedesired track. Continuity of Function: The capability of the total system to perform its function. En-Route Operations: Operation conducted on published ATS routes, direct point-to-pointoperations between defined waypoints or along great circle routes. Figure of Merit: A system-generated indication of the quality of the actual navigation performanceofthe aircraft. Integrity: The ability of a system to provide timely warnings to users when the system should not beused for navigation. Sensor: A unit capable of providing information for use by the RNAV or Flight Management System(FMS) equipment. DEFINITIONS(continued) Terminal Area Operations: Operation conducted on published Standard Instrument departures(SIDs), or published Standard Terminal Arrivals (STAR's), or other flight operations whilst underterminal control. Total System Error (TSE): The total system error value includes path definition error, navigationsystem error and path steering error (i.e. flight technical error plus any display error). Waypoint: A predetermined geographical position that is defined by latitude and longitude or,relativeto a surface referenced navigation aid in terms of bearing and range in nautical miles. RNAV RNAV1 REQUIREMENT RNAV1 means that the aircraft navigation equipment shall provide ± 1 NM en-route/terminal lateral track keeping accuracy 95% of flight time. For RNAV1 operations in terminal airspace, obstacle clearance protection, up to the FAWP (Final Approach Waypoint), will assume that aircraft comply with the RNAV1 accuracy requirements. Please refer to FCOM/AOM for the minimum required equipment to fly RNAV1 procedure/ enter RNAV1 airspace. RNAV5 REQUIREMENT RNAV5 means that the aircraft navigation equipment shall provide ± 5 NM en-route lateral track keeping accuracy 95% of flight time. Area navigation equipment on A320/321 – A330 aircraft determines aircraft position by processing data from one or more sensors. Determination of aircraft position is dependent on such factors as sensor availability and accuracy, signal parameters (e.g. signal source strength, transmitted signal degradation). Please refer to FCOM/AOM and OM Part B for the minimum required equipment to enter RNAV5 airspace. RNAV1/RNAV5 NORMAL PROCEDURES Correct operation of the aircraft RNAV system shall be established before joining and during the operation on an RNAV route. This shall include confirmation that the routing is in accordance with the clearance and the aircraft navigation accuracy meets RNAV criteria. RNAV RNAV1/RNAV5 CONTINGENCY (ABNORMAL) PROCEDURES If, as a result of a failure or degradation of the RNAV system below RNAV criteria, an aircraft is unable to enter the RNAV designated airspace, or continue operations in accordance with the current ATC clearance, a revised ATC clearance, shall, whenever possible be obtained by the PIC. In case of the loss of the Integrity Monitoring detection (RAIM) (RAIMS:Radio and Audio Integrating ManagementSystem) which means the availability of FMSfunction of periodic updating radio position, or exceedance of integrity alarm limit (ErroneousPosition) the following procedure shall apply. The IRS may continue to be used for navigation. The flight crew should attempt to cross check the aircraft position where possible with VOR, DME and NDB information, to confirm an acceptable levelof navigation performance. Otherwise, the flight crew should revert to an alternative means of navigation. RNAV10 REQUIREMENT RNAV10 requires that aircraft operating in oceanic and remote areas be equipped with at least two independent and serviceable Long Range Navigation Systems (LRNSs) comprising INS, IRS/FMS or GPS, of integrity such that the navigation system does not provide misleading information with an unacceptable probability. Please refer to FCOM/AOM and OM Part B for the minimum required equipment to enter RNAV10 airspace. RNAV RNAV10 NORMAL/CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES This is an airspace that supports reduced lateral and longitudinal separation of air traffic minima to increase operational efficiency within ATS routes in oceanic and remote areas where the availability of navaids is limited. In terms of navigational accuracy an Aircraft operating in this airspace is expected to maintain a Cross-Track and Along-Track accuracy of ±10NM for 95% of time on the intended route. At least two long range navigation systems capable of navigating must be operational at the oceanic entry point. If this is not the case, the pilot should consider an alternate routing which does not require that equipment, or diverting for repairs. Crews must advise ATC of any deterioration or failure of the navigation equipment below the navigation performance requirements or of any deviations required for a contingency procedure. RNP RNP1 REQUIREMENT RNP1 means that the aircraft navigation equipment shall provide ± 1 NM terminal lateral track keeping accuracy 95% of flight time. For RNP1 operations in terminal airspace, obstacle clearance protection, up to the FAWP (Final Approach Waypoint), will assume that aircraft comply with the RNP1 accuracy requirements. Please refer to FCOM/AOM for the minimum required equipment to fly RNP1 procedure. RNP1 NORMAL PROCEDURES The normal procedures are the main principles of the RNP1 operation. The flight crew should apply these procedures in conjunction with the normal procedures consisted in the OM Part B. RNP1 CONTINGENCY (ABNORMAL) PROCEDURES In case of existence of the Caution and Warning conditions stated in the OM Part B, the flight crew must apply the contingency procedures explained in the following paragraph in conjunction with the abnormal procedures consisted in the related documents. The flight crew must notify ATC of any problem with the RNP system that results in the loss of the required navigation capability, together with the proposed course of action. In the event of communications failure, the flight crew should continue with the RNP procedure in accordance with the published lost communication procedure. In the event of loss of RNP capability, the flight crew should invoke contingency procedures and navigate using an alternative means of navigation, which may include the use of an inertial system. The alternative means need not be an RNP system. RNP INCIDENT REPORTING All incidents which will occur during flights in the RNAV/RNP air space/ terminal should be informed to the Flight Operations and the Flight Safety Departments as soon as possible with an ASR (Air Safety Report) form. TRAINING PROCEDURE All the flight crew must receive training before operation of RNAV-based departure and arrival from the Training Management. CHANGE OF DESTINATION OR ALTERNATE IN-FLIGHT DIVERSION A diversion is a flight to any airport (excluding planned redispatch) that is not the destination or alternate originally designated in the dispatch release. The airport to which such a flight is diverted is the diversion airport. DIVERSION AIRPORT The diversion airport should be selected on the basis of the remaining fuel range of the diverting aircraft, airport facilities and weather conditions, passenger service capabilities. If the diversion is the result of an aircraft malfunction or an incident, safety factors may limit these considerations (see: Procedure in the event of system degradation). MINIMUM FUEL FOR DIVERSION The minimum fuel for a diversion includes fuel burn from the point of diversion to landing at the diversion airport plus final reserve (fuel for 30 minutes holding at 1500 ft above diversion airport at standard temperature). RNP CHANGE OF DESTINATION OR ALTERNATE IN-FLIGHT DIVERSION FLIGHT PLAN AND ATC CLEARANCE Before an aircraft diverts, an ATC clearance must be issued. The following flight plan information may be required and should be at hand when requesting this clearance: - Diversion airport - Route of flight - Altitude - Estimated time enroute - Endurance (hours and minutes) NOTIFYING FLIGHT ATTENDANTS AND PASSENGERS The senior attendant should be advised of a diversion potential early enough to plan for cabin service, passenger accommodation and safety. The passengers should be advised promptly of a diversion and the reason for it. CREW RESPONSIBILITY AFTER LANDING The commander should confirm that there are adequate provisions for passenger handling at the diversion airport. If the ground staff is insufficient to provide an acceptable level of customer service, the commander may use his crew for customer service. The commander of the aircraft is ultimately responsible to ensure that the aircraft, baggage, cargo and mail are free from risk or danger. This may require coordination with the local ground handling agent or airport authority if security is questionable; for example, due to the parking location. RNP CHANGE OF DESTINATION OR ALTERNATE IN-FLIGHT DIVERSION RECLEARANCE IN-FLIGHT (REDISPATCH) OR DECISION POINT PROCEDURE A decision point procedure is used to extend the operating range for a given fuel load. The required minimum fuel on board to dispatch a flight using a decision point procedure is defined in the chapter 8.3.7 "Fuel and oil quantities". The commander may continue the flight to destination only if the weather at the new destination and at the new alternate is not below the allowed minima for these airports and if the fuel on board at the decision point is not less than the sum of the following quantities of fuel: • fuel to destination from decision point, including an instrument approach and landing, • fuel to destination alternate, • contingency fuel of 5% of the trip fuel from decision point to destination, • fuel for holding during 30 minutes at 1500 ft above destination alternate. If these conditions are not satisfied at the decision point the commander must divert the flight to an en-route alternate. RNP CHANGE OF DESTINATION OR ALTERNATE IN-FLIGHT DIVERSION PROCEDURE IN THE EVENT OF SYSTEM DEGRADATION In case of system failure or degradation occurring in flight, adequate procedures are given in FCOM and on the ECAM as applicable. Whenever a procedure calls for LAND ASAP, the seriousness of the situation and selection of a suitable aerodrome are to be considered. However, if a fire was encountered on the aircraft, landing at the nearest suitable aerodrome is recommended. In any case, the commander shall not decide to land at a suitable aerodrome instead of landing at the nearest suitable aerodrome unless he is satisfied that the course adopted is as safe as landing at the nearest suitable aerodrome and he has taken into account factors which may affect the safety of the aircraft. On the other hand when operating the aeroplane on routes (whether Basic or Precision RNAV equipment) or whenever operating the aeroplane on other than RNAV routes but using RNAV sources for navigational purposes. - the RNAV equipment installed shall comply with the required performance specifications (various regulations concerning RNAV are already issued at national level but also on international level, e.g., AICs), and - the flight crew shall be trained and authorized to perform navigational procedures on the basis of RNAV sources.
In this airspace, radio navaid coverage is assumed to support RNP-5 accuracy.The minimum required equipment to enter BRNAV airspace is : ‐ One RNAV system, which means : • 1 FMGC, • 1 MCDU, • 1 VOR for FM navigation update, • 1 DME for FM navigation update, • 1 IRS ‐ In addition: • On the PFside : PFD and ND must be operative. • On the PNFside : at least one of the two EFIS must be operative (to enable temporarydisplayof ND information through the PFD/ND switch).
In this kind of airspace, the aircraft is expected to fly for a long period of time outside radio navaidcoverage. The minimum required equipment to enter a RNP-4/RNP-10 airspace is: ‐ Two long range navigation systems, which means: • Two FMGC (or 1 FMGC + 1 BACK UP NAV) • Two MCDU • For RNP-10, one GPS if required by flight time outside radio navaid coverage. For aircraftwithout GPS the flight time outside radio navaid coverage is limited. According to FAA Notice8400.12A, this limitation is: ▪ 6.2 h since IRS ground alignment, or ▪ 5.7 h since last FM radio update. There is no limitation for aircraft fitted with the GPS. For RNP-4, one GPS is required. • Two IRS • Two NDs to display Flight Plan Data. Refer also to Regional Supplementary Procedures of ICAO Doc 7030 for specific requirements in aparticular airspace.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) GENERAL CONCEPT A RVSM airspace is define as any airspace or route where the aircraft are separatedvertically by 1000 ft. between FL 290 and FL 410 inclusive (instead of 2000 ft). The objective is to increase the route capacity of saturated airspace while keeping at leastthe same level of safety. This can be achieved in imposing stringent requirements onequipment and training of personnel, flight crews and ATC controllers. As part of the RVSMprogram, the altitude keeping performance of the aircraft is monitored, overhead specificground based measurement units, to continuously verify that airspace users are applying theapproved criteria effectively and that the overall safety objectives aremaintained. RVSM AIRSPACE IMPLEMENTATION(uygulamaları) The concept was first implemented in the NAT MNPS area and associated airspace, fromFL 330 to FL 370 inclusive, starting in March 1997 and fully implemented in January 1998. RVSM airspace expansion is planned in the NAT region and may include FL 310 and FL 390by the end of 1998.In 1998, 90 % of NAT MNPS operations are conducted with RVSM approved aircraft and 75% use FL 330 to 370. Since its start, the RVSM concept has been validated; the altitude keeping performance ofthe aircraft monitored by the Height Monitoring Units (HMU) of Gander and Stumbleindicated that the safety objectives are met. The NAT RVSM operational experience has shown some: - cases of spurious TCAS messages, - cases of wake vortex encounter REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) RVSM AIRSPACE IMPLEMENTATION The few reported occurrences were considered as being not critical. Next generation of TCAS will solve the TCAS events and spacing or offset track underspecific weather conditions will reduce the vortex encounters. The next major milestone in the RVSM implementation is the European RVSM, which isplanned to start in November 2001 without operational trial period. European RVSM likeBRNAV will be applicable within all ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) States butnon ECAC adjacent States are encourage to participate in the program. Up to about 38States are expected to enforce RVSM from FL 290 to FL 410. AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE The aircraft mean Altimetry System Error (ASE) must be better than 80 ft. and the mean ASE+ 3 times its standard deviation, taking into account unit to unit variability and effect ofenvironmental conditions must not exceed 200 ft. The autopilot must be capable to keep the selected altitude within 65 ft. under no turbulent,no gust conditions. The "soft altitude hold" mode (for Airbus models fitted with this AP/FMmode) stillsatisfies RVSM requirements. MINIMUM REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR RVSM IS: - Two independent altitude measurement systems - One secondary surveillance radar transponder - An altitude alert system - An automatic altitude control system The rate of undetected failures of the altimetry system must not exceed 10-5 per flight hours.All Airbus models can meet these requirements with the appropriate configuration. Thestatement of RVSM capability is indicated in the AFM. REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) RVSM OPERATIONS To operate within a RVSM airspace, ONUR AIR must obtain an operational approval from itsnational authorities. To achieve this goal the applicant will need to show that the following subjects have beenaddressed: - Each individual aircraft is certified for RVSM - The Operational Documentation has been amended - The flight crews have received the adequate instruction, briefing notes. - The Maintenance program has been reviewed for RVSM and Maintenancedocumentation has been amended. - The Airline has demonstrated for a number of aircraft of its fleet that itsoverall altitude keeping performance meets the RVSM requirements. RVSM Procedures RVSM procedures can be divided into two categories: - general procedures valid in any RVSM airspace, - procedures specific to a given airspace Flight Planning During flight planning the flight crew should pay particular attention to conditions that mayaffect operation in RVSM airspace.These include, but may not be limited to: (a) verifying that the airframe is approved for RVSM operations; (b) reported and forecast weather on the route of flight; (c) minimum equipment requirements pertaining to height keeping and alerting systems;and any airframe or operating restriction related to RVSM approval. (d) The letter "W" is written in field 10 of ATC Flight Plan to indicate RVSM capability. REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) RVSM OPERATIONS Pre-flight procedures at the aircraft for each flight The following actions should be accomplished during the pre-flight procedure: (a) review technical logs and forms to determine the condition of equipment required forflight in the RVSM airspace. Ensure that maintenance action has been taken tocorrect defects to required equipment; (b) during the external inspection of aircraft, particular attention should be paid to thecondition of static sources and the condition of the fuselage skin near each staticsource. and any other component that affects altimetry system accuracy. This check may beaccomplished by a qualified and authorized person other than the pilot (e.g. a flightengineer or ground engineer); (c) before takeoff, the aircraft altimeters should be set to the QNH of the airfield andshould display a known altitude, within the limits specified in the aircraft operatingmanuals. The two primary altimeters should also agree within limits specified by theaircraft operating manual. An alternative procedure using QFE may also be used.Any required functioning checks of altitude indicating systems should be performed. Note : The max.value for these checks cited in operating manuals should not exceed23m(75ft). (d) Before take-off, equipment required for flight in RVSM airspace should be operative,and any indications of malfunction should be resolved. Procedures prior to RVSM airspace entry Please refer aircraft FCOMs and MELs for equipments which should be operating normally atentry into RVSM airspace. Note : Should any of the required equipment fail prior to the aircraft entering RVSM airspace,the pilot should request a new clearance to avoid entering this airspace;
In-flight procedures: The following practices should be incorporated into flight crew training and procedures: (a) Flight crews will need to comply with any aircraft operating restrictions, if required forthe specific aircraft group, e.g. limits on indicated Mach number, given in the RVSMairworthiness approval. (b) Emphasis should be placed on promptly setting the sub-scale on all primary andstandby altimeters to 1013.2 (hPa) / 29.92 in. Hg when passing the transitionaltitude, and rechecking for proper altimeter setting when reaching the initial clearedflight level; (c) In level cruise it is essential that the aircraft is flown at the cleared flight level. Thisrequires that particular care is taken to ensure that ATC clearances are fullyunderstood and followed. The aircraft should not intentionally depart from clearedflight level without a positive clearance from ATC unless the crew are conductingcontingency or emergency maneuvers; (d) When changing levels, the aircraft should not be allowed to overshoot or undershootthe cleared flight level by more than 45 m (150 ft.); (e) An automatic altitude-control system should be operative and engaged during levelcruise, except when circumstances such as the need to re-trim the aircraft orturbulence require disengagement. In any event, adherence to cruise altitude shouldbe done by reference to one of the primary altimeters. Following loss of the automatic height keeping function, any consequential restrictions willneed to be observed. (f) Ensure that the altitude-alerting system is operative; (g) At intervals of approximately one hour, cross-checks between the primary altimetersshould be made. A minimum of two will need to agree within ±60 m (±200 ft.). Failureto meet this condition will require that the altimetry system be reported as defectiveand notified to ATC; (i) The usual scan of flight deck instruments should suffice for altimeter cross-checking onmost flights. Note : Some systems may make use of automatic altimeter comparators. (h) In normal operations, the altimetry system being used to control the aircraft should beselected for the input to the altitude reporting transponder transmitting information toATC.If the pilot is advised in real time that the aircraft has been identified by a height-monitoringsystem as exhibiting a TVE greater than ±90 m (±300 ft) and/or an ASE (i) greater than ±75 m (±245 ft) then the pilot should follow established regionalprocedures to protect the safe operation of the aircraft. This assumes that themonitoring system will identify the TVE or ASE within the set limits for accuracy. If the pilot is notified by ATC of an assigned altitude deviation which exceeds ±90 m (±300 ft)then the pilot should take action to return to cleared flight level as quickly as possible. TVE:Total Vertical Error ASE:Altimetry System Error REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) RVSM OPERATIONSIn-flight procedures Contingency procedures after entering RVSM airspace are: The pilot should notify ATC of contingencies (equipment failures, weather) which affect theability to maintain the cleared flight level, and co-ordinate a plan of action appropriate to theairspace concerned. Detailed guidance on contingency procedures are contained in therelevant publications dealing with the airspace. Refer to specific regional operationalprocedures. Examples of equipment failures which should be notified to ATC are : (a) failure of all automatic altitude-control systems aboard the aircraft; (b) loss of redundancy of altimetry systems; (c) loss of thrust on an engine necessitating descent; or (d) any other equipment failure affecting the ability to maintain cleared flight level; The pilot should notify ATC when encountering greater than moderate turbulence.If unable to notify ATC and obtain an ATC clearance prior to deviating from the cleared flightlevel, the pilot should follow any established contingency procedures and obtain ATCclearance as soon as possible. Post flight In making technical log entries against malfunctions in height keeping systems, the pilotshould provide sufficient detail to enable maintenance to effectively troubleshoot and repairthe system. The pilot should detail the actual defect and the crew action taken to try to isolateand rectify the fault. The following information should be recorded when appropriate : (a) Primary and standby altimeter readings. (b) Altitude selector setting. (c) Subscale setting on altimeter. (d) Autopilot used to control the aeroplane and any differences when an alternativeautopilot system was selected. (e) Differences in altimeter readings, if alternate static ports selected. (f) Use of air data computer selector for fault diagnosis procedure. (g) The transponder selected to provide altitude information to ATC and any differencenoted when an alternative transponder was selected.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) The following items should also be included in flight crew training programs: (a) knowledge and understanding of standard ATC phraseology used in each area ofoperations; (b) importance of crew members cross checking to ensure that ATC clearances arepromptly and correctly complied with; (c) use and limitations in terms of accuracy of standby altimeters in contingencies.Where applicable, the pilot should review the application of static source errorcorrection/position error correction through the use of correction cards; Note : Such correction data will need to be readily available on the flight deck. (d) problems of visual perception of other aircraft at 300m (1,000 ft.) planned separationduring darkness, when encountering local phenomena such as northern lights, foropposite and samedirection traffic, and during turns; and (e) characteristics of aircraft altitude capture systems which may lead to overshoots; (f) relationship between the aircraft’s altimetry, automatic altitude control andtransponder system in normal and abnormal conditions; (g) any airframe operating restrictions, if required for the specific aircraft group, related toRVSM airworthiness approval.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) Specific regional operational procedures The areas of applicability(by Flight Information Region) of RVSM airspace in identified ICAOregions is contained in the relevant sections of ICAO Document 7030/4. In addition thesesections contain operational and contingency procedures unique to the regional airspaceconcerned, specific flight planning requirements, and the approval requirements for aircraft inthe designated region. For the North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNSP) airspace,where RVSM have been in operation since 1997, further guidance (principally for StateApprovalAgencies) is contained in ICAO Document NAT 001 T13/5NB.5 withcomprehensive operational guidance (aimed specifically at aircraft operators) in the NorthAtlantic MNPS Airspace Operational Manual. Comprehensive guidance on operational matters for European RVSM Airspace is containedin EURO CONTROL Document ASM ET1.ST.5000 entitled “The ATC Manual for aReduced Vertical Separation (RVSM) in Europe” with further material included in therelevant State Aeronautical Publications. During the life of this document, it is expected that additional ICAO regions or parts ofregions may introduce RVSM into their airspace. For example, plans are well in hand tointroduce RVSM into parts of the Pacific region. The area of applicability and associatedprocedures will be published in Document 7030/4 where reference will be made toadditional material as necessary.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM) • Suspension or revocation of RVSM approval The operator should report within 72 hours to the responsible authority height keepingoccurrence when it exceeds: - A Total Vertical Error(TVE)of 300ft (for example measured by a HMU) - An Altimetry System Error(ASE)of 245ft - An Assigned Altitude Deviation of 300ft These errors, caused by equipment failures or operational errors, may lead the responsibleauthority to suspend or revoke the Airline RVSM approval. It is therefore important for the airline to report any poor height keeping performance and toindicate the corrective actions that are taken.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) GENERAL CONCEPT The current navigation procedures are based on the availability of satisfactory groundnavigation aids and infrastructure (VOR, DME, NDB...) as well as on the navigation systemsinstalled on board the aircraft which allow essentially navaid to navaid navigation.This mandated large safety margins in aircraft separation, contributing to saturate theairspace in specific areas. The air navigation structure for existing airways, SIDs, STARs, etc. does not take intoaccount the availability of modern navigation systems with enhanced performance, nor theglass cockpits which allow the crew to have a better awareness when flying thoseprocedures. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has recognized the need to take benefitof the available RNAV technology to improve the existing air navigation system, the goalbeing to increase the airspace capacity and to offer user advantages such as fuel savings,direct tracks, etc. The introduction of RNP will enable each State to design and plan routesnot necessarily flying over radio-navaid installations. To obtain all the benefits envisaged by the CNS/ATM (Communication NavigationSurveillance / Air Traffic Management) concept, it will be necessary for aircraft to achieve acertain level of navigation performance in terms of accuracy, availability, integrity and servicecontinuity. This navigation element is called "REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) and isexpected to effect currently existing airspace structures and to lead to a whole new conceptof air navigation.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) DEFINITIONS : Required Navigation Performance (RNP) : RNP is a statement on the navigationperformance accuracy necessary for operation within a defined airspace. Note that there areadditional requirements, beyond accuracy, applied to a particular RNP type. RNP Airspace : Generic terms referring to airspace, route(s), procedures where minimumnavigation performance requirements (RNP) have been established. Aircraft must meet orexceed this performance to fly in that airspace. RNP Type : This is a designator established according to navigational performance accuracyin the horizontal plane, that is lateral and longitudinal position fixing. This designator isexpressed by an accuracy value given in nautical miles. RNP-X : A designator used to indicate the minimum navigation system requirements neededto operate in an area, on a route or on a procedure (e.g., RNP-1, RNP-4). The designatorinvokes all of the navigation system requirements specified for the considered RNP RNAVtype indicated by the value of X (in NM).
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT : • Navigation accuracy : Each aircraft operating in RNP airspace shall have a total system navigation position errorthat is equal to or less than the RNP value during 95% of the flight time. • Containment integrity(kapsamın bütünlüğü) : The probability that the total system navigation position error in RNP airspace exceeds thehour. The cross track containment limit is twice the RNP value. • Containment continuity : The probability of annunciate loss of RNP-X capability (true or false annunciation) shall beless than 10-4 per flight hour.
RNP AIRSPACE ENVIRONMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION • RNP routes supported by radio navaid coverage : These airspace are implemented or will be implemented mainly for en route navigation overcontinental areas.Typical RNP values are RNP-5 and RNP-4, but RNP-2 is considered for US domesticairspace. In Europe, Basic RNAV airspace is RNP-5. RNP-1 is considered for RNAV SIDs and STARs but it is also planned en route for the futurePrecision RNAV airspace in Europe (2005). • RNP routes outside radio navaid coverage : These airspace are implemented for en route oceanic navigation orcontinental area outsideradio navaid coverage.Typical RNP values are RNP-10 and RNP-12, but RNP-4 is also envisaged(öngörülen)in the future.Other operational constraints may be associated to this type of airspace like MNPS NorthAtlantic airspace for example. In particular, the navigation system must be certified as sole means of navigation with theadequate level of example in NOPAC(North Pacific), CEPAC(central east pacıfıc)routes and, the Tasmanian sea area. • RNAV non precision approach with RNP A few RNAV approaches with RNP-0.3 have been published in USA and there is no doubtthat this will become more frequent in the future. RNAV approach without GPS is possible provided the operator has verified for each specificprocedure that FMS navigation radio updating will support the required accuracy. It isexpected nevertheless that RNAV approaches will become more frequent in association withthe GPS. A lot airports adequate for transport aircraft exits around the world where no let down aid isavailable, but where a RNAV approach procedure based on GPS could be established andpublished without the need for large investments.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION SYSTEMS • Aircraft Equipment : • Aircraft without GPS PRIMARY For these aircraft, the navigation performance is a function of the radio navaid updating oreither the time since last radio update orthe time since INS/IRS ground alignment.This supposes that the ground radio navaid infrastructure supports the level of accuracynrequired. Outside radio navaid coverage, the navigation performance is determined by the drift rate ofthe INS/IRS that implies a time limitation in direct relation with the RNP value to be achieved. • Aircraft with GPS PRIMARY When GPS PRIMARY is available in flight, the on-board navigation performance exceeds thecurrently known requirements for any kind of route including RNAV approaches. The availability of GPS PRIMARY on a given route is a function of : - the satellite constellation configuration - the aircraft equipment - the aircraft geographical position - the required navigation accuracy Depending which type of RNP value is envisaged(öngörülen), and which type of navigation mode isavailable if GPS PRIMARY is lost, a pre-flight verification of 100% GPS PRIMARY availabilityon the planned route may be required.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) • MEL Requirements : MEL requirements are a function of the type of RNP airspace. For airspace within radio navaid coverage, one RNAV system is required, taking intoaccount that conventional navigation from navaid to navaid and radar guidance remainsavailable in case of system failure. For airspace outside radio navaid coverage, two RNAV systems are required to ensureappropriate redundancy level • RNP OPERATIONS The operational requirements and procedures are determined by the type of RNP route orairspace, and will be different for: - RNP en route or terminal area within radio navaid coverage - RNP en route in oceanic or remote areas - RNAV approach based on RNP - SID/STAR based on RNP The level of performance (RNP value) also has an effect on these operational requirementsand procedures, as well as the aircraft equipment (GPS or no GPS).
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP) • RNP-5 (or RNP-4) based on radio navaid infrastructure : It is normally the responsibility of the airspace administration to support the requirednavigation performance by providing the adequate navaid infrastructure(altyapı). NOTAMs areexpected to bepublished when a navaid failure may affect the navigation performance on agiven route. ONUR AIR has the responsibility to address the following steps before starting operationswithin such a RNP airspace : - Verify aircraft certification status - Collect adequate flight crew information - Establish MEL repercussions(yansımaları-yan etkileri) - Implement adequate flight crew training and Operation Manualrepercussions - Apply for operational approval if required by national authorities. AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION STATUS For all Airbus , the AFM has appropriate reference to justify this type of RNP capability.
FLIGHT CREW INFORMATION ONUR AIR shall collect in the national AIPs (or AIM) the routes and airspace vertical andlateral limits where RNP capability and procedures are implemented. Refer also to the ICAOdoc 7030 Regional Supplementary procedures and to the information published by theauthority that administrates the specific airspace where flight are intended. Ex: Euro control Standard Document 03-93 for Basic RNAV in Europe. JCAB AIC Nr 005 for RNP-4 in Japan Particular contingency procedures in case of loss of RNP-X capability may also be publishedin above documents.In most cases, crew action will be to inform ATC, which may require the aircraft to leave theRNP airspace or to complement its route manual or operations manual with the aboveinformation.In order to inform the ATS in advance that the aircraft has the appropriate RNP capability,the letter "R" shall be added in the box 10 of the ICAO ATC Flight Plan. MEL repercussions : Specific MEL requirements for this kind RNP airspace are normally already covered by thebasic Airbus MMEL and general operational requirements like SHT-OPS 1. Flight Crew Training and Operations Manual complement : The FCOM gives the RNAV system (FMS, INS, GNLU(FMS+GPS)) description and proceduralinformation necessary to the flight crew. Additional information, which can be used by the airlines as a complement to the FCOM orOperations Manual data, is given here below. • Loss of RNP-X capability : Except for aircraft with GPS PRIMARY when GPS PRIMARY is available, the normal FMSposition monitoring with navaid raw data described in FCOM must be observed. Any discrepancy, between navaid raw data and FMS position, with a magnitude of the orderof the RNP-X value shall be considered as a loss of RNP capability.
FLIGHT CREW INFORMATION • Aircraft without GPS : For Airbus models with HIGH/LOW accuracy indication on (M)CDU, two FMS standardsneed to be distinguished: - FM standards not compatible with the GPS installation where the required accuracy is afunction of the area of operations: En route : 2.8 NM Terminal area : 1.7 NM Approach : 03 NM For these aircraft, when LOW accuracy appears on (M)CDU the RNP-5 or RNP-4 capabilityis not necessarily lost. It means that the Estimated Position Error is larger than 2.8 NM enroute for example. Nevertheless, we consider that it is conservative and not penalizing to usethe appearance of the LOW accuracy message as a way to determine en route when theRNP-5 or -4 is lost. Otherwise the time limitation remains a valid criteria to determine the lossof RNP capability. -FM standards compatible with the GPS installation where the required accuracy is defaultedas above but where an accuracy value equal to the RNP-X can be entered on (M)CDU. For these aircraft the RNP X capability should be considered as lost when LOW accuracymessage as a way to determine en route when the RNP-5 or -4 is lost. Otherwise the timelimitation remains a valid criteria to determine the loss of RNP capability. - FM standards compatible with the GPS installation where the required accuracy isdefaulted as above but where an accuracy value equal to the RNP-X can be entered on (M)CDU. For these aircraft the RNP X capability should be considered as lost when LOWaccuracy appears on (M) CDU, with X entered as required navigation accuracy. Reminder : LOW is displayed on (M) CDU when the Estimated Position Error (EPE) (95%prob.lity) calculated by the FMS is larger than the required accuracy.
FLIGHT CREW INFORMATION • Aircraft with GPS : Aircraft equipped with GPS PRIMARY fulfill all RNP requirements up to RNP-0.3 when GPSPRIMARY is available. When GPS PRIMARY LOST indication is displayed, the RNPcapability is maintained in the conditions described above for aircraft without GPS. (M) CDU Message like FMS1/FMS2 POS DIFF or CHECK A/C POSITION, may alsoindicate a RNP capability loss except if the faulty system has been identified and the healthysystem is used for navigation and is monitored. If RNP-X capability is lost the crew must advise the ATC, which may require the aircraft toleave the RNP airspace. If both FMS are failed RNP and RNAV capability are lost. The crew must revert toconventional radio navigation and inform ATC for re-routing or radar assistance. • Conditions to enter the RNP airspace : RNP airspace can be entered only if the required equipment is operative. Only one RNAV system is required to enter RNP airspace within radio radionavaidcoverage, which means basically for Airbus aircraft that the following equipment is operative: 1 FMS (or 1 INS) 1 MCDU ( or CDU ) 1 VOR 1 DME 2 ND with flight plan (or 2 HSI) Navaid raw data on ND or DDRMI. The expected RNP-X capability must be available. This is done in verifying that theconditions of RNP capability loss (see above) are not present.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES 8.3.3. ALTIMETER SETTING PROCEDURE GENERAL The procedures herein describe the method intended for use in providing adequate verticalseparation between the aeroplane and adequate terrain clearance during all phases of aflight. Flight crews shall use barometric altimeters, referenced to QNH, as the sole barometricaltitude reference for the take-off, approach and landing phase of flight. TYPES OF ALTIMETER SETTINGS The three different types of altimeter settings used in the method under consideration are1013.2 hPa/29.92 in (Standard). QNH, and QFE. As indicated in the table below, eachsetting will result in an altimeter indication which provides a measure of the vertical distancewith regard to the ICAO Standard Atmosphere above the particular reference datum shown. The QFE reference datum shall be the aerodrome elevation. However, the thresholdelevation shall be used for-non-precision approach runways, if the threshold is 2 meters (7 feet) or more belowthe aerodrome elevation, and -precision approach runways.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES QFE ALTIMETER SETTING PROCEDURES Where QFE altimeter setting is used below the transition height the following proceduresshall be applied:During descent/approach when flying below the transition level, and during departure whenflying below the transition altitude, the vertical position of the aeroplane shall be expressed inmeters QFE (height); Both altimeters calibrated in feet shall be set to QNH (altitude) and shall be used for verticalnavigation:The metric altimeter - if installed - shall be to QFE (height) and shall be used for monitoringand reporting purposes. Note : The IAL (Instrument Approach and Landing Cart) Charts for the aerodromesconcerned indicate all vertical distances as altitudes (QNH) in feet. Each IAL Chart containsa table for the conversion of meters (QFE) into feet (QNH), and vice versa. TRANSITION ALTITUDE During flight, when at or below the transition altitude an aeroplane is flown at altitudesdetermined from an altimeter set to QNH. Its vertical position is expressed in terms ofaltitude. A transition altitude shall normally be specified for each aerodrome by the state in which theaerodrome is located. It will be shown on TMA and/or IAL charts. Note: In some States, e.g., in Eastern Europe, a transition height has been established foreach aerodrome instead of a transition altitude. During flight abovethe transition altitude an aeroplane is flown along surfaces of constantatmospheric pressure based on an altimeter setting of 1013.2 hPa/29.92 in. Throughout thisphase of a flight the vertical position of an aeroplane is expressed in terms of flight levels.
8. OPERATINGPROCEDURES8.3. FLIGHT PROCEDURES TRANSITION LEVEL The transition level shall be the lowest flight level available for use above the transitionaltitude. It shall be determined by the approach control office or aerodrome control tower foruse in the relevant aerodrome depending on QNH. TRANSITION LAYER The transition from flight levels to altitudes and vice versa in the vicinity of an aerodrome iseffected in the airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level called thetransition layer. Note : In vertical dimensions of the transition layer may vary according to atmosphericpressure. Where required to ensure vertical separation, the vertical dimensions of thetransition layer will be at least 1000 feet. Change from flight level to altitude shall be made of the transition level when descending,and from altitude to flight level at the transition altitude when climbing. Note: In exceptional cases approach or departure procedures may prescribe flight at analtitude above the transition altitude, or at a flight level below the transition level (but notbelow the transition altitude). In these cases it is the responsibility at ATC to ensure thatvertical separation is not infringed(ihlal). When the aeroplane has been cleared to climb toa flight level the Pilot-flying (PF) may sethis altimeter to Standard Setting after take-off. When passing the transition altitude duringclimb, all altimeters will be set to Standard Setting. When an aeroplane has been clearedto descend to an altitude, the pilot flying may set hisaltimeter to the appropriate QNH if flight level information can be read off an additionalaltimeter (e.g., standby altimeter) which is set to Standard Setting. Note : Metric altimeters if installed, if not used for approach, are exempted from thisregulation. CHECKING OF TERRAIN CLEARANCE The cruising flight level/altitude shall always be equal to or higher than true minimum safeen-route altitude/minimum safe grid altitude. When selecting cruising levels the followingfactors shall therefore be taken into account: * actual QNH (1 hPa=30ft) * OAT (10˚ ISA Dev. corresponding 4% altitude). The adequacy of terrain clearance during the departure phase of flight and during theapproach to land is determined by using the QNH altimeter setting of the aerodromeconcerned (generally no temperature correction has to be applied;). For circling, final approach and landing generally no correction need be applied. Ataerodromes with high circling minima, however, due consideration shall be given to thetemperature correction if the outside air temperature is low. The specified circling heightwhich is the true height above official aerodrome elevation shall then be converted intoindicated circling height. CHECKING OF BAROMETRIC ALTIMETERS Before leaving the ramp the pressure scales of all altimeters shall be set to the actual QNHof the aerodrome, except that standby and metric (if installed) altimeters may be set tostandard. The altimeter indications thus obtained shall be observed and checked against theelevation of the aerodrome at the location of the aeroplane. When the altimeter does not indicate the reference elevation orheight exactly, but is withinthe tolerance specified in AOM/FCOM or AFM, no adjustment of this indication shall be madeat any stage of the flight. Furthermore, any error that is within stage of the within tolerancenoted during pre-flight check on the ground shall be ignored by the pilot during flight. After each setting of altimeters the readings on the flight deck shall be compared. This shallinclude the standby and metric (if installed) altimeters when these are used (e.g., in EasternEurope). If an altimeter indication is not within the specified tolerance follow procedures as outlined inAOM/FCOM or AFM.