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Epoch dinosaur

Epoch dinosaur. Попов Валерий. _____________.

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Epoch dinosaur

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  1. Epoch dinosaur Попов Валерий

  2. _____________ Cтрептоспондил (Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis) (in translation with greek present выгнутый vertebra ) large звероногий dinosaur from верхнеюрского of the period, живший beside 165 mln. years back. Adult стрептоспондил reached 7 metres lengthwise and weighed before 700 kg.

  3. Stegozavr Stegozavr (Stegosaurus stenops) (in translation with greek крышеящер ) растительноядный dinosaur, живший in верхнеюрском period beside 150 mln. years back • . He reached 9 metres lengthwise and weighed before 9 tons. The Body стегозавра was massive, compressed with side. His(its) forelegs were shorter back. The Head small and narrow. The Jaws frontal were cover horny чехлом, formed beak . The Teeths in front The Fossilized remainder are found on all continent of the North hemisphere, South Africa and Madagascar.

  4. & Brahuozavr Diplodoc

  5. Kulazuh (Koolasuchus sp.) large amphibian, жившая in early меловом period 112-140 mln. years back. Its name he has got by name known paleontologist Flattery Sack. As typical amphibians, кулазух was capable to move on land, but most of time conducted in water.

  6. Tirannozavr Tirannozavr (Tyrannosaurus rex) two-legged ravenous dinosaur, живший at the end of the chalky period 67-65 mln. years back. Wholly probably that he was one of the last dinosaur inhabited on the Land. Adult тираннозавры could reach 12 metres lengthwise and weighed around three tons. The Mouth with range of the jaws beside metre was усажена sharp cone-shaped 16-сантиметровыми teeth with rote edge.

  7. Torozavr (Torosaurus latus) large dinosaur from group цератопсов, живший in late меловом period 67-65 mln. years back. This is large растительноядный dinosaur reached 8-metre length and weighed beside 7 tons. Torozavra distinguished the клювоподобные to jaws and unusual big, before 2,6 m length, comb on skull the largest from the known now. Changing colour from tide shelters, comb could play the greater role in marriage behaviour. Torozavr

  8. Ornitoheyrus The Gigantic flying pangolin орнитохейрус (Ornithocheirus; in translation with greek птицерукий ) of the veins in раннемеловом period 125-110 mln. years back. The Range his(its) wing reached 12 metres, length of the body 3,5 m, heads 1,5 m, weight 100 kg. Long narrow jaws, often with bone гребнем in front part, and sharp teeths were adapted for выхватывания water fish.

  9. Kriptoklid The Sea reptiles криптоклиды (Cryptoclidus eurimerus) (in translation with greek hiding clavicle ) appeared in триасе already, beside 200 mln. years back. These are an average sizes плезиозавры reached 8-10 metres lengthwise. Beside криптоклидов was a streamlined торпедообразное body and small head on long flexible neck, consisted of 29-32 vertebras. Having four ластовидные to limbs, криптоклиды were a skilful swimmer.

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