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Mammaplasty, popularly known as breast reduction surgery wherein surplus breast fat, glandular tissue and skin is eliminated to get a breast size that is proportionate with body thus alleviating discomfort caused by disproportionately large breasts. Kyra Clinic is renowned cosmetic surgery center known for breast reduction surgery in Ludhiana, Punjab, India that offers latest treatments through certified and experienced surgeon Dr. Vikas Gawri at an economical price. Visit us: https://kyraclinic.com/breast-reduction-in-punjab-ludhiana.php
Liposuction In Ludhiana Liposuction is defined as the removal of fat from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (called a cannula) with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with heavy IV sedation, or totally by local anesthesia It is a myth that some people come for asking liposuction as a treatment for their obesity. Liposuction is not for weight reduction. It is for aspirating out the fat from stubborn areas of body , which areas do not respond to exercising and/or dieting. It is more of artistic working for your body contouring or sculptouring.
Gynecomastia In Ludhiana What is Gynecomastia?Gynecomastia refers to development of excess breast tissue that is often associated with social and professional embarrassment. The unsightly appearance of female breasts in men can make men self conscious about their appearance.
High Density Implantation - 'Dense Packing'The patient who suffer from nominal hair loss can also opt for "dense packing", which is a thickening technique that can help them achieve natural looking very high density results. Majority of men who are not bothered by loss of hair, have about 70 to 100 hair 'grafts' per square centimeter or about 150 to 240 hairs. During a personal consultation, the density of patient’s hair is gauzed by a special instrument called Densitometer. Depending on the degree of hair loss, we can work diligently to implant up to 100 to 120 hairs per square centimeter which refers to 40 to 50 'grafts'. Kyra Clinic is one of the very few clinics in India which can take the proud of delivering consistent results pertaining to world-class quality by use of technique called ‘dense packing.
Acne is a difficult problem to treat because it has several underlying causes. Some are genetic, some hormonal, others involve external factors. There is no 'cure' for acne, but management is possible. The problem with acne really begins within our skin as it naturally produces oil in our sebaceous gland. Acne-causing bacteria metabolize this oil and that metabolized oil is irritating to our skin. As the skin becomes increasingly irritated by this oil our hair follicles will become plugged, thereby collecting debris. This debris then erupts down into the deeper layer of our skin, the dermis. This debris is an intruder in the dermis, a foreign body, which doesn't belong there. As a result our body attempts to get rid of this foreign body with an inflammatory response. Initially we have to deal with the acne itself, then it adds to the problem by leaving scars on our skin, forever reminding us of our bad skin. Acne scars are similar to other scars in that they are the result of a wound which has healed, leaving collagen behind. The difference is that the scars generally occur in the skin's deeper, dermis layer.
KNOW YOUR DOCTOR Dr. VikasGawri, is Board Cetified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon with special National & International training in field of Cosmetic Surgery & Lasers. He is considered to be one of the top Cosmetic Surgeons in North India having more than 12+ years experience in the field of Cosmetic Surgery. He has over 2000+ satisfied clients of cosmetic surgery from all over the world.