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Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview

Intermediate code generator. static checker. Syntax tree. Syntax tree. Token stream. Intermediate code. parser. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview. 1.Position of Intermediate code generator. Code generator. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview.

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Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview

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  1. Intermediate code generator static checker Syntax tree Syntax tree Token stream Intermediate code parser Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 1.Position of Intermediate code generator Code generator

  2. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 2.Benefits for using a machine-independent intermediate form • Retargeting is facilitated • A machine-independent code optimizer can be applied to the intermediate representation.

  3. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 3.Implementation of Intermediate code generator • Syntax-directed translation, folded into parsing • Top-down parsing • Bottom-up parsing

  4. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 1.Intermediate representations • Syntax tree (Graphical representation of statements) • Abstract Syntax Tree • Parsing Tree • Directed acyclic graph(DAG) • Postfix notation • Three-address code • Quadruple

  5. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 2.Three-address code(TAC) A sequence of statements of the general form x= y op z Notes: 1)Here, x,y,z are names, constants, or compiler-generated temporaries; op stands for any operator 2)There is only one operator on the right side of a statement 3) Three address code is a linearized representation of a syntax tree or a DAG in which explicit names correspond to the interior nodes of the graph 4) Each three-address code statement contains three addresses, two for the operands and one for the result

  6. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 3. Types of TAC • X=y op z • X=op y • X=y • goto L • If x relop y goto L • param x call p,n return y

  7. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 3. Types of TAC • x=y[i] x[i]=y • x=&y /*the value of x is the location of y*/ x=*y *x=y

  8. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 4.Syntax-directed Translation into TAC • We can use S-attributed definition to generate three-address code for assignment statement. • We create a new name every time a temporary is needed.

  9. Production Semantic Rules Sid=E S.code=E.code||gen(id.place ‘=’ E.place) E E1+E2 E.place=newtemp(); E.code=E1.code||E2.code|| gen(E.place,’=’,E1.place ‘+’ E2.place) E id E.place=id.place E.code=‘’

  10. Production Semantic Rules Swhile E do S1 S.begin=newlabel(); S.after=newlabel(); S.code=gen(S.begin ‘:’)||E.code|| gen(‘if’ E.place ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ S.after) || S1.code || gen(‘goto’ S.begin) || gen(S.after ‘:’)

  11. Production Semantic Rules Sif E then S1 S.after=newlabel(); S.code=E.code|| gen(‘if’ E.place ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ S.after) || S1.code || gen(S.after ‘:’)

  12. Production Semantic Rules Sif E then S1 S.after=newlabel(); else S2 E.false=newlabel(); S.code=E.code|| gen(‘if’ E.place ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ E.false) || S1.code || gen(‘goto’ S.after) || gen(E.false ‘:’) || S2.code || gen(S.after ‘:’)

  13. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 5.Addressing array elements 1)One-dimensional array Addr(A[i])=base+(i-low)*w=i*w+(base-low*w) Notes:1)Here, we assume the width of each array element is w and the start address of the array block is base. 2)The array is defined as array[low..upper] of type 3)The sub-expression c=base-low*w can be evaluated when the declaration of the array is seen and we assume that c is saved in the symbol table entry for the array.

  14. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 5.Addressing array elements 2)two-dimensional array • row-major form Addr(A[i1, i2])=base+((i1-low1)*n2+i2-low2)*w =(i1*n2+i2)*w+base-(low1*n2+low2)*w Where n2=upper2-low2+1 t1=low1*n2 t2=t1+low2 t3=t2*w t4=base-t3 t5=i1*n2 t6=t5+i2 t7=t6*w t4[t7]=x x=t4[t7] (2) column-major form

  15. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 5.Addressing array elements 3)n-dimensional array Array[l1:u1,, l2:u2,… ln:un] Let di=ui-li+1,i=1,2,…n, the width of each dimension is m D=a+((i1-l1)d2d3…dn+ (i2-l2)d3d4…dn + (in-1-ln-1)dn + (in-ln))m Change into D=conspart+varpart conspart=a-C C=((…(l1d2+l2 )d3+ l3) d3…+ ln-1) dn+ ln)m varpart= ((…(i1d2+i2 )d3+ i3) d3…+ in-1) dn+ in)m

  16. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 6.Short-circuit code of Boolean expressions • Translate a boolean expression into intermediate code without evaluating the entire expression.

  17. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 1)Associate E with two labels • E.true • The label to which control flows if E is true • E.false • The label to which control flows if E is false

  18. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 2)Associate S with a label • S.next • Following S.code is a jump to some label

  19. Production Semantic Rules Sif E then S1 E.true=newlabel(); E.false=S.next; S1.next=S.next; S.code=E.code ||gen(E.true ‘:’) ||S1.code Sif E then S1 else S2 E.true=newlabel(); E.false=newlabel(); S1.next=S.next S2.next=S.next S.code=E.code ||gen(E.true ‘:’) ||S1.code||gen(‘goto’ S.next)|| gen(E.false ‘:’)||S2.code

  20. Production Semantic Rules Swhile E do S1 S.begin=newlabel(); E.true=newlabel(); E.false=S.next; S1.next=S.begin S.code=gen(S.begin ‘:’)||E.code ||gen(E.true ‘:’) ||S1.code||gen(‘goto’ S.begin)

  21. Production Semantic Rules EE1 or E2 E1.true=E.true; E1.false=newlabel(); E2.true=E.true; E2.false=E.false E.code=E1.code ||gen(E1.false ‘:’) ||E2.code EE1 and E2 E1.true=newlabel(); E1.false=E.false; E2.true=E.true; E2.false=E.false E.code=E1.code ||gen(E1.true ‘:’) ||E2.code E id1 relop id2 E.code=gen(‘if’ id1.place relop.op id2.place ‘goto’ E.true)||gen(‘goto’ E.false)

  22. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 3)Examples (1)a<b or c<d and e<f if a<b goto Ltrue goto L1 L1:if c<d goto L2 goto Lfalse L2:if e<f goto Ltrue goto Lfalse Here, we assume that the true and false exits for the entire expression are Ltrue and Lfalse respectively

  23. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 3)Examples (2)while a<b do if c<d then x=y+z else x=y-z L1: if a<b goto L2 goto Lnext L2: if c<d goto L3 goto L4 L3:t1=y+z x=t1 goto L1 L4:t2=y-z x=t2 goto L1 Lnext:

  24. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 1.Why and what is backpatching? • When generating code for boolean expressions and flow-of-control statements , we may not know the labels that control must go to. • We can get around this problem by generating a series of branching statement with the targets of the jumps temporarily left unspecified. • Each such statement will be put on a list of goto statements whose labels will be filled in when the proper label can be determined. • This subsequent filling in of labels is called backpatching

  25. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 2.Functions to manipulate lists of labels related to backpatching • Makelist(i) • Creates a new list containing only i, an index into the array of TAC instructions; makelist returns a pointer to the list it has made. • Merge(p1,p2) • Concatenates the lists pointed to by p1 and p2, and returns a pointer to the concatenated list. • Backpatch(p,i) • Inserts i as the target label for each of the statements on the list pointed to by p.

  26. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 1)Modify the grammar E EAE | E0E | not E | (E) | i | Ea rop Ea EA E and E0 E or 2)Semantic Rules (1) E i {E•TC=NXINSTR; E•FC=NXINSTR+1; GEN(‘if’ i.place ‘<>0’ ‘goto 0’); GEN(‘goto 0’)}

  27. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 2)Semantic Rules (2) E Ea rop Eb {E•TC=NXINSTR; E•FC=NXINSTR+1; GEN(‘if’ Ea.place rop.op Eb.place ‘goto 0’); GEN(‘goto 0’)} (3) E (E(1)) {E•TC= E(1)•TC; E•FC= E(1)•FC} (4) E not E(1) {E•TC= E(1)•FC; E•FC= E(1)•TC}

  28. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 2)Semantic Rules (5)EA E(1) and{BACKPATCH(E(1)•TC,NXINSTR); EA•FC= E(1)•FC;} (6) EEAE(2) {E•TC= E(2)•TC; E•FC=MERG(EA•FC,E(2)•FC}

  29. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 2)Semantic Rules (7)E0 E(1) or {BACKPATCH(E(1)•FC,NXINSTR); E0•TC= E(1)•TC;} (8) EE0E(2) {E•FC= E(2)•FC; E•TC=MERG(E0•TC,E(2)•TC}

  30. INPUT SYM TC FC TAC A and B or not C# # - - and B or not C# #i -- -- and B or not C# #E -1 -2 1.(jnz,a,-,(3)) B or not C# #E and -1- -2- 2.(j,-,-(5)) B or not C# # EA -- -2 or not C# # EAi --- -2- Translate A and B or not C

  31. INPUT SYM TC FC TAC or not C# # EAE --3 -2 4 3.(jnz,B,-,0) or not C# #E -3 -4 4.(j,-,-(5)) or not C# #E or -3- -4- not C# # E0 -3 -- C# # E0 not -3- --- # # E0 not i -3-- ---- # # E0 notE -3-5 ---6 5.(jnz,C,-,0) # # E0 E -3 6 --5 6.(j,-,-,3) # #E -6 -5 success

  32. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.Flow of control statements • modify the grammar S if E then S(1) else S(2)  C if E then T C S(1) else S T S(2) S if E then S(1) C if E then S C S(1)

  33. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.Flow of control statements 2) Semantic Rules C if E then {BACKPATCH(E•TC,NXINSTR); C•CHAIN=E•FC;} T C S(1) else {q=NXINSTR; GEN(‘goto 0’); BACKPATCH(C•CHAIN,NXINSTR); T •CHAIN=MERG(S(1)•CHAIN,q)} S T S(2) {S•CHAIN=MERG(T•CHAIN,S(2)•CHAIN)} S C S(1) {S•CHAIN=MERG(C•CHAIN,S(1)•CHAIN)}

  34. If a then if b then A:=2 else A:=3 Else if c then A=4 Else a=5 (1)(jnz,a,_,(3)) (2)(j,_,_,0) (3)(jnz,b,_,(5)) (4)(j,_,_,0) (5)(:=,2,_,A) Ca•CHAIN->2 Cb•CHAIN->4

  35. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.Flow of control statements 3) While statement S while E do S(1)  W while Wd W E do S  Wd S(1)

  36. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.flow of control statements 3) While statement W while {W•LABEL=NXINSTR} Wd W E do {BACKPATCH(E•TC,NXINSTR); Wd•CHAIN=E•FC; Wd•LABEL=W•LABEL;} S  Wd S(1){BACKPATCH(S(1)•CHAIN, Wd•LABEL); GEN(‘goto’ Wd •LABEL); S • CHAIN= Wd•CHAIN}

  37. Code of E Code of S(1) S.CHAIN Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.flow of control statements 3) While statement

  38. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 1.Implementations of three-address statements • Quadruples • (op, arg1,arg2,result) • Triples • (n) (op,arg1,arg2) • (m) (op,(n),arg) Notes: A three-address statement is an abstract form of intermediate codes

  39. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 2.Advantages of quadruples • Easy to generate target code • Good for optimizing

  40. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 3、Assignment statements with only id 1) functions NEWTEMP() GEN(OP,ARG1,ARG2,RESULT) 2)Semantic rules for quadruple code generation

  41. (1)A i=E {GEN(=, E•PLACE ,_, i.entry} (2)E -E (1) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(@, E(1)•PLACE ,_,T); E•PLACE =T} (3)E E (1)*E(2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(*, E(1)•PLACE , E(2)•PLACE ,T); E•PLACE =T} (4)E E (1) + E(2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(+, E(1)•PLACE , E(2)•PLACE ,T); E•PLACE =T} (5)E (E (1)) {E•PLACE =E(1)•PLACE} (6)E  i {E•PLACE = i.entry}

  42. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 1) grammar AV:=E V i[Elist] | i Elist Elist,E | E E E op E | (E) | V

  43. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 2) Rewriting of the grammar AV:=E V Elist] | i Elist Elist(1),E | i[ E E E op E | (E) | V Notes: This rewriting aims that the various dimensional limits nj of the array be available as we group index expressions into an Elist.

  44. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 3) semantic variables ARRAY DIM PLACE OFFSET

  45. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 4) Translation code (1)AV=E {if (V•OFFSET=null) GEN(=,E • PLACE,_,V•PLACE); else GEN([ ]=,E•PLACE,_,V•PLACE[V•OFFSET])}

  46. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (2)E E(1) op E (2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(op, E(1)•PLACE, E(2)•PLACE,T); E • PLACE =T} (3)E (E (1)) {E • PLACE = E(1)•PLACE} (4)E  V {if (V•OFFSET=null) E • PLACE = V•PLACE; else {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(=[ ], E • PLACE[V•OFFSET],_,T); E • PLACE =T;}}

  47. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (5)V Elist] {if (TYPE[ARRAY]<>1) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(*,Elist•PLACE,TYPE[ARRAY],T); Elist •PLACE=T;} V •OFFSET=Elist •PLACE; T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(-,HEAD[ARRAY],CONS[ARRAY],T); V •PLACE=T} (6)V i {V •PLACE=ENTRY[i]; V •OFFSET=null}

  48. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (7)Elist Elist(1),E {T=NEWTEMP(); k= Elist(1) •DIM+1; dk=LIMIT(Elist(1)•ARRAY,k); GEN(*,Elist (1)•PLACE, dk,T); T1=NEWTEMP(); GEN(+,T,E •PLACE, T1); Elist•ARRAY= Elist(1)•ARRAY; Elist•PLACE= T1; Elist•DIM=k;

  49. Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (8)Elist  i[ E {Elist•PLACE=E•PLACE; Elist•DIM=1; Elist•ARRAY=ENTRY(i)}

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