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1. Imperial County REACH field transport to RCHSDCASE Study Field transport of 2 year old
2. -Child injured approximately 1930.
-Child arrived at RCHSD Trauma room at 2123 (< 2 hours)
-2150 In CT
-2200 In PICU
3. Primary survey: A&B=BVM Ventilation
Breath sounds = and O2 Sats 100,
C=HR 140, BP 88/34, Pulses palpable, CRT 2 sec
Neuro exam: Pupils equal 6 and sluggishly reactive to 5 bilaterally. Moves all extremities to pain.
Secondary survey: Bogginess behind both ears, stepoff behind R ear, bloody discharge from left ear. No other obvious injuries.
Resus room imaging: Lateral c-spine XR and CXR negative.
4. Head:
-Multiple skull fractures including BSF and longitudinal temporal bone fracture with disruption of ossicles and CSF otorrhea.
-Facial nerve disruption.
-Subdural hemorrhage
Chest: Bilateral small pneumothoraces and multiple pulmonary contusions.
Pelvis: Buckle fracture of the R iliac bone.
Spine/Extremities: No injuries found.
5. PICU Days: 10
Hospital days: 12
Specialists involved:
Trauma Ophthalomology
Intensive care Audiology
Orthopedics OR team (2 operations)
Infectious Disease
6. -Developmentally back to baseline.
-Improving facial palsy-full resolution will take approximately one year (now able to close her eyes at night.)
-Mixed hearing loss in one ear-especially at high frequency.
-Limp from iliac buckle fracture resolved completely.
7. REACH/RCHSD collaboration REACH services facilitates direct transports from scene-decreasing time to pediatric trauma center for critical patients. A goal we had been working toward for many years!!
This effort requires:
Refined communication with San Diego base stations to optimize communication with receiving hospital prior to arrival.
Effective system for REACH documentation to be available to the receiving hospital team and medical record.
An open and collaborative approach to PI follow-up.
All Achieved!!
8. REACH/RCHSD collaborationfor the future Joint Imperial County education offerings
Joint field care audit case presentations
10. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSD1/00 through 7/09 N=430
11. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDby Gender 01/00-07/09 N=430
12. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDby Age 01/00-07/09 N=430
13. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDBlunt vs Penetrating 01/00-07/09 N=430
14. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDBy Ethnicity 01/00-07/09 N=430
15. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDBy Mechanism of Injury 01/00-07/09 N=430
16. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDDeaths by Mechanism of Injury 01/00-07/09 N=7
17. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDBy Time of presentation to RCHSD 01/00-07/09 N=430
18. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDBy Day of presentation to RCHSD 01/00-07/09 N=430
19. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDby Physician Specialty Consultations 01/00-07/09 N=430
20. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDby ED disposition 01/00-07/09 N=430
21. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDSeverity of Injury 01/00-07/09 N=430
22. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDby Total Hospital Days 01/00-07/09 N=430
23. Imperial County IFTs to RCHSDDischarge Disposition 01/00-07/09 N=430
24. Questions?