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The “Faith in Action” Survey 2004 gave an insight into the activities undertaken by Faith Based organisation in East Northants. In 2009 the ENFG commissioned a follow on survey to see what developments had taken place and to evaluate the impact of the work of the ENFG since it's inception.
The “Faith in Action” Survey 2004 gave an insight into the activities undertaken by Faith Based organisation in East Northants. In 2009 the ENFG commissioned a follow on survey to see what developments had taken place and to evaluate the impact of the work of the ENFG since it's inception. “ENFG - Working to see faith at work at the heart of your community” ENFG Survey Summary 2009
To compare the situation in 2009 with that in 2004 • To see what developments have taken place in terms of compliance/best practice and community involvement from within the Faith Sector • To assess the impact of the ENFG over the last 5 years Overview
100% Confidence expressed in complying with all other legislation. • 67% have a volunteering policy • 100% have an active Child Protection policy • 92% feel they have sufficient help in the area of compliance ENFG Survey 2009
Use of Buildings by other community groups • Was 70% Now 80% ENFG Survey 2009
100% now partner with others in VCS ENFG Survey 2009
1172 volunteering opportunities identified in the 11 respondent churches • 65% of all church members are estimated to be active volunteers • This can be extrapolated to 4,668 volunteering opportunities per week for the whole faith sector across the district • The estimated value based at £6 per hour for this volunteering is now put at £7.3 million per year! ENFG Survey 2009
From those who responded to this survey an average of 100 Children/Youth and 165 adults are involved in services, ministries or activities operating from each faith community in our district on a regular basis • In the 11 respondent churches a total of 2894 people make use all their services, ministries or activities operating from their faith communities • This can be extrapolated to 11,660 people using or making access to faith communities regularly • This represents 7.2% of the whole population (1 in 14) ENFG Survey 2009
The 11 respondent churches had a total income of £940,000. • This can be extrapolated to be an estimated income for all faith communities across our region of £3.8 million • From breakdown of use of this income in this survey Faith communities use £1.44 million directly to benefit the local community • From breakdown of use of this income in this survey Faith communities give away £0.44 million directly to national/international needs ENFG Survey 2009
82% of all respondent churches thought that the work of the ENFG had a positive impact in the following areas: • Concrete works that had benefited the local community • Given a platform for representation to local government and the wider VCS • The ENFG has fostered positive links to other community groups within our district • 73% thought the ENFG had raised the profile of the whole faith sector in our district Impact of the ENFG on our community
64% of respondents thought the work of the ENFG had brought concrete results to their congregation • 82% of respondents thought the work of the ENFG had benefited our unity/expression of Faith across our district • 91% of respondents believe the work of the ENFG needs to be maintained and continued into the future Impact of the ENFG on the Faith Sector