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Supporting students with special needs in the common core. Sixth-Eighth Presenter: Gina Grelling Director II Special Education Ontario-Montclair School District.
Supporting students with special needs in the common core Sixth-Eighth Presenter: Gina Grelling Director II Special Education Ontario-Montclair School District
Level 1 = Recall and Reproductions Specific Facts, Definitions, Routine Procedures, Concept Map, Timeline, Keywords, Chart, Recite Facts, Cut Out,Draw, Cartoon Strip, Oral Report, Outline, Paraphrase, Retell
Level 2 = Skills and ConceptsApplying Skills and Concepts, Relationships, Main Ideas, Classify a series of Steps, Construct a Model---Demonstrate How it Works, Perform A Play, Make a Game of Puzzle About the Area of Study, Explain the Meaning of a Concept, Explain Relationship Among a Number of Concepts, Multi
Level 3 = Strategic ReasoningReasoning and Planning in Order to Respond, Venn Diagram to Show How Two Concepts are the Same and Different, Design a Questionnaire, Flow Chart to Show Stages, Conduct an Investigation, Debate, Persuasive Speech, Letter with Point of View, Research and Report on the “Why” of an Issue or Topic.
Level 4 = Extended Reasoning Complex Planning and Thinking---Usually Over a Period of Time, Formulate and Test Hypotheses, Perspective Taking and Collaboration, Persuasive Writing Tasks, Devise a Way To…, Sell An Idea, Write a Jingle to Sell An Idea, Develop a Menu with a Variety of Healthy Foods.
Outcomes for English language Arts :Applied level of understanding in:
New English development standards EmergingExpanding Bridging