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Revised NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and the Common Core Standards Initiative: Implications for Curriculum Development, Learning and Teaching. NJDOE Staff Development Day Robbinsville High School July 23, 2010 Janis Jensen Director, Office of Academic Standards
Revised NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and the Common Core Standards Initiative:Implications for Curriculum Development, Learning and Teaching NJDOE Staff Development Day Robbinsville High School July 23, 2010 Janis Jensen Director, Office of Academic Standards janis.jensen@doe.state.nj.us Sandra Alberti Director, Office of Math and Science Education sandra.alberti@doe.state.nj.us
Education is no longer business as usual . . . In the 21st century, schools can't be throw backs to the state of education fifty, twenty, or even ten years ago. The instructional content they provide, the learning experiences they offer, the teaching methods they employ, and the assessments they use, must all keep pace with this century. Arne Duncan
New Standards for a Changing World The New Economy requires new skills • Science and Knowledge Economy- Scientific and technological literacy • Resource-Challenged Economy- Critical thinking about sustainable economies • Globally Interdependent Economy- Global competency • Demographically Diverse Economy- Cross-cultural leadership skills • Innovation-Driven Economy- Learning how to learn and to adapt to rapid change
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Understanding Matters Students need: • Deep knowledge and understanding of seminal content and skills within academic disciplines • Capacity to use disciplinary methods of inquiry creatively and productively • Ability to understand prevailing world conditions, issues, and trends through disciplinary-based and interdisciplinary learning • Substantive engagement, over time, with the world’s complexities and interrelatedness
The Standards: No Longer business as usual . . . Whoare they designed for? A new audience: Net generation students: • Collaborative networkers and communicators • Media and technology savvy • Reliant on media in its various forms • Partial to instant gratification • Likely to have multiple careers in their lifetime The challenge- How do we effectively teach and assess these students? 7th Grade Girl
Why designing curriculum is not business as usual . . . What curriculum is designed to do: • Prepare students for citizenship, college and work expectations by including the essential content, skills and new literacies demanded in a complex, interconnected world Dylan
Why designing curriculum is not business as usual . . . When and where curriculum is used . . . in 21st century learning environments: • Physical places, online, and virtual environments within and/or outside of schools • 24/7 support systems that organize the conditions in which humans learn best – systems that accommodate the unique learning needs of every learner. • Tools, structures, and relationships that inspire students and teachers to become lifelong learners Digital Nation Clip
Determine the Targeted Content Designing Engaging Curriculum Consider the 21st Century Learner Construct Authentic and Appropriate Assessment Create a Student-centered Learning Environment
Student Engagement Content Rich The first principle of instructional improvement is that increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill, and student engagement. Richard Elmore
Why designing curriculum is not business as usual . . . How curriculum is used . . . As a tool that: • Provides a framework for planning and implementing a high quality instructional program for all students • Includes a balanced continuum of assessments (formative, interim/benchmark, summative) • Allows for flexibility, innovation and experimentation • Promotes interdisciplinary and other instructional approaches that include the integration of 21st century skills and habits of mind, technology and global perspectives
Why is designing curriculum is not business as usual in New Jersey and Across the Nation . . . A Blueprint for Reform: Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act • Rigorous College and Career Ready Standards • Adoption of CCS • Rigorous and fair assessment systems- measure higher order skills; inform instruction; may include other content areas • Support a more “complete” education- do not narrow curriculum • Teacher/Principal evaluation systems • Identify highly effective teachers/principals on the basis of student growth and other factors • Develop & implement state evaluation systems with data systems in place to determine student and school progress and other information
2009 Revised NJ Standards: www.njcccs.org Hallmark = Integration • 21st century themes and skills (4Cs) • Global perspectives • Technology Standards and Support Materials • Meaningful and relevant learning in 21st century contexts/ Project-based Learning approaches • Community and international involvement in learning, both face-to-face and online • Authentic student collaboration and in-depth learning
Common Core Standards ~ Mathematics ~English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Research and evidence-based, internationally benchmarked • Curriculum mapped to standards and learning progressions • Curriculum-embedded assessments • State and local assessment measures incorporate universal design • Technology used to support the assessment system
The QUALITY AND INTENSITY OF THE HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM is the single biggest predictor of post secondary success. Many students, but especially low income and minority students, are trapped in courses that don’t prepare them for much of anything. Key elements of effective schools are in our control: -A Guaranteed and viable curriculum -How Faculty teach, get and use feedback -How schooling is personalized -How Assessments are designed and student work is graded -The quality of feedback to students and acting on results in a timely manner- -Leadership based on mission- 14
Learning = f(Content, Motivation, Time) x Technology • Open access to a massive library of knowledge for all • Learn structured education material anytime, anywhere, and on any device • User-centric improvement of education materials • Accelerate learning -- learn 2 – 3 times faster Motivate students by learning to be professionals • Promote creativity, problem solving, control of learning through games, immersive environments
Mobile technology access to school materials and assignments Virtual Laboratory Simulations Students Virtual interaction with classmates Supplemental content Visualizations of real-time data from remote sensors Parents Teachers Lifelong “Digital Portfolio” The Future of Cyberlearning: A vision of the year 2015… Home School
Open, Dynamic Textbooks • Online open textbooks available for printing parts or the whole. • Textbooks could include standard text and pictures + embedded simulations, games, video, links to relevant sites. • Feedback about quality and effectiveness leads to fast improvement cycles. • Also include communication links for students and teacher to other students and teachers. • Universal World Digital Library
Learn by DoingTo become a scientist, architect, or computer programmer…must learn to think and practice like one MIT iLabs Surgery Simulator Discover Babylon
Accelerated Learning: Cognitively Informed Web- based Instruction
Open Materials for Supplemental & Lifelong LearningProvide choices and control over when, where, and how to learn
Immersive Teaching and GamesLearning through structured play UN World Food Program: Food Force Federation of American Scientists: Immune Attack Carnegie Mellon: PeaceMaker
Education is no longer business as usual . . .