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Work progress in Budapest. A. Agocs, K. Krajczar, B. Radics, F. Sikler and G. Vesztergombi. Hamburg, 30-31 May 2011. Software version: CMSSW_4_1_4patch2_IOVpatch Datasets:
Work progress in Budapest A. Agocs, K. Krajczar, B. Radics, F. Sikler and G. Vesztergombi Hamburg, 30-31 May 2011
Software version: CMSSW_4_1_4patch2_IOVpatch Datasets: /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_TRACKERALIGN/MP/MPproduction/ datasetfiles/Collisions2010/38xReprocessing/allMinBias.txt, /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_TRACKERALIGN/MP/MPproduction/ datasetfiles/Cosmics2010/Run2010A_allCosmicsDuringCollisions.txt, /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_TRACKERALIGN/MP/MPproduction/ datasetfiles/Cosmics2010/Commissioning10v5_v8_allCosmicsDuringCollisions.txt, /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_TRACKERALIGN/MP/MPproduction/ datasetfiles/Cosmics2010/CRAFT10_allruns.txt Given database: /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_TRACKERALIGN/MP/MPproduction/ mp0643/alignments_MP.db Mille/Pede database
Start Geometry: /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_TRACKERALIGN/MP/MPproduction/ mp0643/alignments_MP.db Software version: CMSSW_3_11_0 Global Tag: GR_R_311_V1::All Offline Validation
Pixel detector Calculated Geometry Vs. IDEAL 1
Tracker Inner Barrel Calculated Geometry Vs. IDEAL 2
Tracker Outer Barrel Calculated Geometry Vs. IDEAL 3
//indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&sessionId=2&resId=0//indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&sessionId=2&resId=0 &materialId=slides&confId=36394
//indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&sessionId=2&resId=0//indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&sessionId=2&resId=0 &materialId=slides&confId=36394
OVERLAPPING IDEAS Experimental FACT: In Barel PIXEL some tracks have 2 hits in the SAME Layer In Forward PIXEL some tracks have 2 hits in the SAME Disk
FPix # of tracks: 54368FPix # of selected tracks: 2795, 5.14089 %
Points from all tracks in Layer 1 Only points from tracks in overlap region BPix Layer 1 # of tracks: 280282 Layer 1 # of selected tracks: 8329, 2.97165 %
Points from all tracks in Layer #1 Only points from tracks in overlap region
Piecewise Alignment by OVERLAPPING tracks Simplified ONE-dimensional case Overlapping modules xj+1 xj No magnetic field: (m,b) track fitted from the other planes: x = m *z + b z1 z2 z3 +/- dz +/-dz +/-dz
Assumption : distortion is occuring only in x-direction: j-th module is shifted by „sj” xjmeas + sj = xfitted = m (z1-dz) + b xj+1meas + sj+1 = xfitted = m (z1+dz) + b By subtraction one gets a recursive formule : sj+1 = sj + xjmeas – xj+1meas (+/-) 2 * m * dz The sign depends on the parity of „j” For many tracks one can get with small error the expected value: <sj+1 - sj > ALL the PLANE becomes a RIGID body with single „s1” free parameter
The recursive procedure for fitting relative position of module „j” with respect to module „j+1” can be generalized for 3-dimensional case. In Barrel one obtains wheels with one free ladder module In Forward one obtains disks with one free blade module One should repeat the procedure with the new alignment parameters to get consistent fitted parmeters. Overall fit can be performed on larger objects with drastically reduced number of parameters with much less freedom for twists and other criminalities. Ideal tool for CROSS-CHECK of existing fitting procedures
Local relative shift calculation is in first order independent from „xfitted” calculation, because | zi – zj | >> dz thus „m” is not a sensitive parameter In case of 3-dim the actual „dz” will depend on the shift parameter, therefore one should solve the equation explicitely. • Track selection: • - Multiple-scattering is not critical if „dz” is small -> low momentum allowed • Hadron tracks as good as muons • Question of cluster size dependence, crossing angle studies • Include vertex for RIGID body alignments
Run: 160835Dataset: Minimum BiasBPix Layer 1 track: van legalabb 1 valid RecHituk a BPix Layer 1-en if(module_on_det == 0 && module_on_layer == 1 && traj_validhit == 1 && track_validbpix[0] > 0 ){BPix Layer 1 selected tracks: BPix Layer 1 tracks, plussz pontosan2 valid hituk van a BPix Layer 1-en, es a 2 hit egyazon ladder ket szomszedos modulejabol, vagy ugyanolyan module ket szomszed ladderen legyen.if(track_validbpix[0] == 2 && ((cladder == pladder && fabs(cmodule - pmodule) == 1 && ctrackpt == ptrackpt) || (cladder == nladder && fabs(cmodule - nmodule) == 1 && ctrackpt == ntrackpt) || (cmodule == pmodule && fabs(cladder - pladder) == 1 && ctrackpt == ptrackpt)|| (cmodule == nmodule && fabs(cladder - nladder) == 1 && ctrackpt == ntrackpt)) ){BPix Layer 1 # of tracks: 280282BPix Layer 1 # of selected tracks: 8329, 2.97165 %------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------FPix Disk 1 tracks: if(module_on_det == 1 && module_on_disk == 1 && traj_validhit == 1 && track_validfpix[0] > 0 ){FPix Disk 1 selected tracks: hasonlo mint BPix, csak nem module/ladderhanem blade szelekcio if(track_validfpix[0] == 2 && ((fabs(cblade - pblade) == 1 &&ctrackpt == ptrackpt) || (fabs(cblade - nblade) == 1 && ctrackpt == ntrackpt))){FPix # of tracks: 54368FPix # of selected tracks: 2795, 5.14089 %
CMSSW version 4.1.2 Trigger: L1 trigger selection for "good collision" "L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string('(40 OR 41) AND ( NOT 36) AND ( NOT 37) AND ( NOT 38) AND ( NOT 39) AND 0 AND ( ( 42 AND 43) OR ( NOT 42\ AND ( NOT 43) ) )')"