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IVRS Job Analysis by Michelle Krefft

IVRS Job Analysis by Michelle Krefft. What we will learn today:. Why a job analysis is important Provides you first hand information on the job Helps you to create the right fit Helps you to identify accommodations needed for candidate to be successful

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IVRS Job Analysis by Michelle Krefft

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  1. IVRS Job Analysis by Michelle Krefft

  2. What we will learn today: Why a job analysis is important • Provides you first hand information on the job • Helps you to create the right fit • Helps you to identify accommodations needed for candidate to be successful • Helps you to identify training needed for success and retention How to do a job analysis • Interviews • Observation • Task analysis • Review job description and compare to findings

  3. Analysis should always happen BEFORE placcement Intake Placement ANALYSIS

  4. 1 Job Anaylsis Let’s start with the WHY

  5. Provides you first hand information of the job *is the job different from the description?

  6. Helps in creating the right fit *if you do not understand the job- how can you make a placement?

  7. Helps in identifying accommodations needed *if you do not understand the details in the job, how can you possbily know what accommodations will be needed for each part of the job?

  8. Helps in ensuring candiates receive peoper training for retention *if you know the details of the job and how they train new staff, you can make recommendation on how to best train your candidate so they learn and stay

  9. 2 Job Anaylsis There are keys to getting the HOW

  10. Interviews • Human resources • Hiring manger/supervisor • Staff who do the job • “Star” employee You need to interview multiple people to learn as much as possible and make relationships

  11. Observation • Watch person doing job • Take notes or video • Ask questions/clarification • Document each task *Don’t skip this step!

  12. Task Analysis • Watch person doing job • Identify essential function • Break down each task • Ask for clarification *This is where you can identify job modifications

  13. Review with job description • Type your analysis • Compare to the job description • Differences? • Conversation with business *This is when you seal the relationship & show value

  14. Seal the deal WIN-WIN Demonstrates your value Demonstrates your investment in them Diagram featured by http://slidemodel.com Builds relationship

  15. Lets go through how to set up the analysis • You did an intake and use this as a tool to learn more • High turn over- look at job to see what's going on • No applicants- help them identify better fits

  16. SAMPLE [Identify Essential Functions]Deli production- Flying J Truck Stops • Essential Functions of the job • Please list the duties or responsibilities that are essential functions of this position. Essential job functions are defined as those fixed parts of defined job that cannot be reassigned easily to other workers: • 1. Opening the deli • 2. Make Chicken • 3. Make gravy biscuit  • 4. Make Coffee • 5. Set up Soup Station Cleaning • 6. Make Pizza • 7. Make Macaroni and cheese • 8. Complete 4 hour cleaning • 9. Closing checklist to complete shift

  17. SAMPLE [Identify Task Analysis]Deli production- Flying J Truck Stops • Opening the deli: • Turn on equipment (fryers, pizza oven, blodgets) • Set up 3 compartment sink • Set up wash water and sanitizer buckets • Refresh breakfast in hot case • Check and fill cold case • Complete thaw pulls to prep chart • Complete prep chart • Complete pizza prep process • Complete 7am temp log • Slack required pizza dough • Filter fryers • Complete lunch change over process • Complete 3pm temp log

  18. SAMPLE [Identify Task Analysis]Deli production- Flying J Truck Stops • Make Pizza • Wash and sanitize hands • Remove proofed pizza dough from the proofing rack and inspect quality. If expired or more than 1 ¼ inches thick DO NOT use • Place the pan on a clean and sanitized pizza making station • Using the 6 ounce sauce ladle, scoop 1 level scoops of sauce or gravy and place in center of dough • Using the heel of the ladle, spread sauce evenly about 1 inch from the roped edge of the pizza • Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese into the 6 ounce cheese scoop until it is filled to the edge- do not overfill scoop • Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese around the center of the pizza over the sauce • Fill second scoop and sprinkle on the outer edge of the pizza- all the cheese should be on the sauce • Using your clean fingers, gently massage the cheese and sauce out evenly to the edge of the roping • Using a number 10 disher, place one level scoop of topping on the pizza • Repeat step 10 with second scoop of toppings • Continue will all toppings until you have completed applying all of the toppings for the pizza • Check to make sure that all of the toppings are evenly spread out • Place yellow sticker on the end loader label for the pizza prepped

  19. UnMet Needs While evaluating the job and talking with the manager, we learned there is a lot to do and it it is difficult to get all tasks completed in a time frame. Something that would benefit the company would be to have a person come in part time and measure and fill the fruit cups, seal the cups and put them in the cooler for sale.

  20. What about the stuff you can’t see? Cultural Environment Describe the personal characteristics of your ideas employee: 1. shows up on time- every time 2. self-motivated to do job correctly 3. good attitude every day 4. not easily upset Hidden Rules

  21. Job Analysis Done- now what? Review with Business It is important that you go back into the business and review your findings- get clarification and agree on next steps Get signature Have the business sign off that they reviewed the analysis- this is not a legal document- only to show that you wendt over it with them Use to vet and refer candidates Now you know about the job, hard skills, soft skills, requirements, culture, background checks- you can find them great candidates =less work for them

  22. Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at @ michelle.krefft@iowa.gov

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