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Randstad SourceRight Client Advisory Board. Rebecca Callahan. April 4 2012. Agenda. CAB Overview (Roles) Randstad Sourceright Team Introductions Market Overview Talent Landscape Blended Workforce RPO MSP Product Releases/Investment & Growth Input/questions.
Randstad SourceRight Client Advisory Board Rebecca Callahan April 4 2012
Agenda • CAB Overview (Roles) • Randstad Sourceright Team Introductions • Market Overview • Talent Landscape • Blended Workforce • RPO • MSP • Product Releases/Investment & Growth • Input/questions
Client Advisory Board Role & Responsibilities Description/Mission The Client Advisory Board is a committee of business leaders from clients of SourceRight Solutions (SRS) and Randstad Managed Services (RMS). The purpose of the CAB is to provide a forum for education and networking among a peer group of business leaders, and for facilitating input to ensure that SourceRight and Randstad deliver the level of value and business impact needed to drive success in all facets of RPO, MSP and blended workforce management. • Goals • Communication: Establish a venue for facilitating strategic discussion among client and provider peers, and for providing objective feedback to ensure maximum quality and impact from their solutions/relationship with SourceRight and Randstad. • Experience and Value: Provide a rewarding experience for everyone involved, including compelling meeting locations, guest speakers, and educational content. • Results/Solutions Impact: Deliver objective input and client feedback to improve quality and business impact of their solutions and their SRS/RMS relationships
CAB Objectives Challenges, successes and best practices, including experiences and perspectives of client members on the development and execution of their talent acquisition strategies, and operations related to their SRS/RMS solutions. Current solutions (value and performance): review and feedback on processes and developments related to SRS/RMS solutions, including Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO); Managed Services Provider (MSP) programs; Contingent Workforce Services (CWS), including payrolling and compliance; and Blended Workforce Solutions. Trends and issues, including specific needs and challenges faced by members of the CAB as well as general market trends that are impacting talent strategies. Technology, including issues and opportunities related to Talent Acquisition and Talent Management systems and providers; innovations, new features/functionality; strategy, implementation and integration; other top of mind topics. Opportunities for Innovation, including a perspective on unmet needs of clients and on potential improvements for maximizing value and impact of their talent operations. Thought Leadership (optional for participants): opportunities for articles, conference speaking sessions and webinars
Team Introductions. • Scott Fraleigh, SVP, MSP Operations • Darren Simons, SVP, RPO Operations • John Piazza, SVP, Contingent Workforce Services • Karen Turner, VP, Product Development and Strategy • Kelly Cartwright, VP, Corporate Development • Dawn Horst, Executive Assistant
Global Expansion & Capabilities • $22 billion global provider of HR services • Blue chip clients in the Fortune 100 • Support in every local market through our network • Integrated offerings across entire talent acquisition process • 80+ clients currently supported • 150,000+ annual hires • Independently assessed as the #1 RPO provider • 3 largest MSP provider $2B spend managed globally. • Global Footprint in 43 Countries • 4,200 Locations, 28,500 Corporate Employees • Global Delivery from Regional Hubs • Atlanta, Boston, Seattle, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, Chennai, Shanghai & Sydney
the talent landscape is changing • Globalization • For workers: Demand for their skills may not limited by geography • For companies: Availability of virtual workers extends across regions • Economic forces and trends • Specialized skills becoming more difficult to find • Companies require more business agility in uncertain economic conditions • Changing demographics • Highly experienced and skilled older workers (retired but free-lancing) • Younger skilled millennials more likely to embrace independent workstyle • Technology and Innovation • Companies need to open all options (both FTE and Free Agent) for securing new talent and new skills and driving innovation • Technology increases access to talent, but also competition for talent Footer title presentation; Edit date & footer via Menu - View > Header/Footer
it’s not 2009 anymore Lloyd’s Risk Indexa survey of leadership from companies around the world Top business risks then Cost and availability of credit Currency fluctuation Insolvency Top risks now (2011) Loss of customers Talent and skills shortages Reputational risk
the business of competing for talent • US businesses are saying they need more workers in the top categories • How do we shift the power to have more options/more supply of talent to stay within our budgets yet meet productivity/production needs?
more than “traditional” employees A growing force • 2011: 27.5 Million (US Part-time Workers, 10/7/11 BLS release) • 1 out of 10 workers in the US labels themselves as independent* • $1 of every $8 earned is earned by an independent* What does it mean for business? • 47% of surveyed companies are likely to incorporate contingent workers into their workforce planning strategies over the next two years** • *US Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, 2011 • **Staffing Industry Analysts, 2011 Contingent Buyers Survey The Rise of Free Agent Talent Freelancers, independent professionals, temporary workers, independent contractors and consultants (all skill levels)
market highlights in RPO “Raising the Bar to Sustain Momentum” Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Annual ReportFebruary 2012 • Global RPO Market Growth: 25%+, RPO Market will continue to grow 20-25% • EMEA/APAC: Continental Europe and Asia Pacific are seeing increased adoption • Multi-Country RPO: High interest around multi-country RPO, increased adoption. Looking ahead, interest to remain high • Blended RPO: interest in the blended RPO model that combines permanent and contingent hiring under one engagement. Interest will continue to increase
Market highlights -msp • Industry Growth and Opportunity – SIA Landscape Report • 26%: Growth in the market, as reflected in Spend Under Management for Vendor Management Systems and Managed Services Providers ($82.5B total, an increase of 26% compared to previous report) • 14%: Increase in the proportion of temporary workers as part of the US workforce (from 1.47% to 1.67% of total workforce, the largest annual increase in history according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics) • 10%: Growth in temporary staffing market on average (12% in US, 9% in Europe) Footer title presentation; Edit date & footer via Menu - View > Header/Footer
Staffing Industry Analysts, 2011 VMS and MSP Supplier Competitive Landscape • Highlights • Market for MSP is growing • Companies are seeking strategic value beyond cost-savings • Randstad and SourceRight achieve top-tier presence across regions and categories of services • Research Highlights Randstad and SourceRight as Leaders in the Evolution of MSP Solutions • 42 providers surveyed • Global in scope, encompassing all sizes of operation • Draws on detailed 2010 data about provider companies, their funding models, customer segments and VMS/MSP offerings
Notable Trends • “It has become incumbent upon the vendor management systems and managed services providers to establish value propositions above and beyond cost-savings.” • --Introduction: 2011 VMS and MSP Supplier Competitive Landscape • M&A changes the landscape: Randstad acquires SFN Group, parent of SourceRight, expanding the scope and capabilities associated with MSP (This is the third major acquisition in the space over the last two years, reflecting a positive trend for growth and evolution in the market.) • Focus on Strategic Value: “The running themes in 2010 were expansion, control, and risk management.” • Healthcare growth:Healthcare and life sciences industry accelerates adoption of MSP • SOW as Significant part of VMS/MSP spend:$21B spent on SOW in 2010. Strength continues as program managers seek to “expand successful programs into other areas of human capital spend”
2012 Planned Product Releases External View Footer title presentation; Edit date & footer via Menu - View > Header/Footer
2011 Investments & Growth Eric Jaquith Global Sourcing Strategy Jennifer Klimas Recruitment Branding Strategist Glenn Cathey Sourcing Center of Excellence Karen Valentine Continuous Process Improvement Hary Bottka Global Solutions Kelly Cartwright Corporate Development
Food for Thought • Where is my company today on the talent maturity model? • Would our culture support the convergence of the disparate talent acquisition stakeholders we have today? • How would we align their goals and differences with our long-term organizational strategy? • Do we have the leadership support to drive change? • Do we have clear visibility into our enterprise workforce today (numbers, worker classifications, etc.)? • Do we know our free-agent spend? • How well are we doing at talent needs assessment (current state and future state)? • How well are we doing at addressing the “Three R’s”? (Right Talent, Right Time, Right Cost)
Input/questions: Leading into our Group Discussion • How are the trends affecting you? What’s most relevant? What’s less of concern? • Talent Landscape • RPO • MSP • 2. Product releases/process evolution (most top-of-mind planned release; most urgent “other”) • Blended workforce • Workforce analytics • TA process optimization • Sourcing optimization • Other • 3. Questions, additional thoughts?
Thank you Footer title presentation; Edit date & footer via Menu - View > Header/Footer
Client Advisory Board April 4, 2012
Member Feedback and Roundtable Discussion • We received great feedback from our request for input leading up to today’s meeting. After reviewing your responses, we have arranged the input into common themes and concerns. While these topics have many areas of overlap, they provide a structure for our open discussions moving forward. They include: • Trends/Innovation • Technology and Process Improvement • Strategy Adoption, Change Management, Internal Relations • Expanding Globally • Candidate Experience & Employee Engagement/Employer Brand
Morning Group Discussion: Trends, Innovation & Improvement • What are the most important challenges you’re dealing with right now, when it comes to “getting to the right talent”? Topics/Areas of Concern from CAB members include: • Increased complexity in sourcing and selection work – where/when to build capability and where/when to buy it? • How does SourceRight (and any RPO) retain the appropriate bench strength and capacity to meet the variable flex needs of an organization? • Incorporating the use of social media with the recruitment attraction strategy. • Finding strong talent to fill our critical jobs in technology within our work location(s). • Trends in contingent staffing. • Increased focus/use of social media for sourcing, recruitment, brand and even onboarding. • Simply finding, screening and presenting skilled workers faster than the competition for that same talent does. • Diversity of employees.
Morning Group Discussion: Trends, Innovation & Improvement (Con’t) • Increased pressure for cost containment/reduction AND improvements in service levels and candidate quality. • Cost effectiveness and leveraging relationships/services to save money. • Difference in upcharge cost of RMS and internal payroll.
Morning Group Session: Discussion Guide • Complexity in sourcing and recruiting • What is happening in the industry? • How is it affecting operations? Planning • How are you looking to address it? (Build/Buy/Changing Strategy?) • Critical positions, scarce talent (due to location or type of role) • What is happening in the industry? • How is it affecting operations? Planning? • How are you looking to address it? (Build/Buy/Changing Strategy?) • What are the differences from the Recruiting and Contingent perspective? What do they have in common? • Do you feel like you’re getting your arms around social media? • What is happening in the industry? • How is it affecting operations? Planning? • How are you looking to address it? (Build/Buy/Changing Strategy?) • What are the differences from the Recruiting and Contingent perspective? What do they have in common?
Morning Group Session: Discussion Guide (Con’t) • How do you feel about the balance between cost and quality in “getting the right talent?” • Poll: Everyone needs BOTH higher quality and lower cost, but where is our concern bigger today: • Quality is the bigger issue at the moment • Cost control is the bigger issue • What’s happening in the industry? • What are challenges/changes and expected outcomes in this area related to your internal processes? (What are you doing internally to increase quality or reduce costs?) • What are challenges/changes and expected outcomes in this area related to your external partners? (What are your expectations for vendors and partners in increasing quality and reducing costs?)
Afternoon Group Discussion: Technology and Process Improvement • What are the most important challenges you’re dealing with right now, when it comes to evolving processes and systems related to contingent supply chain and employee talent acquisition? Topics/Areas of Concern from CAB members include: • Simplifying staffing systems and processes to enable our staffing organization to execute as effectively as possible with lowest administrative workload. • Incorporating performance measurement tools (qualitative and quantitative) for recruitment vendors. • Demand forecasting from an RPO perspective. • Finding programmatic, cost-effective solutions to managing vendor resources in Staffing. At the moment, we have no centralized program management for how we acquire vendor talent to supplement our full time staffing resources. As such each of our staffing teams end up agreeing on independent contracts with vendors who supply us with staffing associates, staffing consultants and talent sourcers. We do not have good metrics of vendor performance, and cannot agree on group contracts (economies of scale).
Afternoon Group Discussion: Technology and Process Improvement (Con’t) • Technology--we just implemented an HRIS system globally. In addition to integration challenges that remain perplexing, voluminous and have caused inefficiencies in some areas; top of mind and focus will be bridging those gaps and inefficiencies and emphasis on supporting this ‘new’ self-service model we have just adopted. I see the need for an HR Shared Services model; which will require research/benchmarking, planning, change management and C-staff leadership support. • New, Performance Management Model/Strategy. • Redesign of our Global Employee Referral Program. • Having real-time, organized data on all aspects of hiring – workflow analytics. • Time-tracking of freelance and independent contractors.
Afternoon Group Session: Discussion Guide • Performance Measurement • How do you rate your current efforts in tracking performance of vendors? • What are the challenges and opportunities you see? • Managing vendor resources • How are you looking to address them? • Data and Analytics • How do you rate your visibility (into key data) across you’re talent supply chain, or across your talent acquisition process? (Great. Needs some Improvement. Needs a lot of improvement. Minimal/poor.) • What are your challenges? Do you have plans for improvement? • How would you describe your analytics capability? (Great. Needs some Improvement. Needs a lot of improvement. Minimal/poor.) • What are your challenges? Do you have plans for improvement?
Afternoon Group Session: Discussion Guide (Con’t) • Implementation/Integration • What are your plans for evolving your solutions? Who is looking at new options? • Recently implemented, now managing • Exploring options • Have plans over next year for upgrades or new solutions • Stable on the solutions front, simply expanding, adding new features • What challenges are you facing in this area? • How are you looking to address the challenges? • Process change, expansion, or introduction of new processes • Who has plans for changes in processes over the next year? (Going global? Integrating processes? Introducing new processes such as employee referral or vendor management.) • What challenges are you facing in this area? • How are you looking to address them?
Topics and Input for Future Sessions • Strategy adoption, Change Management, internal relations • Education and adaption of an RPO with existing recruiting teams as the workforce blend changes. • Wish to gather other companies best practices around corporate internal awareness of program and executive on-demand dashboard reporting. • Utilization of HR metrics to assist with strategic decision-making for HR…especially in a fast-growing company. • Talent Advisement/Workforce Planning-increasing manager awareness and organization adoption- to stop and assess what would be the right talent for the job or assignment at hand (i.e. employee or contingent?). Improved forecasting from the business; better positioning to raise our competitive advantage and hiring preparedness. • Sharing labor market statistics with hiring manager and business leaders based on real recruiting data so that they understand the challenges related to hiring skilled talent in the US today so that they are compelled to be part of solution
Topics and Input for Future Sessions (Con’t) • Expanding Globally • Need to operate multiple talent acquisition models to deal globally complex need. • Ongoing and new contractor compliance, legal/statutory requirements in multiple countries - specifically within EMEA and India. • Continuing to strive toward excellence with our U.S. interview scheduling program through excellent client satisfaction and starting to plan for expanding this vendor resourced model to rest of world. • Candidate and employee experience and engagement/ employer brand • Aligning the candidate experience with the consumer experience to ensure that all candidate touch-points are "hassle free" and exhibit a "small company feel." • Employee engagement - to include the following: - Keeping our key talent during the upturn in the economy. -Training our managers to understand their employees needs and their key drivers. • Employee Engagement-find new and improved ways to increase employee engagement, satisfaction and performance. While a plan is being formalized to do just this, we have goals in this area that I would like to see our organization exceed. • We have just completed a rebrand of our company. How do you tie your company brand to the recruitment brand?