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Minimizing Flow Time on Multiple Machines. Nikhil Bansal IBM Research, T.J. Watson. C 1. C 3. C 2. m=1. Job preempted. Scheduling. Collection of m machines, n jobs Arrival time or release time (r j ) Service requirement or size (p j ). r 1. r 2. t=0.
Minimizing Flow Time on Multiple Machines Nikhil Bansal IBM Research, T.J. Watson
C1 C3 C2 m=1 Job preempted Scheduling Collection of m machines, n jobs Arrival time or release time (rj) Service requirement or size (pj) r1 r2 t=0 r3
Scheduling Flow Time = Time job spends = Completion time – release time = Waiting + Processing r1 r2 t=0 r3 C1 C3 C2 m=1 Flow time of job 2
Scheduling Flow Time = Time job spends = Completion time – release time = Waiting + Processing minimize total flow time r1 r2 t=0 r3 C1 C3 C2 m=1 Flow time ofjob 3
Total Flow Time (Another View) Imagine each job costs $1 per unit time. Cost of a job = Its flow time Total cost = Total flow time Total cost = t cost at time t = t # jobs at time t
Total Flow Time (Single Machine) Total cost = t # jobs at time t Processor has a “to do” list of jobs Goal: Minimize number of jobs on list Work on the job it can finish earliest. Shortest remaining processing time (SRPT): Optimal algorithm
Flow Time on multiple Machines (m ¸ 2) NP-Hard: Breakthrough: O(log n) competitive [Leonardi, Raz 97] Works for arbitrary # of machines (m) Any online algorithm: (log n) competitive Improvements: No migrations[Awerbuch et al 99] Immediate dispatch [Avrahami and Azar 03]
Flow Time on Multiple Machines What about approximation algorithms? O(log n) best known, even for m=2 Lower bounds: NP-Hard, APX-Hard ?
Flow Time on Multiple Machines Main Result: A (1+) approximation scheme Running Time = nO(m log n) Or, nO(log n) for m=O(1) Suggests: PTAS likely for O(1) machines
Basic Idea Rounding:Simplify the input without losing quality too much Search: Dynamic Programming over some reasonable space of schedules
Related Problem Minimizing total completion time: ( i ci or equivalently i (ri + fi) ) Same as flow time wrt optimality But easier for approximation PTASes known with runtime poly(n,m) [Afrati et al 99] Techniques not applicable to flow time
Rounding for Flow Time Flow Time is quite sensitive Suppose round size to powers of (1+) Cannot distinguish between Job of size 1 arrives at t=1,2,…,n Job of size 1+ arrives at t=1,2,…,n Very Different: (n) vs(n2) !!!
Rounding for Flow Time Can show: Let B be largest size, Rounding ri, pi to multiples of B/n2is fine Proof: Each job affected by · B/n Opt ¸ B Implies: Sizes 2[1,n2/] ,Events at[1,n3/] Still bad for exhaustive search over all schedules.
Restricting possible schedules Jobs assigned to a machine, worked in SRPT order. Given a machine, which jobs assigned to it? (2n possibilities) Approx state under SRPT in O(log2 n) bits of info. Store for each machine. Dynamic program: For (state,t) whats the best flow time achievable.
State Properties 1) Enough information: State at t+1 computable from that at time t. 2) Gives number of jobs to within 1+ factor
Property of SRPT At any time, among jobs with size 2 [a,b], at most one has remaining processing < a.
Property of SRPT At any time, among jobs with size 2 [a,b], at most one has remaining processing < a. Proof: b Not executed until blue finishes a
Property of SRPT At any time, among jobs with size 2 [a,b], at most one has remaining processing < a. Proof: b Both cannot be < a at some time a
Property of SRPT At any time, among jobs with size 2 [a,b], at most one has remaining processing < a. Suppose a= (1+)i, b=(1+)i+1 Given, total remaining size (x) of jobs s.t. pi2 [a,b] x/b ·Estimate # of jobs· x/a + 1
Configuration on a machine Consider O(log n/)size-classes [(1+)i,(1+)i+1] For each class, • Total remaining processing times • 1/ largest remaining processing times x/(1+)i+1· # of jobs· x/(1+i) + 1 Class 1: (Total 1, x1,x2,…,x1/) … Class k: (Total k, y1,y2,…,y1/) k=O(log n) In all O(log2 n) bits
Updating a configuration At most O(m log2n) bits of information Gives number of jobs to within 1+ How to update, as time passes? Class 1: (Total 1, x1,x2,…,x1/) … Class j : (Total j, y1,y2,…,y1/) On arrival, guess the machine & update state m branches
Updating a configuration At most O(m log2n) bits of information Gives number of jobs to within1+ How to update, as time passes? Class 1: (Total 1, x1,x2,…,x1/) … Class j : (Total j, y1,y2,…,y1/) Working step: For each machine, guess class with smallest remaining time job [(log n)mchoices]
Fitting it all together At any time, O(m log2n/2) total bits of info. Know how to update. Dynamic program over all possible states.
Weighted Flow Time ( iwi fi) NP-Hard for m=1, No o(n) approximation known, even for m=1 m=1: (1+) approx, time nO(log B log W)[Chekuri, Khanna 02] B: max/min size W: max/min wt This paper: Extend to m=O(1), time nO(m log Bn log Wn) Hardness: Exponential dependence on m likely (1+ ) approx with running time 2O(polylog(n,m,W,B)) ) NP µ DTIME(npolylog(n))
Open Problems 1) PTAS or O(1) approx for minimizing flow time on O(1) machines? [Our QPTAS => PTAS likely] 2) For arbitrary number of machines. PTAS or APX-Hard?