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Chapter 13 Downloading and Installing Software

Chapter 13 Downloading and Installing Software. system-config-packages: Adds and Removes Software Packages rpm: Red Hat Package Manager Querying Packages and Files Installing, Upgrading, and Removing Packages Installing a Linux Kernel Binary Installing Non-rpm Software

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Chapter 13 Downloading and Installing Software

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  1. Chapter 13Downloading and Installing Software • system-config-packages: Adds and Removes Software Packages • rpm: Red Hat Package Manager • Querying Packages and Files • Installing, Upgrading, and Removing Packages • Installing a Linux Kernel Binary • Installing Non-rpm Software • The /opt and /usr/local Directories • GNU Configure and Build System • Keeping Software Up-to-Date • Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Network, and up2date Red Hat Network (RHEL) • Keeping the System Up-to-Date • yum: Updates and Installs Packages • Apt: An Alternative to yum • BitTorrent

  2. system-config-packages: • Adds and Removes Software Packages

  3. rpm: Red Hat Package Manager • Used with Red Hat and other Linux vendors • End with .rpm extension • Complete installation packages • Checks dependencies • Many thousands are available for download • from Red Hat • And many other vendors • Designed for i386, i586, i686, alpha, athlon, • sparc, and ppc.

  4. Querying Packages and Files # rpm –q logrotate /etd/cron.daily/logrotate # rpm -ql Query for a list of files # rpm -qi logrotate Query for rpm package with lots of detail Version : 3.7 Release : 4.1 Install Date : Tue Mar 28 9:34:00 2005 Group : System Environment Base Size : 46526 etc,

  5. Installing, Upgrading, and Removing Packages To Update, verbose, hash marks # rpm -Uvh samba-3.0.0-15.i386.rpm Warning: samba-3.0.0-15.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature NOKEY Preparing... ############################# [100%] 1:samba ############################# [100%] # rpm -e # to delete, uninstall, or “erase” a package # rpm –ivh # to INSTALL, verbose, hash marks

  6. Installing a Linux Kernel Binary • Run rpm with the –i (not the –U) it is a new kernel not an upgrade • Make sure the new kernel works before you remove the old kernel • Remove the old kernel by removing the files that contain the release number from the /boot and from grub.conf and lilo.conf • Relax! We won’t do this until chapter 15.

  7. Installing Non-rpm Software • The /opt and user/local/directories • Linux and Solaris may put optional packages in the /opt/bin or /opt/package/bin directory • Normal location is /usr/local or /usr/local/bin • Used to build source code into executable on any Unix/Linux system

  8. GNU Configure and Build System • Download tar ball, extract, compile, Install! • # tar –xvzf nguchess • x= extract v=verbose z=uncompress or unzip f=file • ./configure • ./make • ./make install • Or: • # ./configure && make && make install

  9. Keeping Software Up-to-Date • Bugs • Unwanted and unintended program property, especially one that causes the program to malfunction. • Errata • These are security, bugfix, and new feture updates. • Use up2date to keep track of these.

  10. Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Network, and up2date Red Hat Network (RHEL)

  11. Finding software • To find your software: # whereis inks links: (Not found on your system!) • To use up2date to find your software: # up2date --whatprovides links http://fedora.redhat.com .. elinks-0.9.1-1 • To obtain a copy of the software: # up2date elinks http://fedora.redhat.com/download...... ---------------------------------------------- elinks 0.9.1 1 i386 Testing package set ########################################################

  12. Keeping the System Up-to-Date • Updates and Installs Packages • yum • # yum update • # yum install tcsh • # yum remove tcsh • Apt: alternative to yum

  13. yum

  14. Apt: • An Alternative to yum • Resolves issues of dependencies • Stores locally a list of packages to find them faster • Must download and install • synaptic : the Apt GUI # apt-get install synaptic

  15. BitTorrent • Provides p2p file transfers like ftp • Doesn’t require user authentication • Downloads and uploads at same time • Install from torrent.julug.duke.edu/btrpms • Download a .torrent file • Terms: • Tracker allows client communications • Peer is a client • Seed is a completed download so you can now provide the torrent for someone else

  16. wget: • Download Files Noninteractively • Example: wget –b http://sample.com/bigfile.tar.gz The –b downloads in background Another option –c, continues an interrupted download

  17. Any Questions?

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