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The Sun

The Sun. By: Kaitlyn Bloomfield, Sarah Grace Boudreaux, Aankit Pokhrel , Mark Horton. All About the Sun. 1.3 Million Earths can fit inside the sun. Staring at the sun for a long time can make you blind.

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The Sun

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Sun By: Kaitlyn Bloomfield, Sarah Grace Boudreaux, Aankit Pokhrel , Mark Horton

  2. All About the Sun • 1.3 Million Earths can fit inside the sun. • Staring at the sun for a long time can make you blind. • The Sun is by far the largest object in the solar system. It contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System (Jupiter contains most of the rest). • diameter: 1,390,000 km. • mass: 1.989e30 kg • temperature: 5800 K (Surface) 15,600,000 K (Core)

  3. Fun Facts about the Sun • The sun is actually just a medium sized star. • The sun completes a revolution around the galaxy once every 250 million years. • The sun is classified as a G2 star based on its temperature and wave lengths or spectrum of light it emits. • One would need to explode with 100 billion tons of dynamite every second to match the energy in the sun.

  4. Parts of the Sun • The sun is mostly made out of hydrogen and helium. • Core- the center of the sun comprising 25% of its radius. • Radiative zone- the section immediately surrounding the core comprising 45% of its radius. • Convective zone- the outer most ring of the sun comprising the 30% of its radius. • Photosphere -- The innermost part of the sun's atmosphere and the only part we can see. • Chromosphere -- The area between the photosphere and the corona; hotter than the photosphere. • Corona -- The extremely hot outermost layer, extending outward several million miles from the chromosphere

  5. Parts of the sun

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