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When your communications are critical.

When your communications are critical. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level. Terror in the Heartland. Confidential and Proprietary. 1. Post 9-11: Have Media and Government Roles and Responsibilities Somehow Changed.

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When your communications are critical.

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  1. When your communications are critical. • Click to edit Master text styles • Second level • Third level • Fourth level • Fifth level Terror in the Heartland Confidential and Proprietary 1

  2. Post 9-11:Have Media and Government Roles and Responsibilities Somehow Changed If “yes” how and what should we do about it?

  3. National Homeland Security Strategy • Help prevent terrorist attacks within the US • Reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism • Minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur

  4. Homeland Security • Are we getting better at – • Detection • Deterrence • Prevention • Protection ? • Are we getting better in – • Preparation • Response • Recovery ? Terrorism All Hazards

  5. Where is Missouri Going?

  6. Missouri Strategy • Improve the capability to detect, deter and to prevent acts of terrorism • Missouri Information Sharing Center (MISC) • Build regional/state capability to respond and recover from disasters of all origins • Regionalization • 28 Homeland Security Response Teams • 3rd Tier Capability Study • Personal Protective Equipment • Communications Interoperability – No. 1 priority • Statewide Study • National Guard Sat Package • Work with critical infrastructure and key assets to reduce vulnerabilities • Critical Asset Protection Plan

  7. Priority – Link Protection Systems Detect, Deter, Prevent and Protect • Establish the Missouri Information Sharing Center (MISC) for intelligence • Enhance MOSPIN membership and participation • Train and equip law enforcement officers • Local law enforcement must be engaged in the War on Terror • Improve Critical Asset Protection Plan • National Infrastructure Protection Plan • Buffer Zone Protection Plans • Align state and national lists • Involve owner/operators in information sharing and protection activities

  8. Why Information Sharing Centers? • To invest in prevention • More fully employ local law enforcement • Detect, deter, and prevent terrorist attacks and consequently, protect our citizens • To enable analysis and sharing at all levels • Bottom up process … local to state to regional to federal • Collect, analyze and distribute • To provide analytical resources to turn information into intelligence • Predictive and actionable information • Provided to federal, regional, and local law enforcement, critical assets, and other states and localities

  9. Priority – Prepare, Respond and Recover To disasters of ANY origin – All Hazards • Train and equip emergency responders • Law Enforcement and EMS • Incident Management System with situational awareness at local, county, state and federal levels • E-Team • KC Metro Emergency Information System (MEIS) • Establish a state and regional strategy for communications infrastructure and provide a roadmap to interoperable communications • $3.5M communications grant • Statewide Communications Study • Missouri Homeland Security Network – 1 Nov 04 • Establish standards and improve exercises • Education for the public, K-12, elected officials

  10. Homeland Security Programs FY02 to 04 • Health and Well Being - $ 51M • Bio/Agro Terrorism • Civil Readiness – Coping with Uncertainty • Mental Health • Borders and Transportation - $ Minimal • Safety of people and things • Capabilities of Emergency Responders - $159.8M • Planning, training, equipment and exercises • Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Emergency Medical Service and Public Works • Critical Asset Protection - $ 3.5M • Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets Total FY02-04: $230,260

  11. Bioterrorism What would happen if? “We don’t know what we don’t know.”

  12. Priority – Prepare for Bioterrorism • FY 2003-05 federal funds for bioterrorism approximately $51M • CBRNE Response Plan • Center for Emergency Response and Terrorism + 24x7 DHSS Situation Room • Medical surge capability • 2005 legislation for liability • Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)

  13. Priority – Prepare for Bioterrorism • Improve planning and communications between health delivery systems • St Louis example - MEDCOM • One hundred and fourteen local public health agencies have developed detailed emergency response plans • Twelve hundred public health, medical, and first responder personnel have been vaccinated against smallpox. • Missouri hospitals: • increase isolation capacity • train and equipped their facility and staff • participated in the smallpox vaccination effort • developed emergency plans • developed specific emergency plans for a terrorism event

  14. Priority – Prepare for Bioterrorism • Three medical epidemiologists and five senior epidemiologists have been hired and located in the field offices • Twenty-nine epidemiology specialists hired at the local level to respond • A public health team can go on-site to investigate any suspicious illness or disease within an hour of its reporting • DHSS is developing a mass fatality and recovery plan • 10 State Alliance for Public Health Preparedness Agroterrorism • Multi-state Partnership for Security in Agriculture

  15. Priority A public prepared to cope with uncertainty http://ready.missouri.gov

  16. Buffer Zone Protection Plan • Devalue a target • Deter an event • Detect an aggressor • Defend against attack

  17. Final Points • Missouri Security Council – our “interagency process” for homeland security • Missouri Homeland Security Network w. alerts (MOHSNetwork) • Regionalization • Regional Planning Commissions • Virtual Emergency Operations Center (VEOC) • Exercise Program

  18. Thank You "The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination." Author Unknown Tim Daniel (573) 522-3007 tim.daniel@hs.mo.gov WWW.HOMELANDSECURITY.MO.gov

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