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How do you become a 21 st Century Leader? Be a Digital-Age Learner ! . Dr. Stephen Kay San Jose State University Educational Leadership. “Only through ‘Future Focused’ leadership are we going to bring our schools out of the 20 th century.”. Gary Marx. Rip Van Winkle.
How do you become a 21st Century Leader? Be a Digital-Age Learner! Dr. Stephen Kay San Jose State University Educational Leadership
“Only through ‘Future Focused’ leadership are we going to bring our schools out of the 20th century.” Gary Marx
Chalkboard Eraser!“I used to ‘bang’ those together to clean them!”
TIME Magazine – December 18, 2006 “American schools aren’t exactly frozen in time, but considering the pace of change in other areas of life, our public schools tend to feel like throwbacks. Kids spend much of the day as their great-grandparents once did: sitting in rows, listening to teacher lecture, scribbling notes by hand, reading from textbooks that are out of date by the time they are printed. A yawning chasm (with an emphasis on yawning) separates the world inside the schoolhouse from the world outside.”
“Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants” Marc Prensky
Mom says, “Absolutely not! You know how much ink costs… Use the laser printer the ink is cheaper!”
Marc Prensky – October 2001 “It is amazing to me how in all the hoopla and debate these days about the decline of education in the US, we ignore the most fundamental of its causes.” “Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.”
She said, “Honey! Can you pick up the cleaning?”He said, “I’m busy. I’m visiting a middle school!”She said, “They’re your shirts!” Dry Cleaner Local Middle School
Gary Marks – Future Focused Leadership “The challenge is clear. For anyone in any profession – but especially all educators – creating a future is the essence of leadership. None of us, nor our organizations, can be frozen in time. Instead, we need to see ourselves as works in progress. Unless we constantly lead the process for shaping a future, someone else will do it for us.” “The world will not stand still. It’s that simple … and that complex.”
Digital Natives need Digital Leaders “School leaders must become digital learners.” “Administrators who lack a fluent understanding of the tools that are redefining learning can’t provide high levels of instructional leadership to their faculties.” Bill Ferriter -Educational Leadership, October 2009
“To date, U.S. elementary and secondary schools have marginalized technology.” “Many school districts still restrict their students use of such Web 2.0 tools as social networking sites, chat rooms, blogs, wikis, visual media, instant messaging and texting, virtual worlds, and interactive games. Instead of requiring our students to check their Web 2.0 technologies at the schoolhouse door, we should teach them how to use these tools for learning.” - Cheryl Lemke & Ed Coughlin, Educational Leadership, September 2009
“Technology has added a new level of responsibility for school leaders.” “It is important to move past any reservations and discomforts to prepare students for the futures they deserve. Now is the time for educational leader to focus the conversation on how technology fits within their classrooms to best meet their students’ needs. If we want our children to be competitive on a global level in the 21st century, we need to be visibly using and talking about the tools for learning and teaching. The future is already here, and we have to welcome the opportunities it brings to reshape instruction.” Lotta Lawson, Teresa Miller, & Mike Ribble-Leading & Learning, December/January 2009-10
“How can I pay attention to the future when the present is taking up all my time?”
Think beyond the ‘Top of the Desk’ issues “One way educators can redirect their attention, given the blizzard of pressing issues of the day, is to add an ongoing challenge in the form of a question. Consider this… Students that start Kindergarten in Fall 2010 will graduate… From High-School in 2023 From College in 2027 And celebrate their 65th birthday in 2070! What are the implications for education?
“Initiate a shared vision that embeds tech integration into all aspects of learning and teaching” “Leadership for transformation requires redefining the critical work leaders must accomplish and supports the use of strategies grounded in communication and collaboration to achieve defined goals. These leaders believe their primary purpose is to meet the instructional needs of all their students. They take the initiative, anticipate problems, and recognize when change is or is not taking place. They are willing to try out new ideas and strategies, abandon approaches that do not work, and encourage others to follow suit.” - National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A)
National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A) 1. Visionary Leadership 2. Digital Age Learning Culture 3. Systemic Improvement 4. Excellence in Professional Practice 5. Digital Citizenship
Digital Age Leadership @ San Jose State University Educational Leadership Department • Most School Administrators don’t know: • What it means to prepare students for the 21st century • How to recognize, evaluate, and facilitate effective technology use by students and teachers • What appropriate technology support structures (budget, staffing, infrastructure) look like • How to use modern technologies to facilitate communication with internal and external stakeholders • The ways in which learning technologies can improve student learning outcomes • How to use technology systems to make their organization more efficient and effective • Dr. Scott McLeod, Iowa State University
How do you become a 21st Century Leader? Be a Digital-Age Learner! Dr. Stephen Kay stephen.kay@sjsu.edu stevekay@aol.com 408 613-4565 (Cell)