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Mrs. Foland’s First Grade Handbook Presentation 2011-2012. Mrs. Foland’s First Grade Class!. Welcome!
Mrs. Foland’s First Grade Class! Welcome! Your child is about to embark on yet another milestone in their lives, first grade. I understand that you and your child may meet these days with excitement and/or apprehension (possibly a little bit of both). I hope this presentation will help you to know what is expected in first grade this year and answer any questions you may have. I am looking forward to working with your child this year and helping him or her to achieve his or her potential. Throughout the remainder of this presentation, I will share some of my beliefs and classroom policies.
Parent/Teacher Relationship I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year I will communicate with you through notes, planners, telephone calls, newsletters, progress reports, report cards and parent-teacher conferences. I encourage you to contact me if you have questions or concerns at any time. You can call me at school (395-2134 ext. 136) or at home (308-536-2513), send me a note, or email me at bfoland@esu7.org. You may also check my web page at the Boone Central School web site.
Parent Participation Throughout the year there will be a variety of special classroom activities and celebrations. Our room mother may contact you for your assistance. I encourage you to attend these functions when possible and to support them by sending needed supplies or treats. Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school.
School Attendance Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is critical to his/her success. I cannot emphasize this point enough!!! Please view school as a priority, and see to it that your child attends every day except in case of illness or emergency. If your child is ill or needs to be gone, I would appreciate a note upon his/her return, as well as arrangements made to complete missed work.
Changes in Transportation If you plan to pick up your child and he/she normally rides the bus, or you wish for your to ride a different bus than usual, you must send a written note. Do not rely on your child to tell me this information, because children often become confused and relay messages incorrectly. If no written note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.
Outdoor Recess The children will be going out for recess everyday unless it is raining or extremely cold. Please keep this in mind when helping your child select clothing for the day. For the most part, if your child is well enough to be at school, he/she is well enough to participate in outdoor recess, if properly dressed. In fact, germs that cause colds thrive more readily in the heated indoor air and it is beneficial to go outside to get fresh air. However, on the occasions when you feel it is best for your child to stay indoors, please send a written note and I will make arrangements for your child to do so. Keep in mind that your child will need hats, mittens/gloves, boots and snow pants when winter weather presents itself. If your child does not have these items, the teacher on duty may not allow him/her to play.
Money On occasion it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school. Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it: • Your child’s first and last name • The amount of money • The purpose of the money (book order, milk, lunch, etc…) • Teacher’s name With 19 students to keep track of and several reasons to collect money, this helps me out tremendously and reduces the likelihood of errors. Also, if the envelope would get left on the bus or dropped in the hallway, this information will help the money to be returned to my classroom.
Book Orders Your child will be bringing home forms to order books once a month. If you wish to order, you may choose one of two ways to do so: • Simply fill out the order form(s) and send the correct amount of money or check made out to the book company • You may order online These orders are provided as a convenient way for parents to buy quality books for your children at a low price. As an added bonus, for every dollar that is spent, I earn bonus points, which are used to purchase books for classroom use. This is a win-win situation because you get quality literature at a low price and you are helping to provide quality literature for the classroom. Of course, you are never under any obligation to order.
Birthdays Birthdays are special occasions for young children. If your child wishes, he/she may bring treats for the class on his/her birthday. Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can give you an exact number of children in the class and set aside some class time to acknowledge this special event in your child’s life. Birthday parties outside of the school day are also an important event. I ask that if you are planning to have a birthday party after school, please do not send the invitations to school to be delivered. I have had several occasions when not everyone in the class is invited and we have hurt feelings. There have also been occasions when the invitations did not make it home with the children.
Homework Your child will be responsible for a small amount of Math homework at least, but not limited to, four nights a week. I also encourage you to read at least 15 minutes a night to/with your child. Homework papers need to be signed in the required place, if there is not a line on the paper, please initial the paper in the bottom left hand corner. It is really important that you go over the homework with your child.
Library We have Library every Tuesday. Your child needs to bring any books they have barrowed form the library back on this day. They will not be allowed to check any new books out if they have not returned those from the previous week.
Classroom Rules Classroom Rules: • Listen to and follow directions directions promptly • To answer a question raise your hand • When others are talking, you are listening/eyes are on the speaker • Enter classroom quietly and find your desk • Work quietly – no talking, in your own seat, stay on task • Respect yourself and others • Respect school and personal property • Work and play safely
Classroom Expectations Expected Behaviors: • Be responsible • Choose to learn • Allow the teacher to teach • Allow others to learn • Do your personal best • Observe all rules and procedures
Classroom Consequences As a class, the rules are taught explicitly, modeled, practiced and reviewed throughout the day. • This serves as a warning. • When a rule or expected behavior is not observed, a tally mark is placed on their behavior chart on their desk. • For every tally mark on the chart, the student will stand 1 minute at recess. • If behaviors persist, at teacher discretion, students may be sent to the principal, and/or call parents. Behavior charts will be sent home at the end of each day.
Procedures Early Morning (Before 8:05) • When arriving to school place your coat and backpack along the wall by our classroom door • Go to breakfast or to the gym to wait until school begins
Procedures Morning (After 8:05) • When you reach the classroom from the gym, put your coat and backpack on the assigned hooks • Place your Binder in the basket • Choose your lunch - school lunch or lunch from home – and place dot on the Math Meeting Board • Sit at your desk and begin your morning work
Procedures Leaving the Classroom (Restroom) • Students may leave the classroom to go to the restroom during independent work time. Do not leave the room during teacher instruction or transition time. • Only 1 boy and 1 girl can leave to go to the restroom at a time. • If an emergency arises and you must go, do not wait or interrupt the teacher to leave the room – GO- explain later. • Remember the halls ad restroom are quiet during class time. No talking or unnecessary noise. You must return to class as quickly as possible.
Procedures Restroom Etiquette • Wash hands w/soap before returning to the classroom • Be sure to flush • Paper towels go in the trashcan • If you miss or make a mess you are responsible to clean it up • Do not play in the restroom • Do not waste paper towels, soap, or toilet paper • Push no more than 3 times on the paper towel dispenser • Push no more than 2 times on the soap dispenser
Procedures Lining Up • Clear everything off your desk • Pick up the area around your desk • Get any materials you need for where you are going (library, lunch, etc.) • When you are called to line up, line up quickly and quietly, facing the front of the line • Do not talk to others in line
Procedures Hallway Rules • Straight line under the lights • Hands at your side • Walk • No talking
Procedures P.E. • Going to and from P.E. is a quiet time • Any arguments between students will be settled before returning to the classroom • Report all injuries to the P.E. teacher and not leave that class until your injuries are tended to or your parents are called if necessary • Return quickly and quietly to class. Remember the hall is a quiet place and we do not wish to disturb others • When entering the classroom do so quietly – get a drink and quickly get to your seat
Procedures Music • Walk in a quiet single file line to the Music room • Wait at the door for Mrs. Dickey’s directions • Remember going to and coming back from Music, the hall is a quiet place and we do not wish to disturb others
Procedures Art • Walk in a quiet single file line to the Art room • Wait at the door for Mrs. Kruse’s directions • Remember going to and coming back from Art, the hall is a quiet place and we do not wish to disturb others
Procedures Library • Walk in a quiet single file line to the library • Wait at the door for Mrs. Johnson’s directions • Remember going to and coming back from Library, the hall is a quiet place and we do not wish to disturb others
Procedures Computer • Walk in a quiet single file line to the computer lab • Go directly to your assigned computer without talking • Sit down and begin your activity • If you need help, raise your hand and wait patiently for your teacher to help you • You need to wear headphones • At the end of computer time, straighten your area and push in your chair before lining up • Remember the hall is a quiet place and we do not wish to disturb others
Procedures Indoor Recess • Leave the door open • Teacher on duty may choose the activity – such as a video, a class game like 7-up – or may allow students to choose a quiet activity • Be sure to put away whatever you played with • Use inside voices • You must have permission from the duty teacher before leaving the room • You may not write on the whiteboard without permission
Procedures Audience • Remain seated • Stay quiet • Focus undivided attention on the speaker • Save your questions until the speaker asks for them • Only one question can be asked at a time • Listen to the questions/answers of the students because your question many have already been asked
Procedures Lunch (Eat at 11:05) • Teacher will ask students to wash for lunch (3 or 4 at a time) in the classroom • No more than 2 pumps on the soap dispenser • No more than 3 pulls on the paper towel dispenser • Students wash their hands and return to their seat • Students will get in line and walk quietly to the lunch serving line – following hallway procedures • When in the cafeteria line, students must be quiet and orderly – no talking in line • After getting a lunch tray and milk, students stop at the computer so that student’s numbers can be entered • Students who bring their lunch need to stand quietly by the door, entering the lunch room in front of their class, if they are purchasing milk, they will proceed to the computer before being seated
Procedures Lunch (Eat at 11:05) Continued • Students may talk quietly during lunch. If the noise level gets to loud, the students will be given a warning. If the noise level continues to be loud or gets loud again, the students will not be able to talk to their classmates until they are outside • When finished eating students should sit quietly until dismissed to dump their trays to go to lunch recess • Lunch boxes many be returned to the classroom when the group goes to the classroom to get jackets, etc…
Lunchroom Rules Be kind – show respect for all Be responsible – use a quiet voice/no throwing or playing with food Be safe – stay seated, don’t run, keep hands and feet to yourself Be prepared – eat more and visit less, be prepared to exit the cafeteria on time with your class Other- use appropriate table manners
Procedures Playground Rules [Be kind, be safe, be responsible, be prepared] • No rock throwing • No tackling games • No fighting, hitting or shoving • No naming calling or inappropriate language • Students are not allowed to play unless a teacher or para-educator is present. Students must stand on the sidewalk until a teacher or para-educator is outside • Only one person in a swing at a time. No standing or twisting while swinging. No jumping out of the swings. No “under-doggies” • If a ball goes into the street, students need to ask permission to get it then continue to play with it
Playground Rules Continued[Be kind, be safe, be responsible, be prepared] • If a ball goes into the street, students need to ask permission to get it then continue to play with it • Only pone person at a time coming down the slide – no crawling or walking “up” the slide, or hanging over the edge – tag may not be played on the slide • When playground is snow-covered, snow boots will be required. Students without boots may not play on the hard-surfaced area. If the hard-surfaced areas are wet or snow-covered, students without boots will be required to stand by the building • Stay away from classroom windows • Do not jump from moving merry-go-round • Ask permission to enter the school to use the restroom or get playground equipment Recess is a privilege, if you abuse it, you can lose it!
Procedures End of the Day • Clean up your area and throw away trash • Get your backpack, lunchbox, etc… • Sit quietly and wait for your name to be called to get your Binder and line up at the day • Students will be dismissed by the teacher at the classroom door. They will exit the building out the bus door. Parents are asked to wait for their child outside by the bus doors • Those walking home need to get on their way immediately • Those waiting for a ride need to wait quietly beside the building until their ride arrives • Those riding the bus need to go directly to the appropriate bus line and stand there appropriately until allowed to get on the bus
1st Grade Supply List • Crayola Crayons (no larger that 24 please, new box at semester) • Pencils (no mechanical pencils) • Eraser • Crayola Colored Pencils • Fiskars Scissors • Glue Sticks • Pencil Box • Kleenex (1 box of 175 or more to share) • 1 box quart and gallon size Zip-loc bags • Water bottle with a lid • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (one per semester) • $5.50 for Student Planner
Class Parties You will be asked to sign up to be on a Holiday Party committee or provide treats for Quarter Parties. Our Room Mother will contact you prior to the Holiday Party to help with treat suggestions or set up a planning meeting if one is needed. I will contact those of you that sign up for the Quarter Party treats. We will have parties with treats and activities for Halloween and Valentine’s Day. We request treats only for our Quarter Parties. • Halloween Party – October 31st at 2:30 • Christmas – December 21st – movie • Valentine’s Day – February 14th at 2:30 • 1st Quarter Party – October 14th • 2nd Quarter Party – December 20th • 3rd Quarter Party – March 8th • 4th Quarter Party – May 18th
Donations Please We will be using a variety of materials in our math and language arts programs. Please send any extra things you may have, that we can use throughout the year. We will also have giving tree outside our classroom at the first Parent-Teacher Conference. Thanks! • Old magazines • Paper plates • Yarn/string/ribbon • Paper bags – lunch and grocery size • Paper and plastic cups • Napkins • M & M’s • Hersey Kisses • Sugarless Gum • Lollipops/Suckers • Empty 35 mm Film Canisters • Empty Medicine Bottles w/ labels removes
Helpful Hints For Parents Welcome to First Grade Here are some helpful hints to make a great start to the year. • School begins at 8:15 a.m. Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:00 a.m. If your child does not eat breakfast at school, he/she should arrive between 7:50 and 8:10 a.m. They may leave their coats and backpacks by the classroom door and all children are to go to the main gym until classes begin. • If your child is not going home after school in the manner indicated on his/her Student Information Form, we must have a written note stating the change and signed by you the parent or guardian. This helps me to be sure your child is going home with the appropriate person and to protect the safety and welfare of your child.
Helpful Hints For Parents Welcome to First Grade • Please send any money in an envelope with your child’s name on the front • Label all supplies with your child’s name • Encourage your child to talk about his/her day and take time to look at your child’s work. Also, please return forms promptly. • Read to/with your child daily!!! • Assist your child in becoming responsible for returning homework, Binders, Library books, etc. promptly • Allow time for your child to adjust to school routines
A Message For First Grade Parents F First Grade is a year of fascinating new adventures, ones your child will be anxious to share with you. I Invite new school friends home to play and help your child build strong friendships. R Review good behaviors expected of your child, such as following the rules, talking turns, and being respectful. S Start to notice the new things your child is learning to do. Reinforce your child’s progress with praise. T Turn every day into a learning experience. Let your child help with everyday chores. G Get involved at your child’s school. Join PTO, or volunteer in the classroom. R Read to/with your child daily. Visit the library together. A Answer your child’s questions about school. Reassure your child that school is fun and a great place to learn new things. D Discuss what your child will be learning in school – how to read, add, subtract, tell time, and write sentences. E Encourage your child to eat well, get enough sleep, bathe daily, and brush their teeth 2 times a day.
The End In closing, I would like to say that I am looking forward to a great year working with your child! I would like to suggest that you save this presentation handout for future reference. Please visit the Boone Central web page, particularly my web page. I post things on the site that are important to our classroom weekly. Thank you in advance for your concern and support throughout the year!