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Last week’s Fills in LHC

Last week's LHC fill covered issues with CSC trigger emulation, cooling, and chamber power cycling procedures. Expert G. Rakness from UCLA provided detailed insights and solutions for CSC power-up, DDU warning, CLCT timing tweaks, and more. The importance of system checks and expert monitoring during power-up processes is emphasized. Challenges like DDU warnings, dead chambers, and single event upsets were discussed, highlighting the need for continuous monitoring and software developments.

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Last week’s Fills in LHC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Last week’s Fills in LHC Fill 2006 8:30 – 9:30 (26h!) Fill 2005 Fill 1999 (cont.) Fill 2000 (cont.) Fill 2007 (cont.) Fill 1997 Fill 2011 (cont., still ongoing) Fill 2009 Fill 2001 Fill 1998 Fill 2000 Fill 2008 Fill 2007 Fill 1999 Fill 2011  300/pb last week, 150/pb this week (so far)  G. Rakness (UCLA)

  2. Beyond taking data… CMS cooling issue (cont.) CSC trigger primitive emulation problems CSC DDU stuck in Warning CSC FED 750 out-of-sync Back-to-back ME2 and ME3 chambers dead… Final (?) CLCT timing tweaks CMS cooling issue (power cycle CSC) CMS cooling issue (power cycle CSC) Some details on following slides… G. Rakness (UCLA)

  3. CSC power-up from FULL power off • Procedures updated on the CSC DOC twiki page • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CeoInformation • Full System power on • CSC Computers for DCS, TF, FED and VME • Racks for TF, FED, HV & ME1/1 HV • Steps to enable Low Voltage distribution • Turn on power to UXC (see next page) • On the above list, each step must be completed before the next step can be taken G. Rakness (UCLA)

  4. “Turn on power to UXC” = “Procedures to go from DCS=OFF to ON” https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CeoInformation • Take local control of CSC DCS • Only CSC DOC’s and experts can go from OFF  ON • Change CSC state from DCS = OFF  DCS= ON • Powers on HV and LV, and configures electronics in UXC • Expert monitors the CSC state while power-up is ongoing • Configure TTCci • Sends “Broadcast-0” as final configuration step for TTCrq boards • Verify CSC is OK to join the Global run • Check and reload firmware  System as good as it can be? • Full Configuration check  OK for collisions? • Take a local run  Does it configure/start? Does local DQM look OK? G. Rakness (UCLA)

  5. Summary of power cycling CSC • Tuesday: 40min to power ON peripheral crates and chambers in UXC • Time from power ON until handing the system over ready for a Global Run • Wednesday: 1h50min to power ON all computers, as well as equipment in UXC • Couple of problems encountered • DCS Finite State Machine issues for ME1/1 HV • GBit drivers not loaded automatically • Experts responded quickly (Xiaofeng) G. Rakness (UCLA)

  6. CLCT muonic timing • Final (?) tweaks to CLCT muonic timing • Measured (rx,posneg) and loaded configuration in afternoon Thur 4 Aug • First collision run with tweaks = 172778 • http://cmsonline.cern.ch/cms-elog/638553 Finality of these tweaks will depend on the results from the data analyis… G. Rakness (UCLA)

  7. DDU stuck in warning 1 • Four hours into Run 172801: DDU 858 and 857 started going into “permanent” Warning • As an example, here is the first instance...t=04:22:18.345.580.025 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8t=04:23:38.654.585.000 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 W_1 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8t=04:24:30.036.400.600 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4t=04:24:30.036.402.150 B_4 R_8 R_8 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 B_4 R_8 B_4t=04:24:30.036.402.150 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 B_4 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 B_4t=04:24:30.036.509.250 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 R_8 What happened? • DDU goes from Ready to Warning, and stays there “forever” • Eventually, the shift crew figured out they could hit Resync • System goes to Ready and data flows for a while, but then it would happen again... (12 times in ~2 hours) • After ~2 hours, the shift crew stopped the run and reconfigured CSC • I am trying to get Jason Gilmore to tell us whether this was a peripheral crate problem or a FED crate/DDU problem… (nothing yet)  The fix will depend on what the problem is…  2 3 G. Rakness (UCLA)

  8. Dead region in CSCTF occupancy Run 172865 = OK Run 172868 = BAD • Dead slice at •  ~ 4.0 • –2.4 <  < –1.3 G. Rakness (UCLA)

  9. What happened? Run 172865 = OK Run 172868 = BAD Back to back chambers in station 2 and station 3 are dead… G. Rakness (UCLA)

  10. Single Event Upsets? • Example 1: FED 858/857 in “permanent” Warning several hours into run 172801… • Example 2: ME–3/1/3 stopped delivering ALCT data partway through run 172868… • Homework needed and tests developed to prove they are SEU’s • Software development needed to verify program on FPGA through VME (In addition, when? Where?) G. Rakness (UCLA)

  11. Finally… • Segment building now works with gas-gain correction • Solution: Recompile CSCSegment.cc vs. new Rechit definition • Gas gain correction exists for all sectors • Use avg value for sections which don’t work • Doing final debugging now… • Still seeing 0’s in gain-corrected data! G. Rakness (UCLA)

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