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General Meeting. Barrows 166 STARTS AT 7PM SHARP!!. 3 rd General Meeting. Committee for Korea Studies. General Meeting . Barrows 118 STARTS AT 7PM SHARP!! Don’t be late We will welcome you with applause if you are late . Membership. $20 Voting Rights T-shirts
GeneralMeeting • Barrows 166 • STARTS AT 7PM SHARP!!
3rd General Meeting Committee for Korea Studies
General Meeting • Barrows 118 • STARTS AT 7PM SHARP!! • Don’t be late • We will welcome you with applause if you are late
Membership • $20 • Voting Rights • T-shirts • Discounts on all CKS events • Right to attend Subcommittees • Love from 선남선녀 선배s
Website/ Facebook • www.berkeleycks.com • Facebook group: Committee for Korea Studies
Modern History Subcommittee • Week 2: Imperialism in East Asia (~1873) • Kojong and Daewongun • War between Korea and United States • Tomb raiders and drug dealers • 5pm Sunday or 7pm Tuesday • 229 Dwinelle
Budget Report • Previous balance: $447.29 • Bowling - collected: $492 • -Reimbursed card user: -$300 • 2nd GM DP –collected: $246 • -Reimbursed card user: -$345.29 • Total: $540!! : ) -> Project of the Year (POY)
CKS 3rd HakSeup Student Rights Ordinance
Current Event • 추석 연휴 폭우
"배수 문제" vs "4대강 중요” 여야 '폭우' 공방 • 야권 : "추석연휴 폭우피해, 천재이자 인재" 홍수 예방을 위해 4대강 공사를 한다는데 도심 지역 폭우엔 속수무책 오히려 하수-배수관 시설을 고치고 저수 펌프를 설치하는 데 더 노력 • 여권 : "이번 여름 전국적으로 비가 많이 왔지만 강물이 넘쳐서 생긴 홍수 피해는 없었던 만큼 4대강 사업의 중요성이 입증된 것으로 본다
What is Human Rights? • Rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled • All the political, economical, social, cultural rights for all without distinction as to race, gender, language, or religion. • "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." -Mohandas Gandhi
Ex)오장풍 • On August 15, 2010, Mr. Oh severely punished his student physically for lying, which was recorded and uploaded online , triggering a lot of societal concerns. • These concerns only grew when it was revealed that the punished child suffered from hemophilia (혈우병) • This uproar led to the recent decision of dismissing Mr. Oh from his position (the harshest punishment available), on the basis of administrating severe punishment, the first of its kind.
Ex)교사 폭행 • On June 10, 2010, a female 4th grade student in Soowon (수원) slapped and cussed at her female teacher in front of her peers. • The elementary school did not report this incident to the district, raising suspicion to whether this was an attempt to conceal the incident for the sake of the school’s reputation. • The student transferred schools. • On May 23, 2008, two 6th graders were found to have assaulted their Female teacher, by cussing her and punching her in the face in front of ten of their peers. • The two students transferred schools. • As a result of this, the female teacher had to get 6 stitches around her mouth, and could not return to her position due to the psychological damage she received. • Concerns were raised regarding the current state of the public education in Korea.
학생인권조례(Student Rights Ordinance) • NO A complete ban on corporal punishment • NO Restrictions of liberalization of student hairstyles • NO Random Inspections of personal belongings • NO After-school supplementary classes • NO Restrictions regarding the possession and use of mobile phones in school • Yes Pick and choose religious classes • Yes Freedom of Speech, Rally, Thought, and Expression
체벌 Corporal Punishment • the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable • There are direct and indirect Corporal Punishment. • Reason for Punishment 5위 시험부정행위 등 기타 4위 수업시간 중에 질문에 답하지 못함 3위 성적 저조 및 성적저하 2위 학교교칙위반(지각, 용의 규정등) 1위 학습태도불량(숙제미비, 장난치기등)
stick of love 사랑의 매 VS 폭력Violence • <제 6조 매에 의한 체벌> • 1) 체벌은 학생이 인정했을 때 실시한다. • 2) 체벌자는 개인 감정을 절대로 개입해서는 안된다. • 3) 학생의 인격을 고려하여 체벌을 하고 그 잘못을 반성할 수 있도록 지도한다. • 4) 체벌은 가능한 타학생에게 노출이 안되는 장소에서 실시한다. • 5) 부위 : 신체의 가장 안전한 부위인 둔부에 한한다. • 6) 형태와 정도 : 회초리 또는 주걱형으로10회 이내로한다. • ·회초리형: 길이 60Cm 이하, 지름 1.5Cm 이내의 표면이 매끄러운 것 • ·주걱형: 길이 50Cm 이하, 주걱부분 15Cm×30Cm×1.5Cm 이하인 것
체벌도 우리의 역사 & 문화(History)? 회초리 : 서당의 기본적인 체벌, 가정에서는 자녀의 잘잘못을 일깨우는 교육적인 기능 학생들은 회초리 맞는 고통 생각해서라도 자기 역할에 더욱더 충실하게 되며 이것은 오히려 교육적인 분위기 조성을 함 경국대전: 스승은 제자의 잘못을 벌 할 수 있다.
Violence bears new violence • 폭력(체벌)은 순간이고, 육체적 아픔은 잠시일지라도, 정신적인 상처와 그 흉터는 오래도록 마음속에 응어리로 남아 또 다른 폭력의 원인을 제공한다? • 선생들의 지속적인 폭력이 가정 폭력 사회 폭력으로 변질 될 우려?
대체 수단(Another ways to educate students) • Academic Punishment- Book Report- Memorizing English Words- Solving math Home work • Moral Punishment- volunteer works within school- community service • Penalty Points • Will it work to students? Indifference????
세계 다른 나라 • 스웨덴 : 1960, 최초로 사회의 체벌 전면 금지 • 독일 : 학교 체벌 법적으로 금지 하지만 교사는 학생의 낙제와 타학교 진학에 대한 결정권을 부여 • 일본: 징계는 할 수 있지만 체벌은 안된다 • 미국: CA, NY 등 29개 주에서 체벌 금지, TX, NH 등 13개 주는 잔인만 체벌만 제외하면 허용. 벌금, 사회 봉사, 퇴학 • 싱가포르: 학교장 허락 하에 제한적으로 체벌 허용
Inspection of Personal Belongings • Teachers inspect students’ belongings in order to :- • Find students who possess inappropriate goods (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and punish them.
Inspection of Personal Belongings • Used as a preventive measure for underage smoking. • Prevents students from bringing cell phones, iPods, etc. to school that distract students in classes.
Inspection of Personal Belongings • Example:- • Student A lost his wallet in class. • Her teacher carries out inspection of personal belongings in class to find the wallet and the person who stole it. • Then punishes the person who stole it and returns the wallet to Student A.
Inspection of Personal Belongings • According to Student Rights Ordinance:- • Teachers cannot inspect students’ belongings without students’ approval. • Inspection of students’ belongings breach students’ right to privacy. • Adults take for granted the right to refuse inspection of their belongings by civil authorities.
Inspection of Personal Belongings • Case Study: May 14, 2005 • Provincial Office of Education carried out inspection of teachers’ belongings in High School A to find teachers who received bribes from parents and punish them. • Teacher B: “This inspection breached our human rights… We are not criminals.”
Inspection of Personal Belongings • Case Study: August 25, 2006 • Students in High School C protested against the restrictions on hair styles in their school. • Teachers inspected students’ belongings and confiscated their placards and phones to prevent another student protest. • Does this breach students’ right to privacy and restrict their freedom of assembly?
표현의 자유 • 두발 자유 • school cannot regulate the length of student’s hair • Student has right to address, talk, write, or post his/her opinion at school. • School should not force students any oath or pledge that is against his/her conscience or religion.
Other Rights • Student has right to participate the meeting for changing the existing regulation. • School has to report school’s budget whenever students or parents of students ask for it. • the report should be very accessible to students and parents. • Student has right to claim school to provide any information that might affect oneself.
Other Rights (cont.) • Unable to force students to take extracurricular classes • Unable to force students take theology. • Student has right to rest for better academic performance. YAY!!!!!! my favorite!!! • Student has right • to improve the education environment. • to enjoy and take part of cultural activity • to informed about meals which school provides to student
Food For Thought • 학생과 선생의 이상적인 관계? 당신은 학생인권조례가 필요하다고 생각 하는 가? • 체벌금지에 대한 생각(이상 vs현실) • 소지품 검사에 대한 생각(다수의 이익 vs개인의 사생활) • 두발 자유화(개인 표현의 자유 vs이상적인 학생상?)