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16+ Learning Choices data hub State of Play

16+ Learning Choices data hub State of Play. scotXed - 7 April 2011 Simon Marshall – Information Manager. Background to 16+ Learning Choices data hub. Challenge of maintaining engagement with young people at points of transition

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16+ Learning Choices data hub State of Play

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  1. 16+ Learning Choices data hubState of Play scotXed - 7 April 2011 Simon Marshall – Information Manager

  2. Background to 16+ Learning Choices data hub • Challenge of maintaining engagement with young people at points of transition • Caused by incomplete / different data held by partners, and limited data sharing • Address by developing and sustaining 16+ Learning Choices data hub • enable secure multi-partner data sharing between key partners

  3. Benefits Use a better data set to provide a more consistent and personalised service: more young people in positive destinations Remove data duplication and gaps to help front-line delivery staff: more effective working Gather and analyse more comprehensive management information: well-informed service delivery decisions Extract information for reporting to Scottish Government and other partners: demonstrate effective contribution to 16+ LC

  4. Stakeholders Local Authorities, Colleges, SDS (data sharing) Young people (customer service / privacy and data protection) Scottish Government (policy and information & jointly-chaired SG/SDS Programme Board) Voluntary sector organisations (possible future data sharing) SQA, SFC, UCAS, JcP (possible future data sharing)

  5. Strategic Fit SG Policy Integral part of 16+ Learning Choices (15-19 age group) SDS Projects Close fit Insight Replacement Enterprise Reporting Wider fit My World of Work 16 19 Choices

  6. 16+ LC data hub components Technical framework (the data store itself) Data exchange technology (into and out of store) Legals (data sharing agreements, privacy notices) Governance (policies and processes) Relationships (with multiple stakeholders)

  7. Current State of Play (1) • Data exchange technology • Engagement with the four main suppliers of systems to our partners • Short term approach agreed with LAs • Detailed work on short term approach due to complete by end of April 2011 • Agreement in principal to long term solution with LAs • Questionnaires sent to all Colleges to determine best way forward

  8. Architecture

  9. Current State of Play (2) Legals Data sharing agreements with LAs 17 signed 10 ‘close’ 5 ‘significant discussions’ Data sharing agreements with colleges in conjunction with Scotland’s Colleges Governance Privacy Impact Assessment complete Governance structures (SG, SDS,LA, College) in place Data sharing capacity building events for LAs & SDS Ops 21 delivered, 11 to do in May Relationships Working relationships established and sustained with the key data sharing partners Communication plan in operation Strong relationships with SG: jointly-chaired Programme Board plus on the ground engagement with partners

  10. Key Milestones First areas pilot data sharing into and out of the hub – May 2011 Start roll out of data sharing – June 2011 Complete roll out (data sharing with all key partners) – end August 2011 Evaluation – September 2011 Project close and handover to business (to become part of Business as Usual) – October 2011

  11. What will success look like • Multi-partner data sharing between SDS, LAs, College • Satisfied stakeholders • Better service for young people • More effective working for front line staff • Better management information • Better reporting on 16+ Learning Choices to SG and others

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