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Revised Draft MA Science & Technology/ Engineering Standards www.doe.mass.edu/stem/review.html. Webinar for Administrators March, 2014. Session goals. Consider impact of science in school & district accountability Overview key “shifts” in draft revised STE standards
Revised Draft MAScience & Technology/ Engineering Standardswww.doe.mass.edu/stem/review.html Webinar for Administrators March, 2014
Session goals • Consider impact of science in school & district accountability • Overview key “shifts” in draft revised STE standards • Discuss resources and strategies for implementation
Virtual introductions • In the chat box … Name, Title or role, District or organization • All microphones have been muted for now. • Questions as we go: type into chat box
“Science” is… • Earth and Space Science • Life Science (Biology) • Physical Science (Chemistry and Physics) • Technology/Engineering • Districts may provide more specific focus: • Robotics • Marine Ecology • Biotechnology • Computer Science • Pharmacology …
STE in PPI / Accountability • Science is in the school & district accountability formula • Narrowing proficiency gaps • (Not growth) • Science is include in the Competency Determination (CD) policy • Cohort graduation rate
Science in accountability Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Science in accountability Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Science in accountability • Elementary and middle schools • Grade 5 and 8 MCAS are grade span tests • Assess same scope as 3 math or ELA tests, therefore weighted equally in PPI • Consider different school configurations • E.g., PreK-4, 5-8: Only the “middle school” would have science in PPI, but grades 3 & 4 contribute
In the chat box… • In general, how does science performance compare to math and ELA performance in your school or district?
STE Standards Current and Revised (for 2015-16)
Structure & focus of current STE standards (2001/06) • Content focused • no inquiry skills except quick mention at HS • use generic cognitive verbs throughout • 4 primary domains (strands) • ESS, LS, PS, TE • Topics within each domain • not consistent by grade • Presented by grade spans • PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8, HS “introductory” courses
Why revise? • Update the science • Last full set of standards developed in 2001 • Preparation for post-secondary success • STE contributes to college & career readiness (CCR) • Student preparation for STEM-focused jobs and postsecondary opportunities* • Integration of practices with concepts • Necessary skills for CCR • Increases rigor of student expectations • Reinforces mathematics and literacy standards • Present PreK-8 grade-by-grade standards
College & Career Readiness Students who are college and career ready in Science and Technology/Engineering will demonstrate the academic knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to enter into and succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing science, engineering or technical courses; certificate or workplace training programs requiring an equivalent level of science; or a comparable entry-level science or technical course at the institution.
College & Career Readiness Students will be prepared to: • Analyze scientific phenomena and solve technical problems in real-world contexts using relevant science and engineering practices and disciplinary core ideas. • Use appropriate scientific and technical reasoning to support, critique, and communicate scientific and technical claims and decisions. • Appropriately apply relevant mathematics in scientific and technical contexts.
Science & engineering practices 1. Asking questions and defining problems 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Outcomes of integrating practices & content • Better reflection of actual science and engineering • Increased mastery of sophisticated subject matter • Increased opportunities to engage in practices in authentic contexts • Increased interest in STEM • America’s Lab Report (NRC, 2005)
What an STE standard looks like • Articulates expected performance/demonstration • Does not limit curriculum and instruction to the included practice
Compare standards 2001: Gr. 3-5 Physical Science #2: Compare and contrast solids, liquids, and gases based on the basic properties of each of these states of matter. Revised: Gr. 5 Physical Science 5-PS1-1. Use a model of matter as made of particles too small to be seen to explain common phenomena involving gasses, phase changes between gas and liquid, and dissolving. [Clarification Statement: Examples of common phenomena the model should be able to describe include adding air to expand a basketball, compressing air in a syringe, dissolving sugar in water, and evaporating salt water.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include the atomic-scale mechanism of evaporation and condensation or defining the unseen particles.]
Compare standards 2001: Gr. 6-8 Technology/Engineering #2.5. Explain how such design features as size, shape, weight, function, and cost limitations would affect the construction of a given prototype. Revised: Gr. 7 Technology/Engineering 7.MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing solutions to a given design problem using a systematic process to determine how well each meets the criteria and constraints of the problem. Use a model of each solution to evaluate how variations in one or more design features, including size, shape, weight, or cost, may affect the function or effectiveness of the solution.*
In chat box … • In what ways are the integration of practices and change the in rigor of science standards similar to or different from shifts in math and ELA?
Coherent progressions of learning • Vertical alignment through progressions of practices and concepts • Draws on learning progression research • A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) • Learning Progressions in Science: Current Challenges and Future Directions (Alonzo & Gotwals, 2012) • Learning Progressions in Science: An Evidence-Based Approach to Reform (CPRE, 2009)
MA strand maps Arrows highlight conceptual connections (needed for learning); not curricular connections
PreK-8 grade-by-grade standards • Grade-specific standards support: • Collaboration and sharing across districts on curriculum, district determined measures, etc • Consistency when students move schools/districts • Standards appropriate for students of each grade • All 4 disciplines in each grade encourage integrated instruction • Pre-K developed by EEC • K-5 as consistent with NGSS as possible • 6-8 generating discussion about school program
High school – no change in structure • Maintain current model of course choices, flexibility for different pathways • Overall reduction in scope of HS standards • Continuing to work on the HS model with DHE and others • Ensure all options lead to student development of science & engineering practices by end of 3 years of lab science (MassCore)
Implications for curriculum and instruction Adapted from: Brian Reiser, Northwestern University, 2013
Instructional shifts in STE • Relevance: Using knowledge and skills to analyze and explain natural phenomena and designed systems • Rigor: Purposeful engagement with practices and concepts • Coherence: Building a coherent storyline over time toward more sophisticated scientific and technical models
Additional resources • Crosswalk • www.doe.mass.edu/stem/resources/Crosswalk-current.xlsx • STE MCUs (forthcoming) and rubric • www.doe.mass.edu/candi/model/download_form.aspx • www.doe.mass.edu/candi/model/rubrics/STE.docx • Characteristics of an STE Classroom • www.doe.mass.edu/STEM/Standards-BasedClassroom.docx • In the chat box … Are there other resources that have been valuable to support math and ELA in your school or district?
A multi-stage (multi-year) process 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015-16 State Revision Process MA STE Review Panel & NGSS Advisory Group www.doe.mass.edu/stem/review.html Public Draft www7.nationalacademies.org/bose/Standards_Framework_Homepage.html Adoption www.nextgenscience.org
STE state assessment • Once revised STE standards adopted, will take ~2-3 years to revise MCAS • No change in MCAS structure anticipated at this time • Continue to test at grades 5 & 8, HS end-of-course • BUT…as with math and ELA, need to consider how to measure CCR • Looking into performance assessments formats and options • Through RTTT grant • PARCC item types Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Staying up to date/FAQ www.doe.mass.edu/stem/review.html
Possible district strategies • Begin the transition in full • Pick a component to work on • Science and engineering practices • Middle school • DDM focus • Easiest gains • Biggest challenges • Develop a transition plan • Make no changes/take no action until adoption
Open discussion • Microphones are now un-muted to ask questions and discuss • Please mute when not talking • Un-mute to contribute
Review key messages • As possible, attend to science sooner rather than later • Use extra time to your advantage • Do not forget technology/engineering • ESE encouraging action for all grades except 9th or 10th grade “MCAS” courses that determine CD • Do what you can and/or what is most important (connect to DDMs) • Build on math and ELA initiatives • Involve science staff • Collaborate across schools and districts
John and Abigail Adams Scholarship Beginning with the class of 2016, students must: • score Advanced on one of the three assessment tests (ELA, Mathematics, or STE); AND • score Proficient or higher on the other two; AND • have combined scores from the three tests that place them in the top 25 percent of students in the graduating class in their district. www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/adams.html Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Alignment to HEI admissions • ESE MassCore: “3 units lab-based science” • Which can include any technology/engineering course taken for science credit • www.doe.mass.edu/ccr/masscore/ • DHE Admissions Requirements: “3 sciences (including 2 with laboratory work)” • Which can include any technology/engineering course taken for science credit • Starting fall 2017: All 3 must be with laboratory work • www.mass.edu/forstudents/admissions/admissionsstandards.asp Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
MSBA science lab specs (MS-HS) www.massschoolbuildings.org/programs/science_lab/guidelines
Thank you! Questions, Comments, or Requests: mathsciencetech@doe.mass.edu jfoster@doe.mass.edu www.doe.mass.edu/stem/review.html