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W orked example: Global Change Information System

W orked example: Global Change Information System. Peter Fox, and … others. Xinformatics 4400/6400 Week 10, April 8 , 2014. And yet, we are still not done. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7mYclB2oypk/TWrlhBPvHxI/AAAAAAAAALc/mwjhBbuZ9kU/s1600/yawn4.jpg. Assignment 3. Assignment 3.

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W orked example: Global Change Information System

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  1. Worked example: Global Change Information System Peter Fox, and … others Xinformatics 4400/6400 Week 10, April 8, 2014

  2. And yet, we are still not done.. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7mYclB2oypk/TWrlhBPvHxI/AAAAAAAAALc/mwjhBbuZ9kU/s1600/yawn4.jpg

  3. Assignment 3

  4. Assignment 3

  5. Reading – long ago

  6. The Global Change Research Act and USGCRP • USGCRP was mandated by Congress in the Global Change Research Act (GCRA) of 1990 (P.L. 101 – 606) “To provide for development and coordination of a comprehensive and integrated United States Research Program which will assist the Nation and the world to understand, assess, predict, and respond to human-induced and natural processes of global change.”

  7. U.S. Global Change Research Program The Program: • Coordinates Federal research to better understand and prepare the nation for global change • Prioritizes and supports cutting edge scientific work in global change • Assesses the state of scientific knowledge and the Nation’s readiness to respond to global change • Communicates research findings to inform, educate, and engage the global community

  8. Global Change Information System(GCIS) Vision: A unified web based source of authoritative, accessible, usable, and timely information about climate and global change for use by scientists, decision makers, and the public.

  9. Global Change Research Act (1990), Section 106 …not less frequently than every 4 years, the Council… shall prepare… an assessment which– • integrates, evaluates, and interprets the findings of the Program and discusses the scientific uncertainties associated with such findings; • analyzes the effects of global change on the natural environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, human health and welfare, human social systems, and biological diversity; and • analyzes current trends in global change, both human- induced and natural, and projects major trends for the subsequent 25 to 100 years.

  10. Previous National Climate Assessments Climate Change Impacts on the United States (2000) Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States (2009) http://nca2009.globalchange.gov Target date for next NCA: 2013

  11. NCA 2009 http://nca2009.globalchange.gov AND THEN CLIMATE-GATE HAPPENED!

  12. Prototype Use Case Discover and visit data center website of dataset used to generate report figure.

  13. Assessment links to information

  14. Traceable accounts… Magic here !

  15. Under the hood – a graph

  16. Key Message & A Traceable Account

  17. Key Message vs. “General” Message

  18. Prototype 1 • Initial Implementation of UC-1 • Exposes Linked Data API • RESTful • RDF/XML, TTL, HTML, JSON supported • Hosted at TWC / RPI • currently placeholder data • http://globalchange.tw.rpi.edu/elda/gcis/report/nca2009.html • Implemented using Epimorphics Linked Data API (ELDA) • http://code.google.com/p/linked-data-api/(spec) • https://code.google.com/p/elda/ (implementation)

  19. Linked Data API Architecture

  20. Prototype Screenshot

  21. GCIS

  22. GCIS • Create an entity from the structured metadata about each thing – tag with related concepts. • Identify it with a persistent, controlled identifier. • Present with a human readable web page and a machine interface. • Represent all relationships between items.

  23. GCIS and W3C Prov For GCIS, we have agents (people, projects, agencies, data centers, publishers, etc.) who are associated with activities (measuring, deriving, modeling, analyzing, authoring, publishing, archiving, distributing, visualizing, etc. ) the entities (software, data, images, figures, papers, reports, etc.) related to global change. We assign local identifiers to each (so we can persistently resolve them) and capture and represent their relationships. If possible, we link with external authorities: agency data centers, journal publishers, Researcher ID (researcherid.com) or ORCID (orcid.org).

  24. Computer science-y things wasDerivedFrom wasInformedBy used ENTITY ACTIVITY wasGeneratedBy startedAtTime, endedAtTime wasAttributedTo wasAssociatedWith AGENT actedOnBehalf Diagram from W3C PROV group and Ivan Herman

  25. Non-specialist Use Case

  26. Free-text Search by Keyword (ELDA)

  27. Faceted Browser (S2S) Data type Facet Vocabulary Facet

  28. Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) • http://cleanet.org/index.html • The CLEAN project, a part of the National Science Digital Library, provides a reviewed collection of resources coupled with the tools to enable an online community to share and discuss teaching about climate and energy science. • Science Vocabularies for middleschool to undergraduate students • Vocabularies hosted at http://serc.carleton.edu/admin/manage/view_vocab.php?vocab_id=161

  29. CLEAN Vocabulary

  30. CLEAN Vocabulary (cont.)

  31. CLEAN Vocabulary (cont.)

  32. Interagency Information Integration GCIS can use relationships between all relevant information about global change across the agencies: • From observations to datasets to research papers to models to analyses to organizations to people to synthesized reports to human impacts... • Determine agency interdependencies -- An EPA analysis uses a NOAA model dependent on observations from a NASA satellite. • Can present unique interagency metrics "How many papers referenced datasets from a specific satellite?" • Direct users back to agency data centers for more detailed information and the actual content and data.

  33. GCIS “Data Mining” Structured information with relationships allows integrated data mining, searching, metrics. • What projects provided data used to produce figures that were referenced in the 2013 NCA section about coastal sea level rise impacts? • Which data centers hold data referenced by papers related to forests in the midwest? • Which agencies have people working on projects related to societal impacts of extreme weather events? • Show me the latest papers about health impacts of air quality in California. Which datasets were used in the analysis of air quality in California?

  34. Be not afraid of informatics Adopt, adapt, adapt, adapt,… Coordinate, finds gaps, be synergistic.

  35. Project check-in • There are a few students who have dropped the course… • Red: AayushChhabra, Eric Dobson, RikhyaGhosh, Daniel Zhao • Orange: Eric Hayden, AnkitaKhandelwal, Sisi Liu, Travis Scavone • Yellow: Jennifer Chan, Benno Lee, Evan McCarty, James Ryan • Green: Javier Camino, Lakshmi Chenicheri, Jonathan Dieter, Melissa Hay • Blue: Mike Moore, Michael O’Keffe, RanjaniSargunaraj, Jessie Sodolo • Indigo: James Cataldo, Xueyang Guan, Thomas Hughes, Shruan Li, Amar VishwanathanKanna • Violet: Sarah Cooper, Nicolle Negdely, AnirudhPrabhu, Renaldo Smith, Dian Yu

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