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CED Application Reviewer Training

CED Application Reviewer Training. Module 4: Organizational Capacity June 2012. Module Outline. Module 4 includes: The basis for scoring the Organizational Capacity criterion Guidance on evaluating each Organizational Capacity sub-criterion Organizational Profile

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CED Application Reviewer Training

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  1. CED Application Reviewer Training Module 4: Organizational Capacity June 2012

  2. Module Outline • Module 4 includes: • The basis for scoring the Organizational Capacity criterion • Guidance on evaluating each Organizational Capacity sub-criterion • Organizational Profile • Past Performance with Similar Job Creation Projects • Staff and Position Data • Direction on how to score each sub-criterion • Quiz questions to gauge what you’ve learned

  3. CED Application Reviewer Training 4.1 Organizational Capacity – Organizational profile

  4. Organizational Capacity – Organizational Profile • Basis for scoring: Whether the application demonstrates that the organization, its staff, and its partners have sufficient overall experience to successfully implement the proposed project. • 10 points possible • Discussed on p. 42-43 of FOA

  5. Organizational Capacity – Organizational Profile

  6. Organizational Capacity – Organizational Profile

  7. Organizational Capacity – Organizational Profile • Narrative question: Overall, does the application demonstrate sufficient overall capacity and experience to successfully implement the proposed project?

  8. Organizational Capacity – Organizational Profile • Points Available: • Scoring Guidelines: • 0 points = No similar experience or partnerships with similar experience • 5 points = Less experienced team or lacking partnerships with a more experienced organization • 10 points = Combined capacity of highly qualified and experienced organizations, staff and/or partners sufficient to successfully carry out the project

  9. Self-Review Quiz • The application must demonstrate experience of whom? • Organization • Staff • Partners • Both A and B • All of the Above

  10. Self-Review Quiz • The application must demonstrate experience of whom? • Organization • Staff • Partners • Both A and B • All of the Above

  11. Self-Review Quiz • If an applicant proposes to work with a more experienced CDC, its application must include what? • A letter from the director of the partnering CDC attesting to the partnership • A description of the partnership that includes a strategy for the more experienced CDC to provide assistance • A demonstration that the more experienced CDC has experience with projects similar to the one proposed • B and C • All of the above

  12. Self-Review Quiz • If an applicant proposes to work with a more experienced CDC, its application must include what? • A letter from the director of the partnering CDC attesting to the partnership • A description of the partnership that includes a strategy for the more experienced CDC to provide assistance • A demonstration that the more experienced CDC has experience with projects similar to the one proposed • B and C • All of the above

  13. Self-Review Quiz • To receive maximum points under this criterion the application must show what? • A partnership with a more experienced CDC • Description of prior CED-funded projects • Combined capacity of highly qualified and experienced organizations, staff and/or partners is sufficient to successfully carry out the project • All of the above

  14. Self-Review Quiz • To receive maximum points under this criterion the application must show what? • A partnership with a more experienced CDC • Description of prior CED-funded projects • Combined capacity of highly qualified and experienced organizations, staff and/or partners is sufficient to successfully carry out the project • All of the above

  15. CED Application Reviewer Training 4.2: Organizational Capacity – Past Performance with Similar Job Creation Projects

  16. Organizational Capacity – Past Performance • Basis for scoring: Whether the application demonstrates that the applicant and all partner organizations have the experience necessary to successfully carry out the proposed project, including evidence of two similar projects undertaken by the applicant (or undertaken by the more experienced CDC, if applicable). • 10 points possible • Discussed on p. 43 of FOA

  17. Organizational Capacity – Past Performance

  18. Organizational Capacity – Past Performance • Narrative question: Overall, does the application demonstrate that the applicant and all project partners have the experience necessary to successfully carry out the proposed project?

  19. Organizational Capacity – Past Performance • Points Available: • Scoring Guidelines: • 0 points = No evidence that applicant and partner have successful similar job creation projects in the past • 5 points = Applicant and/or partner has one successful similar job creation project in the past • 10 points = Applicant and/or partner has two successful similar job creation projects in the past

  20. Self-Review Quiz • The basis for scoring the Past Performance portion of the application is whether the application demonstrates that the applicant has the experience necessary to successfully carry out the proposed project. • True • False

  21. Self-Review Quiz • The basis for scoring the Past Performance portion of the application is whether the application demonstrates that the applicant has the experience necessary to successfully carry out the proposed project. • True • False

  22. Self-Review Quiz • How many examples of similar projects must be included in this part of the application? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

  23. Self-Review Quiz • How many examples of similar projects must be included in this part of the application? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

  24. CED Application Reviewer Training 4.3: Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data

  25. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data • Basis for scoring: Whether the application demonstrates that the individuals tasked with implementing the project have sufficient qualifications, experience, skills and abilities to successfully carry out the proposed project. Or, in cases where staff has not been hired, whether the application demonstrates an appropriate position description, recruitment strategy, and estimated hiring timeline. • 5 points possible • Discussed on p. 43 of FOA

  26. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data

  27. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data

  28. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data

  29. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data

  30. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data • Narrative question: Overall, does the application identify qualified staff to carry out the proposed project? If staff have not been hired, does the application demonstrate an appropriate position description, recruitment strategy, and estimated hiring timeline?

  31. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data • Points Available: • Scoring Guidelines: • 0 points = No staff or staffing plan proposed; or staff proposed are not qualified, experienced and/or available (OR, for staff who have not yet been hired, the recruitment process described is not likely to attract appropriate candidates when their skills are required for the project)

  32. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data • Scoring Guidelines(cont): • 3 points = Staff with related skills, but not sufficiently experienced in relevant projects or availability not certain (OR, for staff who have not yet been hired, the position description and recruitment strategy do not clearly target appropriately qualified and experienced candidates, and/or the hiring timeline may not have a person in place within the timeframe required for the project)

  33. Organizational Capacity – Staff and Position Data • Scoring Guidelines (cont): • 5 points = Highly qualified, experienced, and available staff in the industries of the project (OR, for staff who have not yet been hired, it is clear from the position description and recruitment strategy that the organization is seeking appropriately qualified and experienced candidates, and the hiring timeline shows that that person is likely to be in place within the timeframe required for the project)

  34. Self-Review Quiz • What should be included to demonstrate the proposed staff’s qualifications? • Resumes and/or biographical sketches • Related experience • Percent of time available for the project • Both A and C • All of the above

  35. Self-Review Quiz • What should be included to demonstrate the proposed staff’s qualifications? • Resumes and/or biographical sketches • Related experience • Percent of time available for the project • Both A and C • All of the above

  36. Self-Review Quiz • The application must identify staff must have experience with which of the following? • Experience in data management • Supervisory experience • Experience in finance and business • Both B and C • All of the above

  37. Self-Review Quiz • The application must identify staff must have experience with which of the following? • Experience in data management • Supervisory experience • Experience in finance and business • Both B and C • All of the above

  38. Self-Review Quiz • If key staff for the project are not already in place, what recruitment information should application include? • Position description • Recruitment strategy • Hiring timeline • All of the above

  39. Self-Review Quiz • If key staff for the project are not already in place, what recruitment information should application include? • Position description • Recruitment strategy • Hiring timeline • All of the above

  40. Module 4 Wrap-up • What you’ve learned… • The basis for scoring the Organizational Capacity criterion • Guidance on evaluating each Organizational Capacity sub-criterion • Organizational Profile • Past Performance with Similar Job Creation Projects • Staff and Position Data • Direction on how to score each sub-criterion • What’s next? • Module 5: Public Support

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