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Testing dark matter with Gaia. O. Bienaymé Strasbourg Observatory. Dark matter within our Galaxy. Flat rotation curve => missing luminous mass =>dark matter halo. Dark matter within our Galaxy. Vertical motion of stars (Kaptein, Oort 1920’)
Testing dark matterwith Gaia O. Bienaymé Strasbourg Observatory Gaia – Revue des Exigences préliminaires
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Flat rotation curve • => missing luminous mass • =>dark matter halo
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Vertical motion of stars (Kaptein, Oort 1920’) • =>total mass density in the solar neigbourhood
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Vertical motion of stars (Kaptein, Oort 1920’) • =>total mass density in the solar neigbourhood (Hipparcos sat.) • versus : seen mass (stars+gas) =>dark halo cannot be extremely flattened (Crézé et al 1998). =>dark disk is not massive, if any ….
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Halo shape • Local stellar 3D kinematics with Hipparcos satellite • (about ten thousand stars) • => vertical force perpendicular to the disk • => (u,v,w) 3D velocity coupling • => (u,w) tilt with RAVE and SDSS • they give local constrain on the shape of the potential • that is nearly spherical
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Halo shape • Local stellar kinematics with Hipparcos satellite • => vertical force perpendicular to the disk • => (u,v,w) 3D velocity coupling • => (u,w) tilt with RAVE and SDSS • they give local constrain on the shape of the potential • that is nearly spherical
Siebert et al 2008; RAVE velocity ellpsoid tilt 500 red clump stars Tilt=6deg at z=1kpc Potential nearly spherical
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Halo stars velocity distribution (radial velocities) (but no proper motions i.e. tangential motion) • => flat rotation curve at large R • High velocity star D.F. in the solar neigbourhood • Galactic escape velocity • total galaxy mass & flat rotation curve (model dependent) Globular clusters, dwarf galaxy satellites
Galactic escape velocity 33 stars
Halo stars: velocity distribution 552 Vrad
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Halo shape Sagittarius tails precession of the orbit measures the shape of the potential Other streams
Dark matter within our Galaxy Correnti 2010 • Halo shape Sagittarius tails precession of the orbit measures the shape of the potential Other streams
Dark matter within our Galaxy • Need for distances (parallaxes), proper motions tangential velocities , radial velocities and very large samples, • to constrain accurately the 3D shape of the galactic potential
Gaia: a unique experiment • The next cornerstone of the ESA Science Programme • Unique characteristics • Unprecedented astrometric accuracy (7-200as) • Simultaneous astrophysical characterisation + radial velocity of observed objects • Survey down to V = 20 • 109 objects observed all over the sky • Launch 2012, Soyouz from Kourou
The third dimension: further and further Solar neighbourhood Up to ~ 30 pc Solar neighbourhood Up to ~ 200 pc All over the Galaxy Up to ~ 10 000 pc In the bulge of the Galaxy Up to ~ 10 000 pc In the Galaxy and the Local Group Up to ~ 30 000 pc Ground-based, Hubble Precision: 3-5 mas Hipparcos 1989-1993(-2007) Accuracy: (0.1) - 0.2-1 mas Gaia (2012-2018) Accuracy: 8-20 as Jasmine (?) Precision: 10 as SIM (?) Precision: 3 as
Performances for a G2 V star • Astrometry: • Photometry: accuracy on G magnitude • Spectroscopy
Gavitational Potential with GAIA Measure the total mass distribution from the gravitational potential Measure the baryonic mass (mainly stars, mainly the disk) Deduce the ‘exact’ shape of the D.M. distribution Hayashi, Navarro … 2007 APC, 9 June 2010
disk structure • Disk warp and flare, relation with Monoceros stream? • At 15 kpc: • disk rotation ~ 6 mas/yr • For a 1 kpc high warp: • ~90 as/yr in latitude • ~600 as/yr in longitude • easily measurable by Gaia
Streams in the Galactic Halo Streams Intégrale du mouvement Amina’s figures APC, 9 June 2010
Streams in the Galactic Halo Simulation of the accretion of 100 satellites galaxies (A. Helmi) Position space Velocity space Again here, 3D kinematics at the faint end of the Gaia survey (V>16-17) would be a plus…or would even be crucial to identify sub-structures of the phase space
Streams in the Galactic Halo Integrals of motion space APC, 9 June 2010
Constrains on the Clumpiness of the dark matter halo APC, 9 June 2010
Gaia: long-term objective • Choose potential, write Hamiltonian, write closest integrable Hamiltonian, find distribution function F(J), adjust potential… • On shorter term: can we answer the crucial question of the existence of galactic dark matter by confirming/excluding (or at least constraining) a modified gravity approach?
MOND within our Galaxy • Stellar Disk within MOND • a newtonian astronomer observes • a spherical dark halo • and a dark disk (Milgrom, 86)
Testing Newtonian gravity on galactic scales • Modified gravity is only one version of MOND • Only the relation between the potential and the matter source is altered, so one can constrain the potential in the usual way • Crucially depends on our knowledge of the baryonic distribution • Depends on the exact choice for • Then, the theory makes a unique and falsifiable prediction for the galactic potential => as an example let us use (x)=x/(1+x) and the Besançon model based on the synthesis approach
The « dark disk » from the Besançon Galactic model in MOND • With (x)=x/(1+x), at the solar position one has eff = 78 Mpc-2within z=1.1 kpc to compare with present constraints dyn = 74+-6 Mpc-2 (TEST 1) • The effective radial density distribution in the disk has a scale-length enhanced by 25% [deep MOND => 50%] => measuring dynamically the disk surface density as a function of R with GAIA (but problem of extinction, maybe JASMINE too) should allow to constrain or even exclude MOND as modified gravity (TEST 2) => quick way to exploit GAIA data 2.5kpc3.1kpc CountsKz force Bienaymé, Famaey et al. 2009, A&A
The vertical tilt of the velocity ellipsoid • Angle = arctg[22UW /(2U - 2W) ]/2 is linked to the disk scale-legnth and dark halo flattening (Bienaymé 2009) => compute orbits in axisymmetric Besançon model to measure the tilt as a function of z at solar position TEST 3 Newton+DM MOND 6° RAVE data Siebert et al. 2008 (z=1kpc)= 7.3°+-1.8° 10°<14°
Conclusion Wepresented 3 quick tests to test MOND as modifiedgravity in the MilkyWaywithGAIA-likequality data This shouldallow to constrain or evenexclude MOND as modifiedgravity Testinggravitycruciallydepends on ourknowledge of the baryonic distribution (even more thanwhendetermining the DM distribution) => importance of : - star counts, stellar population synthesis - gaseous content (includingmoleculargas) - inhomogeneities (clusters, gasclouds) Test other alternative theory