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The Nazi State Begins (1933) Triumph of the Will (1934). Versailles Treaty (1919). Germany is guilty for the War. Moral Charge- Declaration. Germany is guilty for the War. Economic Charge- Compensations.
Versailles Treaty (1919) • Germany is guilty for the War. Moral Charge- Declaration. • Germany is guilty for the War. Economic Charge- Compensations. • Germany loses territory and the possibility of developing full autonomy. Political Charge. • Theory of the “stab in the back.” • Germany is forced to accept
Weimar Republic (1918-1930/1933) Limitations • (1) Democratic Character in the middle of (2) Political Crisis (Violent Radical Groups, government instability) (3) Economic Crisis (Versailles conditions, depression context) (4) Moral Political Crisis (Theory of the stab in the back) • Starting in 1930 Art. 48. / Idea: Co-opt right wing support.
The Nazi States Begins (1933) • 01-30.- Coalitions of Hitler with Conservatives. Declares the “national revolution,” and later on the “legal revolution.” (56-58) • 02-27.- The Reichstag (Parliament) is burned. Prohibition and repression of left wing movements. (59-61)
The Nazi States Begins (1933) • 03-04 Nazis win elections and(1) dissolve the parliament (the executive assumes all functions),(2) removed all non-Nazis in the bureaucracy (Jewish blood),(3) take control of the police (SA and later on SS) with real control of Gestapo,(4) end federal government and all the governors are attached to the regime. (61-63)
The Nazi States Begins (1933) • 04- Dachau –first concentration camp- is opened. In a few months they will be 50. First Boycott against Jewish business. Start the prohibition of normal execution of Judaism among Jews (no Kosher food). (63) • 05-Prohibition of the unions and 05/10 burning of books in the Opernplatz: “Where books are burned, in the end people will be burned.” (H. Heine- 53) • 06/07 Internal Purges (65).
The Nazi States Begins (1933) • 07- Concordat with the Vatican. International and National legitimating of the regime. (68) • 09- Complete Ban of Jews of most professions. Central Jewish Representation is established (69) • 10- Germany withdraws from the League of Nations (70) • 11- Nazi triumph in one-party election. (71) Nazi is the only accepted party in December.
Triumph of the Will (1934) • 01- Pact of non-aggression with Poland. (78) • 04-05 pro-Nazi Rallies in New York (Queens and Madison Square Garden) and anti-Semitic discourse in Washington by congressmen (80) • “German Christians” vs. “Barmen Declaration” • 06- Encounter Hitler-Mussolini. “Night of the Long Knives” and hard persecution against homosexuality. (81)
Triumph of the Will (1934) • 08- German President von Hindenburg dies. Hitler consolidates all power. 89.9% support of Hitler. (82-3) • 09- 100 Jews killed in Argelia (82) • 10-11 Expansion of German Army. In defiance of Versailles (83)
Steps Toward Destruction (1935) • Hitler greatly expands Army. Creation of state-controlled Union of Protestant Churches (88). To the medieval stereotypes of Jews (Catholic and Protestant), they started to expand the “pseudo-scientific research.” (88) • 01- Conscriptions begins. New defiance of Versailles, but Anglo-German Naval agreement revalidate it of facto (90) • 08- Martin Niemoller, anti-Nazi pastor, anti-Semitic sermon (90).
Steps Toward Destruction (1935) • 09-11 – Nuremberg Racial Laws are passed. Jew is one with 1/8 Jewish background. Jews are not citizens and are deprived of most of the rights (92-3). • 11- Active Collaboration of Churches with their records to show who is Jewish and how is not (91-92).
The annihilation of the Jew • 1918-191: Many anti-Semitic groups established in Germany. The Gipsy law is passed. • 1918-1933 60,000 Polish Jews emigrated to Germany because of anti-Semitic policies. • 1919-1921 65,000 Jews are killed in Poland and Ukraine. • 1923 First issue of pro-Nazi anti-Semitic newspaper (Der Strumer) is published in Nuremberg. Jewish homes are burned in Berlin. • 1924-1925 the U.S. Congress passes the Immigration Restriction Act. Fundation in America of “Defenders of Christian Faith,” anti-Semitic organization leaded by Rev. Gerald B. Winrod.
1927 Profanation of Jewish cemeteries in different German cities. Fundation of “Faith Movements of German Christians,” anti-Semitic Christian organization. • 1928 anti-Semitic libel in New York. • 1931 Attack of Jews on the eve of Jewish New Year. • 1932 Nazi Control ober the F.M.C. Fundation of the American “Friends of the New Germany”
01-1933 Austrian Catholic Bishop “is a duty for each Catholic to adopt a moral form of anti-Semitism” • 02-1933 Bloody Sunday. Attacks against socialists and Jews. All the Jews/socialists members of the parliament are arrested after the Reichstag “went up in flames” • 03- SA incorporates other anti-Semitic groups. Attacks against Jews in the streets. Dachau is established by 1945 the concentration camps will be more than 1000.
04- First official boycott against Jews professionals (lawyers, doctors and merchants). Bann of Jews in the civil service. The Yellow star started to be imposed. Economic sanctions against Jews. Law restrict enrollment of Jews in the school system. Jews are prohibited of practice ritual slaughter of animals. • 06- Law of reduction of unemployment. All the work for “Germans”. • 09- Jews are banned from arts (music, literature, broadcasting) and journalism. • 11- Law Against Dangerous and Habitual Criminals.
4-1934 pro-Nazi rally in Queens, New York. • 5-1934 Re-edition of medieval myths against Jews. Anti-Semitic Speech and pro-Nazi meeting at the Madison Square Garden. • 8- 100 Jews are killed in Constantine, Argelia.
1935 • 4- Anti-Jewish local legislation. Jews cannot display German glag. • 5 Jews are officially banned from the German Armed forces. • 9 First Nuremberg are passed. Jews return to the position before-1871: Jews are nor Germans and is prohibited the intermarriage. Jews are people who have 1/8 of Jewish background. Church Collaboration.