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Important details for parents of 5th graders regarding supplies, cafeteria, missed work, conduct, and communication with teachers. Stay informed to support your child's education journey effectively.
Mrs. Norris Math canorris@morgank12.org
Mrs. Quattlebaum Science Teacher blquattlebaum@morgank12.org
Mrs. Sapp Social Studies vmsapp@morgank12.org
Mrs. Smith Language and Writing kbsmith@morgank12.org
Welcome • Information Forms • Please include email addresses. • We email very regularly, and it is also an excellent line of communication since we cannot always leave to answer a phone call. • Please allow time for a reply as we are very busy educating your child. • Money: $25 • Covers workbooks, supplies, folders and company store • Please send any supplies to school ASAP. We will be needing them on the first day of school to prepare your child for 5th grade. If you need financial assistance, please see your child’s homeroom teacher tonight.
Car Riders • Car rider lines will be long the first few days of school. • Please make sure you order car rider signs as soon as possible
Missed Work • Attendance policy—Makeup work • Your child will have 5 days to make up any missed assignments/tests if he or she has an excused absence. • Please don’t call expecting to have work ready by 3:00 same day. • If you know in advance of an absence, and it is approved, please let the office and us know. We will be happy to gather the work for you.
Lockers • Lockers will be available for a cost of $5. • You will be asked to sign a contract stating that you understand the locker policies. • Students will not be issued a locker until the contract is signed.
Cafeteria • Cost: • Lunch • Student—2.20 • Teacher/Volunteer—2.70 • Visitor—3.70 • Breakfast • Student—1.00 • Visitor—1.50
Cafeteria Continued • Please send money in an envelope with your child’s name and lunch number on the outside. • Please add the lunch number to any checks as well. • Remember: You can prepay online • Please fill out free/reduced lunch form as this not only helps you, it also helps the school receive funding. • If your child brings lunch from home, he/she will leave it in his/her 5th period class teacher first thing each morning.
Concession • Students will be able to purchase snacks and drinks from the concession. • Money will be collected first thing each morning and delivered following PE (around 8:45) each day. • Each item costs .50 • Your child may also bring a nutritional snack from home.
Slow Down • First few days will be self-contained. • This is to establish a connection with your child and a time for adjustment.
Follow directions • Keep feet, hands, and objects to self • Stay on task • No talking out; noise • Respect property and rights of others • Be on time • Be prepared • Complete all assigned work • Follow Kindle rules • Inappropriate language/actions
Behavior Chart • 1st checkmark- warning (1st nine weeks only) • 2nd checkmark-penalty table at lunch (or ½ break teacher discretion) • 3rd checkmark-whole break • 4th checkmark-a note will be sent home to be signed by parents • 5th checkmark-corporal punishment, principal, ICU • Every 5th checkmark throughout the 9 weeks will result in a visit to the principal. • * Severe clause: Immediate trip to principal’s office • Checks = E (Excellent) • 1-10 Checks = S (Satisfactory) • 10-20 Checks = N (Needs Improvement) • 20 & up = U (Unsatisfactory) • The conduct grade will come home weekly on the 5th grade newsletter. • If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the teachers. Email is QUICKEST.
Chip System • Each classroom will have a group chip reward system. • Groups will be able to earn points for colored chips. • The group with the most points at the end of the nine weeks will receive a “chip party.” Chip Value: White = 100 points Blue = 10 points Red = - 5 points
Homework • Homework will be posted daily in each classroom. Your child will be given the opportunity to copy this down at the end of each day. • Homework trackers will be given weekly. • Keep in mind, they are subject to change due to scheduling, interruptions, or at teacher discretion. • Your child will also be given a student calendar/planner in which to make these and other changes. Please check to ensure your child is writing in these each day. • Any students not completing assignments will be given opportunities to finish during a designated nonacademic time. • Occasionally a parent/guardian signature is required.
Daily Folders • In addition to student planners, we will also provide a Daily Folder for your child in which we will place any graded papers or worksheets to be completed at home. • Please check this folder daily to ensure you are kept aware of progress. • These folders will have a pocket for things to keep and things to send back. • The folder must be signed and returned each Monday. This lets us know you are seeing the grades/homework.
Communication • If you have an email address, please make sure to write it clearly on the information page on the back page of the “What to Expect in 5th Grade” packet. • We check email daily. • Please allow at least until the end of the day for a reply as we will not have many opportunities to check and reply to emails throughout the day. • Feel free to call the school as well. 256-341-9202 • Our email addresses, homework trackers, and other pertinent information can be found on the school website. • You can also find our email addresses there as well. • We will be sending reminders via email regularly.
Conferences • We are available during the week for conferences from 8:15-8:45 except for Wednesdays which we will be meeting with our grade levels for planning. • We can also schedule conferences after school and phone conferences as well. • A parenting day is on the school calendar as well. We will be sending information home.
Expectations Packet • In it you will find each teacher’s procedures, curriculum, and grading procedures. The behavior contract is on the “Personal Information” sheet. Your signature along with your child’s is necessary. • Take the time to read and discuss the 5th grade packet with your child and return the completed information sheet with your signature to school as soon as possible.
Parties • We will have 3 parties this year • Christmas • Valentines • End of Year • We will be sending home information as these time approach. • If you would like to send a treat for your child on his/her birthday, we can share it during lunch.
Language: Mrs. Smith • Concepts will be taught and tested weekly. The tests will be cumulative. • Skills will include grammar, usage, and mechanics. • Writing is practiced weekly with emphasis on narrative and expository writing.
Math—Mrs. Norris • Math will consist of the following: • Math POD (Problem of the Day) Journals, cumulative test, and Hands-On Math. • Math POD Journals- You will be given a math problem to solve in your journal. The answer to the POD should be written in complete sentences using your answer choice in the explanation. Math Journals will be checked 1or more times per nine weeks for a grade. • Math consists of 16 Units. After each unit students, will be given a unit test. This test will include skills from the unit plus a few cumulative problems. If school is not in session on test day, it will be moved to the next school day. Homework will be given and checked. If your child does not finish his/her homework he/she will be given the opportunity to complete the work during break and other non-academic times. Students receive a homework grade. It is not graded for right or wrong. Did you try to solve the problems and show your work? Example if the problem is 132 x 12, you can’t just write 1,594. You must show how you solved it
Reading—Mrs. Brown Grades • Grades will consist of class work, participation, reading log, weekly comprehension test, and book projects/reports. Book Projects/Reports • Students will be required to read several books from various genres each nine weeks. Students will be expected to complete a book projects by a given date each nine weeks. Much of this work will be completed in class. Reading Log/Homework • The majority of homework will consist of rereading the weekly story or reading a student selected book. Students will need to read 30 minutes each school day and should be able to communicate with their teacher about their reading.
Social Studies—Mrs. Sapp • Fifth grade social studies curriculum focuses mainly on American History. • Your child will become familiar with events from prehistoric migration to the Civil War and Reconstruction. • Grades will be rendered according to participation, completion and organization of notebooks, vocabulary quizzes, tests from the text, projects, and states/capitals tests. • Study guides will be given prior to test day on as needed basis. • Most homework will consist of studying for vocabulary quizzes and tests. • Any unfinished class work may become homework to be completed by the next day.
Science—Mrs. Quattlebaum • Vocabulary tests-Each week you will receive a vocabulary word list. You will pick up the list from my classroom and expect a quiz on the words every other Thursday . • You are responsible for picking up your word list and placing it in your DOSL journal so that you can have it for test time. • This is a cumulative test, so on every quiz, words will be added to the list. • The quiz will be in a matching quiz format. • As the year progresses, the list will grow and change. • I will be adding new words and dropping the more familiar ones. Study the words weekly and you will do fine. • Each nine weeks you will receive at least 3 vocabulary tests grades. • DOSL (daily oral science lesson) journals: • Each day as class begins, you will be asked to answer a multiple choice question in your science journal. • I will check your DOSL journal at least two times each nine weeks. • Each entry should include date, time, a complete response, and an illustration. • This is a grade. • Unit notebook: • Each unit of study will be accompanied by a science notebook. • It will include a Table of Contents and each record sheet or entry we make regarding the topic of study. • The notebook will be checked at least once and maybe twice per nine weeks for a grade. • Most units will have a unit test. • Science Trade Book: • You must read one non-fiction science book each nine weeks. • I will give a due date. • It can be an AR book on your level (80 or above for the grade) or you may choose one from my collection. • If you do this there is a simple book report form for you to complete. • I may take an occasional lab procedure grade indicating proficiency using the scientific method or proper use of lab equipment.
Basic Skills • We are so excited to offer this class to your children this year!! • We might refer to this class as an “Enrichment Class” also because of the wonderful flexibility we are able to afford! • The first semester, we will keep our own homerooms and each student will be given the opportunity to be involved in our “Time Management/Organizations Skills” Class.
Homeroom Parent • If your would like to volunteer to be a homeroom parent, please see your child’s teacher today. • If you would like to volunteer for other needs, either at home or at school, please sign the volunteer form and indicate which area you would like to assist.
We are excited about the new school year. Please keep us informed of your concerns.Thank you for the honor of educating your child this year!