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“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”.
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” “I am asking my countrymen in India to follow no other gospel than the gospel of self-sacrifice which precedes every battle. Whether you belong to the school of violence or non-violence, you will still have to go through the fire of sacrifice and of discipline”. Gandhi
“I am asking my countrymen in India to follow no other gospel than the gospel of self-sacrifice which precedes every battle. Whether you belong to the school of violence or non-violence, you will still have to go through the fire of sacrifice and of discipline.” The meaning of this quotation is a statement to make sacrifices in life whether by choice or not. Sacrifices are necessary actions that must follow a mistake. It does not matter if the person believes in violence or non-violence; a sacrifice is a sacrifice to be dealt with in the way that person chooses. All people must deal with sacrifices throughout life because they teach discipline and show obedience. This quotation relates to the quotation of “freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes”. To make mistakes is similar to having to make sacrifices. After a mistake, a sacrifice is necessary in order to repair the damage, which also deals with discipline for creating the damage done. To have the freedom to make mistakes gives the freedom to make a non-violent or violent self-sacrifice decision. Sacrifice and discipline are not avoidable, they belong in the lives of all people who have the freedom of making mistakes and fixing them. Maureen, Mimi, Sophie
The first quote, pertaining to struggle and sacrifice directly relates to India's intrinsic conflict regarding how they should obtain their independence, through peaceful means or violent collisions. Gandhi argues that either approach requires dedication and self- sacrifice, uniting them further. This quote directly reflects Gandhi's attempts to form a unified nationalist movement. Even though Gandhi was against using violence as a means of change, he incorporated their point of view into his ideals as well. Compromise was one of Gandhi's greatest qualities, and this quotation exemplifies his ability to understand the views of those around him and adapt his own ideals to the needs of his country. As a result of Gandhi's tolerance to opposing views, India gained their independence in relative peace and the opposing parties worked together towards a common goal. The second quote establishes the Gandhi's definition of freedom as the ability to make one's own decisions and mistakes. He explains that without mistakes the Indian people cannot grow into an independent nation. His beliefs mirror the ideal that if one relies on another, one forfeits the right to change and learn from one's mistakes. The reader can assume that Gandhi excepts struggle and failure as apart of being free, and that India will being going through this struggle to gain independence from Britain. These quotations have a lot to do with determination in the face of opposition. This statement definitely deems true in today's society, and I see it on a daily basis. When you open up any newspaper and read about any country, there is always articles telling horror stories about the destruction and devastation that people do to each other. At times I feel overwhelmed, like there is nothing that I can do to help these people, but it is in that moment that I also realize all the beneficial things that are going on throughout the world. Whenever there are deaths somewhere internationally, a scientist could have just discovered a new cure to save future generations. It goes back to the fundamental ideal, that in order to experience joy or happiness to the fullest one must feel the pain of sorrow and pain. This quote is particularly relevant because sacrifice and determination are requirements for change, and we are in the midst of many political, economic, and social changes. Freedom is a result of this self- sacrifice and determination, and this struggle is a symbol of independence.
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” I think that the meaning of this quotation is that everyone should be given the right to freedom – and also the right to test that freedom. Everybody makes mistakes and sometimes mistakes are due to pushing the boundaries of freedoms you have been given. If you are constricted to live a certain way and follow a set of rules, you will never be able to make mistakes and possibly in the process gain new freedoms. This quotation connects to the previous quotation because it is all about self-sacrifice and risk. Without pushing the limit and risking yourself for the freedom of others, you will never accomplish anything. Many have the tendency to just stay in their comfort zone, but it is very important to sacrifice yourself for the eventual improvement for others. Everyone will benefit in the end. This definitely fits well into the Indian nationalist movement because I feel that it ties into the idea of sacrifice for others. If you sacrifice yourself and push the limits to obtain more freedoms, everyone will reap the benefits. Making mistakes and testing your freedoms is the only way to gain more independence. I think this quotation applies perfectly to the stage of life we are in right now – the teenage years. During high school and your early teens, parents start to become more lenient and give certain privileges such as staying out later, cars, less adult supervision, and things of this nature. When we get these freedoms and test them to see how far we can take them, we learn from our mistakes. When we mess up, it is then that we re-asses everything and put things back into perspective. Without certain freedoms given to us in the beginning, we would never learn or gain new freedoms in the process.