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Wetlands and Waterways Permits

Wetlands and Waterways Permits. Ken Franklin Statewide Permits Program Coordinator Geo-Environmental, ODOT. 2. Jurisdiction. 1. Agencies and laws. 4. Schedule issues. 3. Permit process. Presentation scheme. Corps of Engineers. Section 404 Clean Water Act

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Wetlands and Waterways Permits

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wetlands and Waterways Permits Ken Franklin Statewide Permits Program Coordinator Geo-Environmental, ODOT

  2. 2. Jurisdiction 1.Agencies and laws 4. Schedule issues 3. Permit process Presentation scheme

  3. Corps of Engineers Section 404 Clean Water Act Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act • Waters of the U.S. • 404 waters • Section 10 waters • Navigable • Corps Factoids • No hard timeframes to issue • No emergency authorizations per se • No permit volume thresholds • ESA compliance critical • Permits • Nationwide • Regional General • Individual

  4. DSL • Waters of the state • Essential salmon habitat • Non-essential salmon • habitat State Removal-Fill Law • DSL Factoids • Admin. rule timeframes to issue • Emergency authorizations • 50 cubic yard threshold • Permits • General Authorizations • (New) General Permits • Removal-Fill Permits

  5. Fresh Waters Tidal Waters Removal-Fill Law & Removal-Fill Law Removal-Fill Law Uplands Section 404 Section 404 Uplands Section 10 Section 10 if navigable High Tide Line Mean High Water OHWL Ground Water Line Freshwater Wetlands Coastal Wetlands Tidelands 2. DSL/Corps jurisdiction

  6. Fresh Waters Tidal Waters Removal-Fill Law Removal-Fill Law & Removal-Fill Law Uplands Section 404 Section 404 Uplands Section 10 Section 10 if navigable High Tide Line Mean High Water OHWL Ground Water Line Freshwater Wetlands Coastal Wetlands Tidelands Streams, ponds, lakes, some ditches 2. DSL/Corps jurisdiction

  7. Jurisdiction example Wetlands N OHWL High flow channel above OHWL Upland (not regulated) Coast Fork Bridge, I-5 Willamette River, Lane Co.

  8. Challenging jurisdictional features

  9. Jurisdiction puzzler Jurisdictional? Roadside ditch Drainage ditch

  10. Permit 3. DSL/Corps permit process Pre-app meeting Prepare/revise “JPA” Submit JPA No Continue Yes 1 Is JPA complete enough for further review? DSL/Corps Application Processing

  11. Yes, JPA complete 1 3. DSL/Corps permit process Most DSL authorizations Public review process Corps IPs Corps NWPs Comments Applicant’s response adequate? Final Technical Review Yes 2 Applicant responds to comments No

  12. Remaining application completeness items 3. DSL/Corps permit process DSL Permit • Final Agency Documentation • Decision documents • Permit conditions Final Technical Review Corps Permit Draft permit conditions • Permit Conditions: • Construction • Mitigation • Post-construction SHPO OK NMFS BiOp DEQ 401 Cert

  13. 3. Permit process: mitigation • Avoid impacts • Minimize unavoidable impacts • Rectify temporary impacts • Compensate for permanent unavoidable impacts

  14. Mitigation scenarios Wetland Road Ditches River or Stream OHW

  15.  Avoidance of Impacts

  16. ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Minimize unavoidable impacts • Other ways to minimize impacts: • In-water work timing • Erosion control techniques and tools • Temporary water management • Clearance of migratory bird nests before nesting season • Etc. • Culverts • Wildlife crossings Forested buffer

  17. NWZ No work zones NWZ NWZ To prevent unintended impacts Wetland • Contract special provisions • No equipment • No driving • No disturbance • Prevent sediment discharge into NWZ

  18. On-site compensatory mitigation site Creation Enhancement Restoration Compensatory mitigation 1.5:1 3:1 1:1 Wetland impact site + Case for avoidance and minimization of impacts

  19. Permit target date - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 JPA submittal time before target date (months) 4. Permit scheduling ~ -3 wks Final JPA Items In DSL/Corps Individual Permit    GA & NWP   

  20. Nothing endures but change. Heraclitus (540 – 480 BC) • DSL • Administrative rulemaking underway • Stream mitigation requirements  ? • Corps • Rapanos jurisdictional guidance in use • SLOPES IV? • New Mitigation Rule • DSL Payment in Lieu will become an option again (was PTP)

  21. End

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