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Environmental Study Prof . Rajesh Bhagat Asst. Professor Civil Engineering Department Yeshwantrao Chavan College Of Engineering Nagpur B . E. (Civil Engg .) M. Tech. ( Enviro . Engg .) GCOE , Amravati VNIT, Nagpur Experience & Achievement:
Environmental Study Prof. Rajesh Bhagat Asst. Professor Civil Engineering Department YeshwantraoChavan College Of Engineering Nagpur B. E. (Civil Engg.) M. Tech. (Enviro. Engg.) GCOE, Amravati VNIT, Nagpur Experience & Achievement: • Lecturer, KDKCOE, Nagpur • Lecturer, PRPCOE, Amravati • Assistant Professor, PCE, Nagpur • Assistant Professor, Cummins College of Engg. For Women (MKSSS, Nagpur) Mobile No.:- 8483002277 / 8483002288 Email ID :- rajeysh7bhagat@gmail.com Website:- www.rajeysh7bhagat.wordpress.com • Selected Scientist, NEERI-CSIR, Govt. of India. • GATE Qualified Three Times • Selected Junior Engineer, ZP Washim.
UNIT – I [ 6 Hrs.] Introduction: Definition, scope and importance; Need for public awareness -Institutions in environment, people in environment. Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable and associated problems; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources; equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. UNIT – II [ 6 Hrs.] Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem - understanding ecosystems, ecosystem degradation, resource utilization, Structure and functions of an ecosystem- producers, consumers) and decomposers. Energy flow in the ecosystem - water, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen; and energy cycles, integration of cycles in nature. Ecological succession; Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; Ecosystem types - characteristic features, structure:, and functions of forest, grassland, desert and aquatic ecosystems.
UNIT – III [ 6 Hrs.] Bio-diversity: Introduction - biodiversity; at genetic, species and ecosystem levels Bio-geographic classification of India Value of biodiversity - Consumptive use value, productive use .value, social, ethical, moral, aesthetic and optional value of biodiversity. India as a mega-diversity nation; hotspots of biodiversity Threats to bio-diversity - habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wild life conflicts. Common endangered and endemic plant and animal species of India. Insitu and Exsitu conservation of Biodiversity UNIT – IV [ 6 Hrs.] Pollution : Definition; Causes, effects and control measures of air, water, soil, marine, noise and thermal pollutions and nuclear hazards. Solid waste management - Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste. Role of individual and institutions in prevention of pollution. Disaster management Floods, Earth quacks, Cyclone and land slides.
UNIT – V [ 6 Hrs.] Social Issues and the Environment: Unsustainable to sustainable development; Urban problems, related to energy; Water conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management; Problems and concerns of resettlement and rehabilitation of affected people. Environmental ethics - issues and possible solutions – Resource consumption patterns and need for equitable utilization; Equity disparity in Western and Eastern countries; Urban and rural equity issues; need for gender-equity. Preserving Resources for future generations. The rights of animals; Ethical basis of environment education and awareness; Conservation ethics and traditional value systems of India. Climate change, global warming, acid-, rain, Ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocasts. Wasteland Reclamation; Consumerism and Waste products. Environment legislations - The Environment (protection) Act; The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act; The. Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act; Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislations - environment impact assessment (EIA), Citizens actions and action groups. Public awareness — Using an environmental calendar of activities, self initiation.
UNIT – VI [ 6 Hrs.] Human Population and the Environment: Global population growth, variation among nations, population explosion; Family Welfare Programmes.- methods of. sterilization; Urbanization. Environment and human health-Climate and health, Infectious diseases, water-related diseases, risk due to chemicals in food, Cancer and environment. Human rights — Equity, Nutrition and health rights, intellectual property rights (1PRS), Community Biodiversity registers (CBRs). Value education - environmental values, valuing nature, valuing cultures, social justice, human heritage, equitable use of resources, common property resources, ecological degradation. HIY/A1DS; Women and Child Welfare; Information technology in environment and human health.
GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SUBJECT (As per Ordinance No. 2 of 2012): At the end of the course, the student shall be evaluated for 100 marks with distribution as below: Field note book - 25 Marks Objective Questions - 50 Marks (50 questions, each of one mark) Essay type question - 25 Marks Passing marks - 40 Marks OR In view of the above entire course the students in terms of batches of 20 students each may be assigned a project work encompassing People‘s Bio-diversity Register (PBR) of any Gram Panchayat as per the format of Bio-diversity Authority of India under the guidance of a teacher. The PBR should be evaluated for 100 marks. The result shall be declared in grades as follows: Grade O: above 75 Marks; Grade A: 61–75 Marks; Grade B: 51-60 Marks; Grade C: 40-50 Marks TEXT BOOKS: A Text Book of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, ErachBharucha, University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
What is Environment ? • Natural world • Surrounding in which we live • Life sustaining system in which various living and non-living things are inter-related • Collection of all the external factors or conditions influencing the life of the organisms
Environmental Study: Importance, Scope and Need for public awareness: Our developments are going against nature and environment, Therefore the importance, scope & study of environment has great importance. Our existence depends on the environment, therefore the need for public awareness is of great importance. Importance Of Environmental Studies: Environmental studies provide information about the conditions of environment which could be useful for planning and designing of the project. It provides knowledge about the ecosystems. It provides necessary information about biodiversity. Environmental studies helps to find and solve the big environmental problems. 8
Scope Of The Environmental Studies: To study the interrelationship between biotic and abiotic components. To carry out the impact analysis and environmental audit in order to minimize the environmental problems. Reduce the pollution. Managing the unpredictable disaster. To create awareness to the public. It provides necessary information about biodiversity. Environmental studies helps to find and solve the big environmental problems. 9
Need For Public Awareness: Man has overexploited the natural resource which leads to many environmental problems such as acid rain, ozone layer depletion, green house effect, land slides, cancer and other health problems. Lack of awareness and less number of people participation leads to poor pollution management which are the major reasons for climate instability and unhealthy ecosystem. Hence, it is necessary to create awareness to the public about environmental problems and to protect the environment through implementing proper regulations. In order to protect the environment from the pollution, Supreme court has initiated the environmental awareness to the public through government and non governmental agencies. And it is important duty of us to cooperate with government from our side and work for the protection of environment. 10
Natural Resources: • Resources that occurs in our nature are known as Natural Resources. • These are classifies in two types Renewable & Non-renewable resources. • Renewable Resources : • A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be replenished naturally in the course of time through biological reproduction or other naturally recurring processes. • Renewable resources are a part of Earth's natural environment and the largest components of its ecosphere. • Air, water, sunlight, wind, etc. • Non-Renewable Resources : • Resources that exist in limited supply and can not be replaced if they are used. • Oil, natural gas, coal, Nuclear Fuel, etc. 11
Renewable and non-renewable resources and associated problems : • All energy sources have some impact on our environment. • Fossil fuels — coal, oil, and natural gas — do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions.
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources & equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles: • Scarcity of resources is the burning problem of modern technology. • The world are using natural resources at a rate faster than the natural processes can replenish it. • It is essential to sustain the natural resources. • We should conserve natural resources so that it may yield sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the needs of the future generation. • There are three specific objectives to conserve resources: • 1. To ensure that any utilization of the ecosystem is sustainable. • 2. To preserve biodiversity and • 3. To maintain essential ecological processes.
Pollution is defined as the excessive discharge of undesirable substances into the environment, adversely altering the natural quality of the environment and causing damage to humans, plants and animals. Water Pollution Soil Pollution Air Pollution 14
What is Air Pollution ? •Perception (When did you last say – Hey, that is air pollution ?) –Visible (smoke, dust, chimney smoke) (Grey Scale) –Odour (petrol, diesel, H2S, bleaching powder) 15