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Oy Mets ä-Botnia Orion Pulp Mill Project - Uruguay

Oy Mets ä-Botnia Orion Pulp Mill Project - Uruguay. Presented by J. Daniel Taillant Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA) jdtaillant@cedha.org.ar. Ence. Botnia. Rio Uruguay. Argentina. Uruguay. Nascence of Social-Environmental Movement.

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Oy Mets ä-Botnia Orion Pulp Mill Project - Uruguay

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  1. Oy Metsä-BotniaOrion Pulp Mill Project - Uruguay Presented by J. Daniel Taillant Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA) jdtaillant@cedha.org.ar

  2. Ence Botnia Rio Uruguay Argentina Uruguay

  3. Nascence of Social-Environmental Movement • Apparition of foreign papermill - & aware of experiences in Misiones (Arg), Chile, Brazil) – all ECF technology), results in Argentina and Uruguay opposition (before ENCE mill – 1996) • Uruguayan stakeholders seek collaboration with Argentines • Botnia appears and magnifies problem (tripling ENCE production) • Assembly meets 2 times weekly to discuss opposition strategy • Legal Actions considered, fervent protest, and other methods • Assembly links up with CEDHA and files CAO complaint in 9/2005, then others • Nearly 40,000 people sign complaint (with Power of Attorney) • Assembly Intensifies Opposition to Date • Promises to Oppose Until Botnia Leaves Argentina

  4. IFC Sends OK Signal to EDs “Consultations to date indicate that the project enjoys broad public support” IFC’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Summary Published April 20, 2005


  6. CAO Audit Findings • “IFC’s due diligence to satisfy itself that the EAs were complete in all material respects was inadequate and not incompliance with the organization’s Disclosure Policy” • Insufficient evidence that proper consultation has occurred • Need to generate transboundary trust in Local Communities • Botnia’s beginning construction undermines legitimacy • Special Efforts must be made to legitimize future studies • Must study impacts of eucalyptus tree farming on water • Must examine International Law Obligations; MIGA says not needed! • Establishes legitimacy of (Gualeguaychú Assembly) • IFC Fails to Give Clarity on how it will address Study Flaws • “Further technical information and facts will not be sufficient to address the lack of trust that currently exists … More fact, without efforts to build trust and address questions of integrity of process, will not be helpful”

  7. IFC Systematically Tries to Cover Errors • IFC Ignores CAO Recommendations and Fails to do consultation before terms of reference for study (violating OP - 12a) • IFC Designs 60-day consultation period during holiday season; boycotted by Assembly, Argentina and Uruguay • IFC leaves 1000 residents waiting … • Consultation Concludes Fruitlessly, CAO warns of rushed “fait accompli” attitude • CAO Publishes Critical Audit of IFC Faults • Hatfield Report notes missing elements(many in original CAO complaint) • Ecometrix Report Published Erroneously and not removed from Website • Conclusions Insult Stakeholders (public will become accustomed to mills) Botnia remains silent, but continues construction …

  8. Violent Assembly Members Scare off only IFC Consultation Arranged with Gualeguaychú 900 Assembly Members wait for IFC Consultation Team Which Never Show up!

  9. Findings by Ecometrix “The change to the landscape is a permanent impact, however the public’s response to these new industrial features is subjective and may potentially change over time as the public becomes accustomed to the new landscape. Case studies have shown that tourism can co-exist with pulp mills”.

  10. Trail of Unacceptable Errors • Botnia Strikes Last Minute Secret Deal with Uruguay, over ENCE • No Cumulative Impact Study of Mills • No site study showing environment/social adequacy (12/1200pp.) • No evidence showing proper use of BAT • No EIA for Chemical Operations • No convincing data on impacts on water, air, land, etc. • No Consideration of Reflows and Proper Info on Wind Patters • No Reliable Information on Tourism/Agro Risks • No Prior and Informed Consultation or Disclosure • Failure to obtain Social License to Operate • No review of International Law Obligations of Uruguay/Argentina • Failure to help project hosts (Arg/Uru) to resolve problem • Failure to guide sponsors to negotiate with stakeholders Argentina

  11. Summary and Conclusions • IFC was Negligent and Irresponsible fostering 2 Projects that were not in compliance with its own environmental and social policies • CAO reports were conclusive indicating the many IFC faults • IFC and Botnia ignored social tensions and the international conflict that have been mounting for nearly 3 years and continued on schedule • IFC misjudged as early as April of 2005 regarding supposed “broad public support” for these projects • The proposed investment is the focus of numerous legal claims, including at International Tribunals and filings in local courts in Arg/URU • The project sponsor and IFC failed to make efforts to help resolve the conflict that they fueled and instead have worsened the situation • IFC must not provoke or worsen the conflict • This investment project is the focus of one of the largest recorded local oppositions ever for a Bank sponsored project and is causing dangerous levels of intolerance and hatred between brotherly communities and an open dispute between member government of the World Bank • The IFC must abandon its consideration of loans to Botnia at the present site, and should, if anything, help work with project sponsors to study possible relocations, as the SPANISH ENCE is considering. Argentina

  12. Specific InstanceOy Metsä-BotniaOrion Pulp Mill Project - Uruguay Contact Information Jorge Daniel Taillant Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA) jdtaillant@cedha.org.ar Tel. 0054 9 116 182 3172 Oscar Bargas Citizens Assembly of Gualeguaychú - Argentina oscarbargas@arnet.com.ar Liliana Medina Cocaro MOVITDES – Uruguay Moviemiento por la Vida el Trabajo y un Desarrollo Sustentable movitdes@gmail.com Argentina

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