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The lush green and unparalleled serenity of the Hotel Lakeview Inn sets its location apart from other places. Discover the charm of the place as you nestle in the variety of accommodations offered here on affordable prices. Know more: www.lakeviewinnmotel.com
AMOTELWITHCLEANANDCOMFORTABLE ROOMSINKENTUCKYPROVIDINGALLTHE FACILITIES! LakeviewInnisonesuchbeautifulmotelatKingstonlocatednear FortSouthWestPointandKingstonCityParktoprovidea comfortablestaywithperfectsurroundingviewtotheguestsvisiting thisplace. Thismotelat1200NKentuckySt, Kingston, TNisoneof kind, asitisexceptionallyknownforitsattractivelocationthatallows thegueststoexplorethelushgreenandunparalleledserenity. Allthosewhoareonabusinesstourandarelookingforthebest hotelmeetingroomsinKentuckymustapproachthismotel, asit providesthesame.Itisthefriendlystaffassociatedwiththehotel thatisalwaysreadytoservetheguestsatanytime. Visitorsusually preferahotelforstayneartheairportandallthosewhoarelooking forahotel near McGhee Tyson AirportmustapproachLakeview Inn, asitisthebestoption. ThehotelprovidesfacilitieslikepremiumTVchannels, private bathroom, Wi-Fi, airconditioner, self-laundry, complementarydry continentalbreakfast, housekeepingservices, 24*7helpandother servicestomakethestaycomfortableandmemorableforthe guests. Incaseofanyotherqueryorguidanceyoucancontactthehotel directlyviaemailorphonecall. L A K E V I E WI N N 1 2 0 0NK E N T U C K YS T , K I N G S T O N , T N3 7 7 6 3 P H O N E : ( 8 6 5 ) 3 7 6 - 3 4 7 7 W W W . L A K E V I E W I N N M O T E L . C O M