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Incident Command System Overview CANUSLANT Incident Management Workshop Portland, ME – May 15, 2007 LCDR Matt McCann. Objectives. Wrap weeks of emergency management command/control training into 45 minutes! 1. National policy mandates 2. Incident Command System for executives
Incident Command System OverviewCANUSLANT Incident Management WorkshopPortland, ME – May 15, 2007LCDR Matt McCann
Objectives Wrap weeks of emergency management command/control training into 45 minutes! 1. National policy mandates 2. Incident Command System for executives 3. ICS/Response Management System (RMS) linkages
Federal Coordinating Structures Legislation: The Homeland Security Act of 2002, and Homeland Security Presidential Directives 5/8 NRP: Establishes Federal coordination structures/mechanisms, directs incorporation of existing plans, and provides a consistent approach to managing incidents. NIMS: Standardizes incident management processes, protocols, training, and procedures for use by all responders.
National Response Plan • Builds on what worked from previous plans and incident responses • Forges new approaches and mechanisms to address today’s threats • Establishes a national incident management capability • Addresses the complete spectrum of incident management activities • Uses National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System
NRP Construction Key concepts • National Operations Center (was HSOC) • Interagency Advisory Council (was IIMG) • Principal Federal Official • Joint Field Office Fully Incorporates • Federal Response Plan • Domestic Terrorism Concept of Ops Plan • Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan • National Contingency Plan Integrates • Other national-level contingency plans Foundation: National Incident Management System
NIMS Components • Command and Management • Organizational systems • Preparedness • Planning/training/drills/exercises/mutual aid • Resource Management • Communications/Information Management • Supporting Technologies • Ongoing Management and Maintenance • NIMS Integration Center (NIC)
Federal Response Concept • Incidents handled at lowest possible organizational level • DHS receives notification of actual and potential incidents • “Top-down” or “bottom-up” approach • Consultation/coordination amongst departments/agencies to: • Assess national implications • Determine need for full or partial NRP activation • Coordinating structures activated to provide unified, standardized approach for implementing Federal incident management responsibilities: • Direct implementation of Federal authorities • Federal support to State, local and tribal governments • Federal-to-Federal support • Proactive response to catastrophic incidents • Coordinating structures provide national capability • Ability to address impacts, execute immediate nation-wide actions to avert or prepare for subsequent events and manage multiple incidents
ICS Program History • Born in the Vietnam War, but attributed to Southern California wildfires in 1970s • Recognized need for common emergency response system due to responder fatalities • Mandated all-risk application and initially evaluated in the wild land fire environment • Design objective includes all levels of government, including executives
Use of ICS is equally effective for planned or unplanned events…
Incident Command System Designed to turn a crisis from an emergency phase to a project phase as quickly as possible - From reactive to proactive. Key features: • Modular Organization - highly structured yet flexible • Manageable Span of Control • Standard Terminology / Forms / Symbols • Chain of Command Structure • Consolidated Action Plan “All Hazards, All Risks” • Structured Resource Management System • Established Curriculum • Available at Low Cost • Commonly Used Nationwide • Logical/Functional • Common Incident Support Facilities • Integrated Communications • Management by Objectives • Personnel Accountability
Why did L’Etats Unis adopt ICS? • On-scene incident management structure • System generally being used by first responders to manage incidents • Training & exercise program • Certification & qualification system • Support technologies • System documentation
#2 Delegation of Authority & Management by Objectives #6 Common Responsibilities #2 Basic Features of ICS #1 Purpose of ICS #3 Incident Commander & Command Staff Positions #4 General Staff Functions NIMS Introduction #1 Leadership & Management NRP Introduction #3 Functional Areas & Positions #5 Facilities #5 Organizational Flexibility #6 Transfer of Command #1 ICS Fundamentals Review #4 Briefings #2 Unified Command #3 Assessment & Agency Guidance Establishing Objectives #4 Incident Resources Management #5 Planning Process #6 Demob, Transfer of Command & Close Out NIMS ICS National Training Curriculum Baseline LEVEL IS-700 IS-800 Basic ICS-100 Basic ICS-200 Intermediate ICS-300
ICS Applied • Agency/organization executives have vital role • All-risk system knows no bounds if properly applied • To be effective it must have: • Strong agency support • Thorough system documentation • Intensive training and exercises • Evaluation/corrective action process • System has never failed
USCG Application Examples • Oil spill/HAZMAT response and recovery • Multi-casualty • Port Security • Water transportation or private sector accidents • Planned marine or waterside events • Terrorism response • Designated Emergency Support Function
Factors Determining Response Size & Structure Administrative/jurisdictional complexity Geographic area involved Functional specialties required Logistics/support, planning needs Potential for growth
Basic ICS Organization IC CommandStaff Information Liaison Safety Legal Intelligence Planning Operations Logistics Finance * Resources * Situation * Demobilization * Documentation * Staging Area * Branches * Divisions * Groups * Communications * Food * Medical * Supply * Ground Support * Facilities * Procurement * Claims * Time * Cost * Compensation
Response Priorities Incident objectives are established based on the following priorities: #1: Life Saving #2: Incident Stabilization #3: Property Preservation
Top down management activity with the following steps to achieve incident response goals: Establish objectives Identify/select strategies Develop/implement tactics Management by Objectives
ICS Management ICS span of control for any supervisor: • Between 3 and 7 subordinates. • Optimally does not exceed 5 subordinates.
Resource/Planning Characteristics Written Incident Action Plans are produced when: • Large number of tactical and support resources need to be ordered, tracked and managed. • Multiple operational periods are required. • Transfer of command is likely. • Or…the boss wants one.
Preparing for the Planning Meeting Tactics Meeting Planning Meeting Preparing for the Tactics Meeting IAP Prep & Approval Command & General Staff Meeting /Briefing Operations Briefing IC / UC Develop/Update Objectives Meeting New Ops Period Begins Execute Plan & Assess Progress Initial UC Meeting Incident Brief ICS-201 Initial Response & Assessment Initial Response Notification Incident/Event Planning “P” • Deliberate Planning Cycle/Process • Complete a set of actions from Incident Action Plan • Operational period: Normally 12 - 24 hours • Determined by Incident Commander
Resource Management • Maximizes effective use of personnel and equipment. • Reduces span of control. • Reduces communications traffic. • Process to categorize/track resources ordered, dispatched, recovered and demobilized. • Includes processes for reimbursement, as appropriate.
ICS Summary Utilizes management features including common terminology and a modular organizational structure. Emphasizes effective planning through management by objectives and Incident Action Plans. Supports responders by providing needed data through effective information and intelligence management. Utilizes principles of chain, unity and transfer of command. Ensures ready resources through accountability/mobilization. Ensures utilization of incident resources by maintaining a span of control, establishing incident facilities, implementing resource management practices and ensuring integrated communications.
Involve more than one agency and/or political jurisdiction. Involve complex management and communication issues. Require experienced, highly qualified supervisory personnel. Require numerous tactical and support resources. Involve multiple victims, fatalities, or illnesses. Include widespread damage to property/environment. Result in psychological threat/trauma. Span multiple operational periods (days, weeks). Costly to control and mitigate. Require extensive recovery efforts. Draw national media interest. Designated an Incident of National Significance. What Are Major Incidents?
Incident Of National Significance IONS are declared by the Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, but Federal incident management activities are coordinated by the President unless delegated under the following HSPD-5 criteria: • When a Federal department/agency requests assistance. • When state/local capabilities are overwhelmed and they request assistance. • When an incident substantially involves more than one Federal agency. • When DHS has been directed by the President to assume incident management responsibilities.
Area Command Functions Directs multiple responses handled by ICS organizations; or a large incident with multiple response teams assigned. • Provide agency/jurisdictional authority for assigned incidents. • Ensure a clear understanding of expectations, intentions, and constraints. • Establish critical resource efficient use priorities between incidents. • Ensure responder assignments are appropriate. • Coordinate demobilization or reassignment of resources between incidents. • Assists in interagency coordination. • Reduces workload for agency officials.
Set overall objectives. Establish priorities. Allocate/reallocate critical resources. Coordinate with higher entities and the media….think ‘buffer’. Coordinate the demobilization of assigned resources. Does not direct tactical operations. Area Commander Responsibilities ICP ICP
Multi-agency Coordination System A combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications integrated into a common system with responsibility for coordinating and supporting incident management activities.
Increasing incident complexity Complex and confusing legal authorities Increasing litigation Increasing response costs High property losses Life, health, safety issues Media and public scrutiny Political, legislative and budgetary ramifications Competing priorities Why Focus on Coordination?
Multi-agency Coordination Centers Local Emergency Ops Center (EOC) State Emergency Ops Center (EOC) Joint FieldOffice (JFO) • Provide support and coordination to incident command. • Identify resource shortages and issues. • Gather and provide information. • Implement multiagency coordination entity decisions. Area Command Incident Command Post Incident Command Post Incident Command Post
Expansion vs. Activation Multi-agency coordination centers/entities may be established through: Expanding an existing function that includes full-time staff and pre-emergency administrative systems and controls. Or Activating a structure based on interagency mutual-aid agreements during an emergency.
Activating Coordination Centers • When an emergency situation threatens, significantly impacts the agency, or involves other agencies • When pre-established threat levels are reached • Under pre-established guidelines (recommended) • Joint powers agreements or memorandums of understanding • Jurisdictional response plans • Without pre-established guidelines • When there is an interagency need to coordinate • When resource requests exceed availability
Joint Field Office Focal coordination point for Federal support to on-scene incident management efforts (Federal MACC). Principal Federal Official Other Senior Federal Officials State, Local and Tribal Representative(s) Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official Federal Coordinating Officer JFO Coordination Group Chief of Staff ----------------------- Liaison Officer Safety Coordinator Security Officer Infrastructure LiaisonOthers as needed External Affairs JFO Coordination Staff Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO) Office of Inspector General JFO Sections Operations Section Logistics Section Planning Section Finance and Admin
NationalLevel Regional Level Field Level NRP Coordination Structure NIMS Role Multi-agency Coordination System Interagency Advisory Council JFO Coordination Group • Multiagency Coordination Entity • Strategic coordination • Multi-agency Coordination Centers/EOCs • Support and coordination Joint Field Office Regional Response Coordination Center National Operations Center Local Emergency Operations Center State Emergency Operations Center • Incident Command • Directing on-scene emergency management Role of regional components varies depending on scope and magnitude of the incident. An Area Command is established when needed due to the complexity or number of incidents. Area Command Incident Command Post Incident Command Post Incident Command Post
Preparing for the Planning Meeting Tactics Meeting Planning Meeting Preparing for the Tactics Meeting IAP Prep & Approval Command & General Staff Meeting /Briefing Operations Briefing IC / UC Develop/Update Objectives Meeting New Ops Period Begins Execute Plan & Assess Progress Initial UC Meeting Incident Brief ICS-201 Initial Response & Assessment Initial Response Notification Incident/Event RMS #8 Planning Meeting RMS #17 Operations Meeting Coordinated Planning RMS #7 Form Flow Process RMS #6 IAP Completion & Sub-Plan Development RMS #10 Task ID & Logistics Facilitation RMS #18 Strategy Meeting RMS #5 Initial IAP Development RMS #12 Pre-implement Debrief RMS #19 Initiation of IAP Development RMS #4 Initial Strategy Meeting RMS #9 Post IAP Debrief RMS #11 Post Logistics Debrief RMS #3 Initial Response RMS #13 IAP Implemented RMS #14 Post Operations Debrief RMS #15 Expenditures RMS #2 Initial Objectives RMS #16 Total Expenditures RMS #1 Incident & Notification
Jurisdictionally Transparent Functions The Joint Information Center is used to coordinate emergency information, crisis communications and public affairs functions; must include representatives of all stakeholders. Technical Specialists are personnel with special skills who can be used anywhere within a response organization.
Trans-boundary Personnel • Joint Response Team advisory personnel not filling On Scene/ Incident Commander roles as per Section 304.5 of the JMPCP provide a variety of counseling and debriefing support. • Liaison Officers can be requested as per Section 404 of the JMPCP at both Incident Command Posts. • Public Information Officers and Communications Officers working at a (Joint) Information Center. • Regional Environmental Emergency Team and Environmental Unit Leader and/or Technical Specialists working at either Command Post location. • Representatives of the Responsible Party, if applicable.