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Slovak Environment Agency Centre of Environmental Policy and Informatics Banská Bystrica

Slovak Environment Agency Centre of Environmental Policy and Informatics Banská Bystrica. Institutional arrangement of the water protection and water management in the Slovak Republic Ren á ta GR Ó FOV Á 24-25. 5. 2005, Beograd.

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Slovak Environment Agency Centre of Environmental Policy and Informatics Banská Bystrica

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  1. Slovak Environment AgencyCentre of Environmental Policy and InformaticsBanská Bystrica Institutional arrangement of the water protection and water management in the Slovak Republic Renáta GRÓFOVÁ 24-25. 5. 2005, Beograd

  2. Slovak RepublicArea : 49 033 km2Population (2003) : 5 380 053 inhabitants, density 109.7 inh/km2 Surface: 93.8 m a.s.l. - Bodrog river 2,654 m a.s.l. - peak Gerlach Structure of land: 49.70% - agricultural land 40.87% - forest area 4.58% - build-on land 2.95% - other land 1.90% - water area River drainage to sea: the Black Sea (96% of the SR area) the Baltic Sea (4% of the SR area) River network: 49,775 km (1,015 m per km2) Rivers under water manag. administr.: 29,334 km (59%) Basin: 4 main river basins (Danube, Vah, Hron, Bodrog and Hornad) included: 14 sub - basins 6 river basin districts (WFD) (Danube, Vah, Hron, Bodrog, Hornad, Poprad and Dunajec)

  3. Competencies of central state water administration bodies • since 1989 – Ministry of Forest Management and Water • Management of CSSR • 1989 – Federal Ministry of Environment of CSFR • Ministry of Forest Management and Water • Management of CSFR • 1990 - Slovak Commission for Environment • Ministry of Forest Management and Water • Management of CSFR • 1993 – Ministry of the Environment of the SR • Ministry of the Agriculture of the SR • - Water Act No. 138/1973 Coll. • - Water Act No. 184/2002 Coll. • - Water Act No. 364/2004 Coll.

  4. Competencies of central state water administration bodiesuntil 2003 • Ministry of the Agriculture • Administrative structure: • Section of Agriculture Management • Section of Forest Management • Section of Water Management • Competencies: • Central state administration body in water • management and fishery. • - water management, flood protection • - drinking water supply, sewerage • system, UWWTPs • - fishery • - fish stockings • - hydrotechnical melioration • Professional Institutions: • Slovak Water Management Enterprise • Water Research Institute • Water Engineering Construction • Water Supply & Sewerage Enterprise • Ministry of the Environment • Administrative structure: • Section of the Protection of the • Component of the Environment • - Department of the water protection • Competencies: • Central state administration body in water • protection • - performance of state water administr. • (authorisation, inspection...) • - surface water and groundwater • protection and monitoring • - water management, flood protection • - drinking water supply, sewerage • system, UWWTPs • - fishery • Professional Institutions: • Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute • Slovak Environment Inspectorate • Slovak Environment Agency • Slovak Water Management Enterprise and water management

  5. Competencies of central state water administration bodiessince 2003 • Ministry of the Agriculture • Administrative structure: • Section of Agriculture Management • Section of Forest Management • Competencies: • - fish stockings • - hydrotechnical melioration • Professional Institutions: • Hydromelioration, s.e. • Ministry of the Environment • Administrative structure: • Competencies: • Central state administration body in water • protection • - performance of state water administr. • (authorisation, inspection...) • - surface water and groundwater • protection and monitoring • - water management, flood protection • - drinking water supply, sewerage • system, UWWTPs • - fishery • Professional Institutions: • Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute • Slovak Environment Inspectorate • Slovak Environment Agency • Slovak Water Management Enterprise • Water Research Institute • Water Engineering Construction • Section of water • District Environment Authorities • Regional Environment Authorities and water management • water bodies indented for irrigation • purposes (designation, water quality • control), • Codex of good agricultural practise • Program of agricultural activities

  6. State water administration bodiesaccording to Water Act 364/2004 Coll. • The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Rep. • Regional Environment Authorities • District Environment Authorities • Slovak EnvironmentInspectorate • Municipalities

  7. The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak RepublicWater Division • performance of state water administration according to the • Water Law • finding of water occurrence and assessment of state of the • surfacewaters and groundwater, monitoring programmes • development • determination of environmental objectives, development of • programmes of measures, programme of protection from • erosions, programmes of elimination of dangerous • substancespollution, development of river basin districts • managementplans, cooperation with ICPDR • identification of bathing water, sensitive areas and • vulnerable zones, watercourses register, • conception and development programmes of • water management, administration of watercourses and • water buildings, issue of statements for investment • activities affecting the water treatment , performance of • technical – emergency supervision

  8. Professional institutions of the MoE • Slovak Water Management Enterprise, s. e. Banska Stiavnica • Water Engineering Construction, s.e, Bratislava • Hydroconsult, s.e., Bratislava • Water Research Institute, Bratislava • Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava • Slovak Environment Inspectorate, Bratislava • Slovak Environment Agency, Banska Bystrica

  9. Slovak Watermanagement Enterprise, s.e. • river basins, water courses (water courses important for • the water management and another purposes) and water • constructions administration, • administration of transboundary water courses, • ensuring of water protection and water constructions • protection, • provision of surface water supply from water courses and • water reservoirs, including its utilisation for electric energy • production • operation and maintenance of waterways • flood protection • monitoring and water quality assessment • monitoring of water abstraction and water disposal • collection of payments according to particular legislation

  10. Water Research Institute • leading workplace for water management development in • the Slovak Republic • research in the field of hydrology and hydraulics • research in the field of water treatment technology • standardisation in the field of water management, • international and European standardisation, CEN and ISO • administration of drinking water database, public water • supply and public sewerage system database and others • o conceptual activities ina water resources development • (drinking water supply, sewer system, regulation of run of • conditions, survey and water sources protection, irrigation, • drainage, hydropower production) • National Reference Laboratory for Water Sector

  11. Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute • assessment of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of • hydrosphere • maintenance and development of hydrology observation • systems, • systematic recording of information on surface water • regime and groundwater volume • assessment of surface water and groundwater quality, • development of water balance • administration of Water Register • development of expertise for water management planning, • water engineering construction etc. • development of hydroecological plans, program on • dangerous substances pollution control • research and science work

  12. Slovak Environment Agency • assessment of the state of the environment (annual • reports, DPSIR, environmental indicators, EU reporting) • administration and development of the information systems • of the environment (IT, data warehouse, map server, GIS • and modelling , national register of information on • environment) • environmental impact assessment • operation ofIPPC department • landscape planning and sustainable development • coordination of meeting of obligations resulting from the • membership of the SR in EAA, administration of national • network node of EIONET

  13. Reporting under Water Sector - SK • Analyses of reporting obligations • relevant legislation - Eurlex, • ROD - EEA • Reporting Obligations „Guide“ • (obligation according to articles, structure of report, reporting • period, reporting deadline) • Mechanism of meeting of reporting obligations • resulting from the membership of the SR in EU • - 3 kinds of information • Identification of responsible organisation • - identification of dataflows --data gaps • --duplications

  14. Reporting under Water Sector - SK 75/440/EEC 76/160/EEC 76/464/EEC 78/176/EEC 82/176/EEC 83/513/EEC 84/156/EEC 84/491/EEC 86/280/EEC 78/659/EEC 79/869/EEC 80/68/EEC 77/795/EEC 88/347/EES 90/415/EES 91/271/EES 91/676/EEC 92/446EEC 93/481/EEC 95/337/EC 98/15/EC 98/83/EC 2000/60/EC • European Commission • 24 relevant directives/decisions, including: • 3 - only information on bringinginto • force the administrative provisions • necessary to comply with directives • (88/347/EEC, 90/415/EEC, 98/15/EC) • 4 - only decisions on formats • (92/446/EEC, 93/481/EEC, 95/337/EC) • 17 - directives with particular requirements • European Environment Agency • Groundwater quality • Lake quality • River quality • Water quantity

  15. Reporting under Water Sector - SK • Ministry of the Environment of the SR (MoE SR) • Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) • Slovak Water Management Enterprise (SWME) • Water Research Institute (WRI) • Public Health Institute (PHI) • Ministry of the Agriculture of the SR (MoA SR) • Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) • District Environment Authorities (DEA)

  16. Reporting under Water Sector - SK • Water Framework Directive – Working Groups • 2.1. Analysis of pressures and impact (WRI) • 2.2. Heavily modified water bodies (WRI) • 2.3. Surface water bodies classification and • reference conditions identification (SHMI) • 2.5. Intercalibration net designation (WRI) • 2.6. Economic analysis (SWME) • 2.7. Monitoring of water bodies (SHMI) • 2.9. River basins management plans (WRI) • 2.8. Classification of groundwater bodies(SHMI) • 3.1. GIS (SHMI) 2A Ecological Status 2B Integrated River Basin Managem. 2C Groundwat. 2D Reporting

  17. Dataflow - Reporting under Water Sector in the Slovak Rep. 75/440/EEC 76/160/EEC 76/464/EEC 78/176/EEC 82/176/EEC 83/513/EEC 84/156/EEC 84/491/EEC 86/280/EEC 78/659/EEC 79/869/EEC 80/68/EEC 77/795/EEC 88/347/EES 90/415/EES 91/271/EES 91/676/EEC 92/446EEC 93/481/EEC 95/337/EC 98/15/EC 98/83/EC 2000/60/EC MoA SR PHI 91/676/EEC MoE SR 76/160/EEC 98/83/EC SEA WRI SHMI SEI SWME 75/440/EEC 76/464/EEC 79/869/EEC 91/271/EEC 91/676/EEC 98/83/EC 2000/60/EC 75/440/EEC 76/464/EEC 78/659/EEC 79/869/EEC 80/68/EEC 77/795/EEC 91/271/EEC 91/676/EEC 2000/60/EC DEA 75/440/EEC 76/464/EEC 78/659/EEC 79/869/EEC 77/795/EEC 91/271/EEC 91/676/EEC 2000/60/EC

  18. Steps which could improve co-operationamongthe institutions: • Management of institutions responsible for water • issues provided by oneMinistry, if it is possible • legislative arrangement • analysis of the tasks • identification of the responsibilities • sufficient financial budget


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