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7.4 The Patriots Gain New Hope. Victory in New Jersey. British Position: -British are Settled in New York -Mercenaries are in New Jersey. Continental Army: - Washington has time to gather troops to attack New Jersey. Victory in New Jersey. Victory in New Jersey. Battle of Trenton.
Victory in New Jersey British Position: -British are Settled in New York -Mercenaries are in New Jersey Continental Army: - Washington has time to gather troops to attack New Jersey
Victory in New Jersey Battle of Trenton Leader : George Washington Tactics: Surprise How: On Christmas morning G.W. Crosses the Delaware and attacks the Hessians. Colonial Victory What is the benefit of a surprise attack?
Victory in New Jersey Battle of Princeton Leader : George Washington Tactics: Surprise attack @ Night How: G.W. kept the fires burning at nightand the snuckaround behind the British to surprise attack them. Colonial Victory
Defeats embarrassed the British Cut off New England from other colonies. Turning Point at Saratoga NEW
General Howe: Decided to attack Philadelphia, which lead to the Battle of Brandywine Creek. Problems with “The PLAN” • Delayed his arrival to Saratoga. • Could have crushed Continental Army, chose not to. British Victory
John Burgoyne: General for the British. Planned to attack Albany from the North. • Thick Forest delays arrival • Arrives at Saratoga w/outsupport. Problems with “The PLAN”
KEY: TURNING POINT IN WAR! Battle of Saratoga Leader: General Gates Tactics: Non-Traditional How: Problems with British plan, resulted in British General Burgoyne alone and outnumbered at Saratoga. Colonial Victory
Convinced France to help the Colonies fight the British. RESULTS of the Battle of Saratoga VERY IMPORTANT
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (Washington) • Harsh Conditions, Few Supplies = 1/5 of men died Winter @ Valley Forge Friedrich von Steuben Helped improve the moral and training of George Washington’s men.
INDEPENDENCE 7.5 Conclusion to the American Revolution
Britain turns their eyes on the Southern Colonies… • What resources were there to use? • Camden, South Carolina • Horatio Gates (Patriot Leader) • EPIC FAILURE 3,300 of 4,000 soldiers died The War in the South
Guerrilla Warfare: Swift, Hit-and-Run attacks • Francis Marion • Attacked British supply lines and communications The War in the South
George Washington & Comte de Rochambeau planned to trap Cornwallis. • G.W. had 16,000 troops • French Fleet in control of Chesapeake Bay. • Battle of Yorktown. Victory at Yorktown