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EMILIE A European Approach to Multicultural Citizenship: Legal, political and educational challenges FP6 – PRIORITY 7 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 8 – 9 June 2006, European Commission, Brussels. Research topic: CITIZENS-2004-7.2.1 – Values and religions in Europe Contract number: 028205 (CIT 5)
EMILIEA European Approach to Multicultural Citizenship:Legal, political and educational challengesFP6 – PRIORITY 7 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE8 – 9 June 2006, European Commission, Brussels Research topic: CITIZENS-2004-7.2.1 – Values and religions in EuropeContract number: 028205 (CIT 5) July 2006 - July 2009 Coordinating institute: ELIAMEP, Athens, Greece Coordinator: Dr. Anna Triandafyllidou Project information: www.eliamep.gr Email: anna@eliamep.gr
About EMILIE • Responds to current ‘crisis of multiculturalism’ and lack of common EU intellectual framework to discuss relevant challenges • Interdisciplinary project studying experiences of 9 EU member states with different experiences of migration & integration • Aim: elaborate an empirically grounded European theoretical model for multiculturalism that is • appropriate to the European experience & • relevant to addressing current crises
Three case-studies in each EU member state Educational challenges posed by migration related diversity (including multicultural education and faith schools) Legal challenges with special reference to discrimination protection in workplace Political challenges with special focus on voting rights and civic participation How? EMILIE’s case studies Understand & compare 9 EU national experiences (policy solutions, models, value systems): • Belgium (CEDEM, Liege) • Denmark (Aarhus University) • France (INED, Paris) • Germany (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt a.O.) • Greece (ELIAMEP, Athens) • Latvia (Centre of Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Riga) • Poland (Center for International Relations, Warsaw) • Spain (Universitat Popeu Fabra, Barcelona) • UK (University of Bristol)
Research methods & approach • Each national case study will be critically analysed as to: • whether it offers a distinctive ‘model’ of immigrant incorporation • what value discourses the model is based on • Comparative analysis of the case studies: • value discourses • perceived value conflicts Objective: Identify the European dimensions of integrating diversity (value discourses, points of tension, best practices)
Expected results & potential impact • EMILIE will offer concrete policy and cultural dialogue analysis • Provide policy recommendations at national and EU levels on cultural diversity • Engage directly with policy community and civil society to reflect on appropriate policy responses and values underpinning these policies that can be shared by whole society
EMILIE Team Coordinator: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, ELIAMEP, Athens, Greece: Dr. Anna Triandafyllidou, Dr. Ruby Gropas Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, UK: Professor Tariq Modood National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France: Dr. Patrick Simon Faculty of Cultural Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany: Professor Werner Schiffauer, Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liege, Belgium: Dr. Marco Martiniello, Dr. Hassan Bousetta Department of Social and Political Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain: Professor Ricard Zapata Barrero Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Riga, Latvia: Dr. Ilze Brands Kehris Department of Political Studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark: Dr. Per Mouritzen Centre for International Relations, Warsaw, Poland: Professor Krystyna Iglicka