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Analyzing Primary Source Documents

413-422 - Recognize fact and opinion in a document. -Describe the characteristics of the Renaissance.

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Analyzing Primary Source Documents

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  1. 413-422-Recognize fact and opinion in a document. -Describe the characteristics of the Renaissance.

  2. A business man had just turned off the lights in the store when a man appeared and demanded money. The owner opened the cash register. The contents of the cash register were scooped up, and the man sped away. A member of the police force was notified promptly.

  3. Analyzing Primary Source Documents Read over the following document and answer the questions: The History of Florence, Francesco Guicciardini 1. What does the document describe? 2. Any opinion in the document? 3. What does this tell us about the period? A Letter to Posterity, Francesco Petrarch 1. What does the document describe? 2. Any opinion in the document? 3. What does this tell us about the period?

  4. The Italian Renaissance • Renaissance - A rebirth of interest in learning between 1300-1500s. • Economic growth was the basis of the Renaissance. • Venice, Genoa, and Milan grew rich on commerce. • Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance as a banking center controlled by the Medici family.

  5. Renaissance Florence A Florence Bank 1252 – first gold florins minted The Wool Factoryby Mirabello Cavalori, 1570

  6. Lorenzo the Magnificent Cosimo de Medici 1478 - 1521 1517 - 1574

  7. Political Organization of Italy • Communes – northern Italy, wealthy merchant class • and guild members won independence from local lords • in the 1100s. • Popolo – those excluded from wealthy class rebelled, • establishing Republics instead of communes (1200s). • Signori – one man rulers/despots ruled individually AND • Oligarchies – rule by the wealthy merchant aristocracy • both replaced republics by 1300s. • Princely courts – by 1400s the oligarchies expanded • to create these which were the space where they • ruled from as a way to show off their wealth.

  8. Political Organization of Italy • Why didn’t Italy grow into a unified state? • Strong patriotism and competition between • city-states prevented political centralization. • Venice, Milan, Florence, Papal States, Naples. • This helped create a “balance of power” and • develop the start of modern diplomacy. • Easy targets since city-states were not united: • 1494 Milan asked for help from Charles VIII • of France when Florence and Naples invaded. • 1508 French Prince Louis XII and German • Emperor Maximilian invade Venice. • 1527 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V sacked Rome.

  9. Characteristics of the Renaissance: 1. Emphasis on Individualism • Writers stressed individual person- • ality, greatness and achievement • in contrast to the old medieval • ideal of Christian humility. Batista Sforza & Federico de Montefeltre: The Duke & Dutchess of Urbino. (1465.) 2. Humanism • Revival of interest in Classic Culture, archaeology, ancient • manuscripts and the study of Latin classics – called “Humanism”. 3. Secularism * Focuses on the world rather than the spiritual or eternal.

  10. Lorenzo Valla Giovanni Boccaccio Francesco Petrarch Mirandola Pope Julius II

  11. Study Tips • Re-read or skim over the chapter. • Dedicate time each night to read and study in a quiet place, free of distractions (about 1 hour per night) • Use your syllabus to identify terms and objectives listed and make flashcards. • Study your notes. • Take the online practice test on the Goldfield website. • Read the chapter summary and review at the end of the chapter. • Review the chapter headings and rephrase into a question.

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