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Overall plan, LFM, work packages and activities. Dr. Ivana Perković. LFM. The Logical Framework Matrix: • brings together all key components of the project in one place • exposes the logic of how the project is expected to work;
Overall plan, LFM, work packages and activities Dr. Ivana Perković
LFM The Logical Framework Matrix: • brings together all key components of the project in one place • exposes the logic of how the project is expected to work; • provides a concise, realistic and coherent picture of the entire project intervention; • LFM is often used as the main reference document of the project. LFM provides the framework for monitoring and evaluation.
WP 1 • The main objectives of this workpackage are: - to analyze and compare current study programs, learning outcomes and competencies between EU and PC institutions; to familiarize with recent European developments and future trends in the higher musical education - to set standards, common learning outcomes and competences to be applied at PC institutions - to modernize existing study programs at bachelor and master level - to design new study programs at all three cycles.
WP 1 • All these objectives will be accomplished through three phase sequence: 1. preparatory phase, ie. fact-finding, research activities and analysis of learning outcomes and competencies of current study programs at PC institutions as well as their comparison with EU current situation; 2. defining phase, in which benchmarks, learning outcomes and competences will be set for PC institutions and 3. concretization phase in which revisions of current study programs will be outlined and new study programs will be created. • These phases will be completed having in mind educational level before higher education, in order to facilitate a smooth transition from the pre-college phase to learning outcomes in higher music education.
WP 1 Academic staff from PC and EU institutions, students and other representatives of nonacademic partners will participate in this workpackage. Nonacademic partners will have different roles: to provide insights and expertise on wider European scale (AEC), to define standards in line with current needs and demands of labor market (enterprises and professional associations) and to provide large-scale communication network with professionals, not only from main centers, but covering whole territory of the partner countries (institutions for promotion of music and culture).
WP 2 • The purpose of this workpackage is to assess the state of the art in terms of currently available teaching methodologies and tools, with the aim of applying them effectively to a future European training platform in interdisciplinary approach to music. • The variety of teaching methods is necessary, due to the specific nature of music/art education: • individual/group lessons, • music practicing, • research, • applied knowledge from different fields such as humanities, natural and social sciences, etc.
WP 2 • The ultimate goal is to use upgraded methodology in order to train a flexible and mobile experts and musicians ready to meet a variety of labor market needs. • The focus is on demands that the modern knowledge society places on high education music graduates. • The main steps for accomplishment of this goal will be: • training of teachers in EU and PC in order to upgrade their knowledge and skills, • training of trainers in EU and PC to provide their competence to deliver LLL courses, • development of the new teaching materials (books, manuals, CDs, PC programs, etc) related to the latest developments in the field, • administrative staff training, • printing and publishing of the new teaching materials, • preparation and copying or publishing of course materials and manuals for LLL courses, • acquisition of equipment • This workpackage is one of the main conditions for the sustainability of the project.
WP 2 • Equipment • musical instruments necessary for new/reformed study programs (set of drums/cymbals, pianos, accordions, wind instruments, etc with supplies); • computers and peripherals, • software, • books, scores, periodicals, • equipment for teaching purposes (audio and video equipment, phono laboratory equipment, etc.) • installation of the equipment.
WP 3 Implementation of new/revised programs of study will be scheduled after learning and teaching resources have been made available and the programs of studies have been accredited or approved (explained in WP 7). Appropriate administrative procedures will be undertaken and students will be enrolled at six PC academic institutions. In this project phase consortium members from EU and PC will enable direct knowledge transfer through their short visits, intensive courses and training given in this field in PC. However, students will be having the central position in this workpackage.
WP 3 After their first year, study visits to EU and PC academic institutions will be offered to best students, as probable anticipation of future exchange programs (such as ERASMUS). Unique opportunity to experience other artistic, research and didactical concepts and approaches. From a professional perspective, students will be able to prepare for an international career by making contacts with musicians, researchers and performance venues in other countries. Practice in non-academic institutions will be organized, future professionals will gain valuable experience as solo and orchestra musicians, organizers of musical events, musical writers, etc. Possibilities of joint programs or double degree in jazz and pop music will be examined between partner institutions.
WP 4 Strengthening of LLL center at one PC institution - UA Definition and preparation of a set of courses to be offered for LLL courses – UA, UNS, UKG, UNSA, SPU Implementation of the LLL courses Content of the LLL courses will refer mostly to the reformed/new study programs at PC institutions.
WP 4 • Target groups: • teachers in primary and secondary general education schools, • teachers in specialized music schools (primary and secondary), • orchestra musicians, • composers (classical, jazz and pop music), • radio and TV music editors/managers, • music journalists, music agents, music promoters... • Five thematic courses (jazz & pop, world music, ear training, interpretation, interdisciplinarity in music & criticism) will be adjusted to different target groups needs.
WP 4 • Courses will be prepared and offered by • nonacademic partners (MOB, UKS), • LLL centers and • PC universities (UA, UNS, UKG, UNSA, SPU). • Course duration: 2 to 7 working days, depending on a) thematic boundaries and b) arrangements with the enterprises. • Thematic boundaries will be defined according to the level of competencies and needs of course participants (different for teachers in general education schools and professional composers). • Arrangements with enterprises will depend on availability of their employees (during the week/in evening hours/weekends).
WP 5 Main goals of this workpackage : 1) to secure quality control of the academic content and LLL courses; 2) to determine how effective the project has been and 3) to improve the project as it goes along.
WP 5 • Internal and external reviews of the curriculum and content of courses, along with major stakeholders feedback (students, non-academic partners, professional associations) will be accomplished through questionnaires and evaluation surveys. • Used to secure quality control of the academic content of study programs and LLL courses. • Accomplished periodically. • Both quantitative and qualitative data will be included in evaluation reports.
WP 5 Overall quality control will be guided by the Project Board for Quality Control, Assessment and Monitoring (PBQCAM). Project evaluation plan Efficiency of the project will be measured through half yearly and yearly reports (half yearly and annual financial and monitoring reports prepared by cobeneficiaries, gathered by coordinator and submitted to the PBQCAM). Intermediate report will be submitted to EACEA. Independent experts (from partner institutions, but not directly involved in the project) will ensure the credibility of evaluation findings.
WP 5 3) Detection of problems and gaps between intentions and present situation in the project will be executed with aim to find solutions to potential implementation problems. Plans in contingency situations will be arranged.
WP 6 Beneficiary groups: 1) students, enterprises, teaching staff directly included in the project 2) students, enterprises, teaching staff within institutions included, but not directly involved in project activities 3) individuals and institutions outside of the project partnership (universities, potential stakeholders in the PC/region) 4) leaders at the level of beneficiary institutions and political decision-makers at national levels.
WP 6 Dissemination tools: Forum of the music high institutions (FMHEI) will be organized annually; groups 1 and 2 will be main beneficiaries; group 4 will be secondary recipient. Through the Music students union of WB institutions (MSUWB) project results will be disseminated mainly for groups 1 and 2. Project web site and promotional activities will address all beneficiary groups. Alumni network will be used for professional contacts, access to resources, services, events and lifelong learning opportunities; Dissemination of publications and recordings, etc.
WP 6 • Content: Due to specific nature of the project theme, dissemination process will include music/artistic performances by students enrolled in new study programs, as well as standard contents (conferences, workshops, meetings, etc.). • Dissemination strategy: • the first phase is to raise awareness about the project and its' objectives (design of project logo, template, website and information materials); • the second phase will be result-oriented, aiming to promote new/reformed curricula and LLL courses (website updated, concerts and student/teacher conferences within FMHEI, activities of MSUWB, etc).
WP 7 New/reformed curricula and LLL courses will be accredited on national level (in Serbia) or on relevant institutional level if national accreditation process is still about to initiate. Minor changes in study programs (less than 20%) will be verified by relevant internal bodies.
WP 7 • Other elements that will define the institutional capability to continue to perform their functions will be: • well-trained and skilled teachers and administrative staff, • continuous use of the acquired equipment (musical instruments, technical devices & computer programs, books and journals, CDs, etc) for teaching and research purposes, • continuation and extension of activities of the LLL center.
WP 7 • Annual meetings of the FMHEI and MSUWB after the project period will secure inter-institutional sustainability on the regional level. • Financial base after the Tempus program funds have been terminated will be secured: • from LLL courses and the • tuition fees of self-financed students. • Exclusivity and up-to-datedness of interdisciplinary study programs at all levels of study will attract fee-paying students from the whole region, and contribute the financial sustainability.
WP 8 • The Contractor will be responsible for the overall functioning of the project. • The project management will be ensured by: • the steering committee – the major decision-making body – consisting of representatives from all project partner institutions and one student representative. • It will meet annually in order to review the project progress and its performance, quality control and to make the necessary decisions to make the project running. • It will ensure the proper budget implementation.
WP 8 2. The local management provided by the partner country representatives from each institution. • To provide half-yearly and annual financial and monitoring reports to steering committee 3. Project finance committee which will meet at least once a year or more frequently. • One member from each academic partner country institution will delegate for this committee. • This body will provide necessary information for the steering committee.