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Sparse Vector Methods. Lecture #13 EEE 574 Dr. Dan Tylavsky. Application: Consider faulted power systems. This system is electrically equivalent to:. By superposition:. First system has 0.0 A. p.u. fault current, so the total fault current may be calculated using the second network.
Sparse Vector Methods Lecture #13 EEE 574 Dr. Dan Tylavsky
Application: Consider faulted power systems. • This system is electrically equivalent to: • By superposition:
First system has 0.0 A. p.u. fault current, so the total fault current may be calculated using the second network. • To calculate fault current in second system we first represent the rest of the network as a Thevenin equivalent.
Once we have the Thevenin equivalent at a bus, we then calculate the fault current using the following network: • Assuming the network is linear, we find AN open circuit voltage (assuming all internal sources are deactivated) for A 1 p.u. current injection at the node of interest.
We can find the open circuit voltage by solving the equation:
Once we find the ZThevenin, we can then find the short circuit current due to prefault voltage VPreFault. Call that If. • We then want the currents flowing in branches near node, k, for instance.
To get these voltages we need to solve problems of the form: • X=don’t care values
Sometimes we wish to solve LUx=b when b is sparse and the elements we want to know in x are sparse. • When b and x are very sparse it is advantageous to use sparse vector methods. • Defn: Elimination Tree - A graph specifying the order in which rows of a matrix must be processed (during factorization or F/B substitution) if all precedence relationships are to be obeyed.
Theorem (Without Proof): All precedence relationships in LU factorization and F/B substitution will be obeyed if the nodes are ordered using the following algorithm: The node k must immediately precede node j if the lowest numbered below diagonal element in column k of L occurs in row j. (This is proved using the Fill-in Theorem.)
4 5 2 6 3 7 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L(U) Data structure requirements: The lowest-numbered, non-zero off diagonal element in each column of L (row of U) must be directly accessible without search (if efficiency is to be maintained.) * L(C), U(R), D, CO works. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Defn: Singleton - A vector with one non-zero element. • Defn: Factoriztion Path (Factor Path, or Path) - An ordered list of columns of L (rows of U) used in the solution of Lx=b. • Defn: Singleton Path - Factor Path for a singleton. • The factor path for a group of singletons may be found by appending to the front of each factor path the unique elements of the factor path of subsequent elements in the singleton list.
Example: Find the factor path for the singletons b={b1, b2}, for the matrix shown below. 2, • Factor path ={ 1,4,5,6,7}
Teams: Draw the elimination tree for the following L matrix from a factored A matrix and find the factor path for the singletons b={b4, b8}.
4 2 5 2 3 3 6 w 7 7 • Example: For the following matrix, find the value for x2, given that the only non-zero in the b vector is b3=2. 1 6 Fast Forward Factor path ={3,7} Fast Backward Factor path ={7,6,2}
Individually: For the following matrix, find the value for x8, given that the only non-zeros in the b vector are {b4, b8}={2,2}. (Process L by cols. U by rows.)
Example: Using a self-referential linked list construct the factor path for the U matrix shown if the b vector has non-zero’s in position 2 and 5. Step 1.1: Enter position of first non-zero as Initial Link Pointer and in switch array. Step 1.2: Use ECP and Rindx to find factor path and enter in switch array. Step 2.1: Compare next native b non-zero loc. w/ switch array and enter in link if new. Step 2.2: Use ECP and Rindx to find factor path and merge into Link.
Example: Using a self-referential linked list construct the factor path for the U matrix shown if the b vector has non-zero’s in position 2 and 5. Step 2.2: Use ECP and Rindx to find factor path and merge into Link. Result: Complete factor path is {5, 2, 6, 7}.
1 4 2 5 3 6 7 • Example: Perform fast forward (FF) substitution using the L/U matrix shown below if the b3=2, b5=1 (all other bi’s are zero). Factor Path = {5, 2, 6, 7}
Step 0: Zero B locations according to factor path. Step 1: Overwrite B locations according to non-zeros. Step 2.1: Perform Forward substitution by columns for 1st element in path. Step 2.2: Perform Forward substitution by columns for 2nd element in path. Step 2.3: Perform Forward substitution by columns for 3rd element in path. Step 2.4: Perform Forward substitution by columns for 4th element in path. (If this matrix has elements on the diagonal, then operate else finished.) Solution is {b2, b5, b6, b7}= {2, 1, -4, 18 } Perform Fast Backward substitution using appropriately ordered factor path if Ux=w is needed.
Results of using FF & FB: • Defn: (p:N N:k) as full (sparse) forward substitution starting with row/column p and full (sparse) backward substitution ending with row/column k. • Scenario: bk is known, xk is desired.
Defn: Neighborhood of length k about node m: The set of all nodes which can be reached by starting at node m and traversing at most k branches. Results show that getting solutions for nodes in a neighborhood of a node, k, requires only slightly more work than required for the solution of only node k.