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Ways to Remember Words. --- The First period. Good Morning!. Read the Following Sentences. The teacher asked us to low bed. Sometimes she likes shyness. Sometimes she would be shy. It has two big fine dots. It has two advantages. He is a big good man. He is a nice man.
Ways to Remember Words --- The First period
Read the Following Sentences • The teacher asked us to low bed. • Sometimes she likes shyness. Sometimes she would be shy. • It has two big fine dots. It has two advantages. • He is a big good man. He is a nice man. • Beautiful flowers angry open. Beautiful flowers bloom merrily. • All human hearts are made of meat. All human beings are merciful. The teacher asked us to get out of bed.
Questions • Have you ever make similar mistakes? • Why do people make such mistakes?
The idea that for every word in any one language there is another word accurately equivalent to it in every other language is not in accordance with the facts… --- Dr. Johnson
E. M. E. M. E. M. O. M. E. M. E. M. E. M. E. M. E. M. Notes:E.M = extended meaning; O.M = original meaning
Memorize the Words • insight • gallon • coo
What does “insight” mean? = + insight in sight = seeing into + seeing inside deep under- standing + understanding = deep
sentence meaning We must have an insight into consumers’ attitudes — what do people really think about counterfeit (假冒的) goods and why do they choose to buy or, indeed, not to buy, fake products. Insight: the power of seeing into a situation; the power of using one’s mind to see or understand the true nature of a situation;deep understanding (褒)洞察力
More Examples • She is a woman of great insight. • The scientist has an insight into the future of this technology.
Gallon e.g. A gallon of oil produces up to 0.67 gallons of gasoline. A unit of volume; 1 gallon is about 4.5 litres 加仑
coo • Her voice, when she spoke, was as sweet and soft as the cooing of a dove. to make a sound like the soft cry of a dove or pigeon;咕咕地叫
Pronunciation World-formation New words collocation Synonyms/ antonyms usage spelling
Vocabulary and affixes Vocabulary and pronunciation Vocabulary and images Vocabulary and context Comparison Association Learning by doing Ways to Remember Words
Affix Prefix: modifying the meaning Suffix: determine the parts of speech
Examples • Magniloquent : magn(i)= big, great (大);loqu= language(语言、话); -ent是一个形容词后 • Malodorous: ma1= bad,evil(不好的),odor:气味,ous是形容词后缀.
Have A Try • predict, ( pre-=before; dict=to say) The weather service centre predicts rain for tomorrow. A. 预告,预言 B. 汇报 2. prescribe: pre-=before; scribe= write The law prescribes what should be done. A. 描述 B.规定 3. prejudice: pre-=before, judice=judgement Many employers(雇主) have a prejudice against women workers. A. 喜爱 B. 偏见
4. postpone: post-=after; pon=put The sports meeting was postponed because of rain. • 推迟 B. 取消 childish: -ish=like …; of … Crying for things you can’t have is childish. A. 幼稚的 B. 愚蠢的 6. enlarge:en-=to make; Different people have different ways to enlarge their vocabulary. A. 强化 B. 扩大 7. enrich:en-=to make Music can certainly enrich your whole life. A. 使明亮 B. 使丰富
imaginative: imagine= to form a picture, to think; -tive=active imaginary: imagine= to form a picture, to think; -ary=of…, being… imaginable: -able=able to be … V.ed He is an writer and he always brings his readers into an totally unknown world. Harry Porter is just ancharacter popular with young men. It is that he failed in this exam because he was always late for school.
ampere 安培 calorie卡路里 pence便士 ounce盎司 volt伏特 watt瓦 ballet芭蕾舞 bowling保龄球 cartoon卡通 golf高尔夫 guitar吉他 jazz爵士乐 champagne香槟酒 cigar雪茄 pudding布丁 soda苏打 toast土司 hormone荷尔蒙 Vocabulary & Pronunciation vitamin维生素 X-ray X光 tyre轮胎 heroin海洛因 opium 鸦片 romantic罗曼蒂克的 typhoon台风 utopia 乌托邦
Exercise Point out the Chinese meanings of the underlined words by means of their pronunciation. • I often use baby shampoo to wash my little son’s hair. • Penicillin is an effective medicine for reducing pain and diminishing inflammation (消炎). • One shouldn’t drive after drinking whiskey.
4. Some scientists are against cloning, that is, to make a copy of a plant, animal or gene, in spite of some advantages that may be brought to the gene technology. 5. The old lady made a marathon speech of 6 hours which is a bore for everyone in the room
above over { distance on
(go) from the south to the north (go) from a farther place to a nearer place up (get/ put something) from a lower place to a higher place (go) from the north to the south down (go) from a nearer place to a farther place (get/ put something) from a higher place to a lower place
residence residence residence Down town residence uptown
at: (a point) at: (a small place)
Vocabulary & Context • The continual noise gives me a continuous headache. • She lives alone, but she’s never been lonely. • Middle school students in industry countries seemed to be more industrious nowadays. • Beer has a very distinctive smell; it’s quite distinct from the smell of wine. • Although he is not from an intellectual family, he is quite intelligent.
Comparison& Contrast • Similarities • Differences Chinese vs. English spelling Usage and meaning
Chinese vs. English • Comparison • Lose face • Break records • Throw cold water • Off and on 泼冷水 断断续续 破记录 丢脸
Contrast • High school • Restroom • Eat one’s words • Look out 洗手间 当心 中学 收回自己的话
spelling • attribute, distribute, contribute altitude 海拔高度 attitude 态度 latitude 纬度,范围
Usage and Meaning • depend on, count on, rely on lead to, result in, give rise to attribute to, owe to because of, owing to, due to
Association • gl- 开头的单词大多有“闪光”的意思,表示发光,闪耀或表面光亮的东西。如: • glass(玻璃), glory(光荣) glow(发光) glitter(闪光) gleam(闪烁) gl-也与“看”有关,如glance[一瞥(有意的);扫视], glimpse[瞥见(无意的)]
fl-听起来有飞翔流动的声音。 • flow 流动 flame 火焰 flood 洪水 float漂流 • fluid 流动性 flush 冲洗 • flexible 是“灵活的”,可以想象成因为流动不固定而有灵活性。 • flu 流感(有意识的联系到“流”的意思中)。
Synonyms • “see” • see, sight, look watch, view, observe, notice, glimpse, glance, glare, gaze, stare, examine, search, inspect, overlook, meet… • “speak out” • say, speak, utter, remark, address, announce, state, declare, pronounce, tell, report, cry, call, shout, scream…
“happiness” • joy, joyful joyous, happy, pleasure, pleased, pleasant, delight, delightful, glad, cheer, cheerful, merry, merriment, gay, rejoice, rejoicing, amuse, in a good mood, in high spirits… • “sadness” • sad, sorry, sorrow, sorrowful, unhappy, heart-broken, grief, miserable, poor, pitiful, pitiful, tragic, gloom, gloomy…
v. “hurt”: • damage, harm, hurt, impair, injure, mar… • vi. “road” • way, road, path, passage, street, avenue… • vii. “famous” • famous, renowned, celebrated, noted, distinguished, eminent, illustrious… • viii. “fast” • fast, rapid, swift, quick, speedy, hasty, expeditious.
Antonym • agree → disagree, alive → dead; true → false, right → wrong, young → old, accept → reject, … • Hard → easy, soft; short → tall, long; fast → slow, loosely, …
_____-related • “body” • head, neck, chin, cheek, eye, ear, eyebrow, eye lash, nose, tooth, mouth, tongue, throat, arm, shoulder, hand, wrist, elbow, finger, fist, palm, belly, stomach, breast, chest, back, waist, hip, buttocks, leg, knee, thigh, calf, toe, heel, foot, ankle, sole, cyst, skin, muscle, hair, moustache, beard, …
“liquid” • liquid, gas,… • “salty” • salty, bitter, hot, sour,…
Similar Connotation cheat somebody into doing, persuade somebody into doing something, talk somebody into doing something… prevent somebody from … keep somebody from… refrain from…
climb(攀登)时要利用limb(肢体) • 大夫diagnose(诊断)病有时也用nose。 • 科学理论的example和sample(样品)都(ample)大量存在。 • 论堆(heap)卖的东西就便宜(cheap)。
widow 寡妇—— window窗——寂寞的寡妇(widow)站在窗(window)前张望 • scar伤疤 —— car小汽车 —— 小汽车(car)被擦了一下,“嘶(s)”的一声,留下一道伤疤(scar)。 • broom笤帚 —— room房间;b象把朝上的笤帚 —— 笤帚(broom)放在房间(room)把要朝上。 • cylinder圆锥体 —— 谐音:谁拎的 ——圆锥体没有把柄,不好拿,是谁拎的?
Learning By Doing • Try to write paragraphs and sentences with your newly learned words. • Exercise: • reveal, crime, abuse, intention, attempt. • remarkable, complete, purpose, desire, considerable
艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 遗忘先慢后快的规律 9小时 4小时
How to be an efficient learner? • 把每天要记忆的词汇分成2-3段时间来记忆,多次少量比一次多量要效果好。 • 每次记忆新词之前,务必先浏览前一天已背词汇。 • 识记新词的第一步,就是把它大声地读出来。 • 识记新词务必理解其含义和用法,认真读例句,仍不明白查字典。
快速第一遍:每天2个lessons,约70个单词。方法:读音+理解含义用法+标识难易程度。快速第一遍:每天2个lessons,约70个单词。方法:读音+理解含义用法+标识难易程度。 • 强化标记内容第二遍 • 查漏补缺第三遍 • 融会贯通第四遍
An Example of Tragedy Bill Clinton is visiting an urban school. In one class, he asks the students if anyone can give him an example of “tragedy”. One little boy stands up and offers his viewpoint, “If my best friend who lives next door was playing in the street when a van came along and killed him, that would be a tragedy.” “No,” Clinton utters, “That would be a violent ACCIDENT.” a girl raise her hand, “If a school bus carrying fifty children drove off a cliff, killing everyone involved…
that would be a tragedy.”“I am afraid not,” explains Clinton, “That is what we would call a tremendous LOSS.” The room is tense and silent; none of the other childrenvolunteers. “What?” asks Clinton, “Isn’t there any one here who can give me an example of a tragedy?” he urges. Finally, a boy in the back raises his hands and stands upright. In any uneasy yet sincere voice, he says, “If an airplane carrying Bill & Hillary Clinton were blown up by a bomb, that would be a tragedy.” “Wonderful!” Clinton beams. “Marvelous! And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?” “Well,” says the boy, “Because it wouldn’t be an accident, it certainly would be no tremendous loss!”