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Cours e Title. Advantage 3.9 HRM Payroll Accounting Management – HRM to CORE. Objectives. Session Objectives Understand how to verify PAM data in HRM. Understand how to migrate payroll documents to CORE Understand how PAM data posts in CORE. Understand how CORE processes PAM data .

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  1. CourseTitle Advantage 3.9 HRM Payroll Accounting Management – HRM to CORE

  2. Objectives • Session Objectives • Understand howto verify PAM data in HRM. • Understand how to migrate payroll documents to CORE • Understand howPAMdata posts in CORE. • Understand howCORE processes PAM data. • Understand how to correct an expenditure document in CORE.

  3. Session Agenda • HRM: Verify PAM Data • Thissessionprovidesanoverview of the following PAM queries: • Payroll Accounting Management Detail (PAMPYDT) • PAM Statistics Inquiry (QPAMSTAT) • PAM Exception Inquiry (QPAMERR) • HRM: Verify PAM Data • HRM: Migrate Payroll Documents to CORE • CORE: Submit Payroll Documents • CORE: Post PAM Documents • CORE: Correct PAM Documents

  4. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • PAMPYDT A. Payroll Accounting Management Detail Inquiry • Provides ability to drill down from: • PAM payroll document to accounting line • Accounting line to detail COA elements for all journal entries summarized on the accounting line. • Enter as much search criteria as available • Document ID must be entered • Data Source in order of level of detail: PYRL_DOC_HDR, PYRL_DOC_ACTG, PYRL_EXPS(LIAB, FRNG)_JRNL_HST

  5. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • PAMPYDT • Though the document data to be displayed is for a single document, the total amount field will contain the total for all documents of this type (e.g., PREXP-Expense) • To view accounting lines within the displayed document, select the applicable journal (i.e., Expense, Liability, Fringe)

  6. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • The top grid displays all of the accounting lines in the payroll document entered in the Search criteria. • When an accounting line is selected, all of the journal entries summarized in that accounting line will be displayed in the bottom grid • PAMPYDT

  7. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • PAMPYDT • By selecting a journal entry within the selected accounting line, the detail information will be displayed including: • General Information with source document ID • Fund Accounting • Detail Accounting

  8. Verifying PAM Results in HRM Locating Accounting Line Detail Data from PAM Journals PYRL_EXPS_JRNL(_HST) – Gross Pay PREXP PRLNP PYRL_LIAB_JRNL(_HST) – Net Pay PRLIA PRLNP

  9. Verifying PAM Results in HRM PYRL_LIAB_JRNL(_HST) – Deductions and Employee Fringe Benefit PRLID PYRL_FRNG_JRNL(_HST) – Fringe Benefits) PREXP PRLID

  10. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • QPAMSTAT Provide summarized statistics (expense and liability amounts) by high-level COA elements. At least one search criterion must be entered. Typically done at the GTN Run Number level (i.e., a single payroll)

  11. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • QPAMSTAT Selecting a row in the top grid will display the expense and liability dollar amounts associated with the summarized COA elements Data Source: PAM_STATS table

  12. Verifying PAM Results in HRM • QPAMERR Displays errors encountered during PAM job execution by employee. Data Source: PAM_ERROR table on HRM database.

  13. Session Agenda Session Agenda • HRM: Migrate payroll documents to CORE • Thissessionprovidesan overview of how to migrate payroll data from Advantage HRM to Advantage Financial (CORE) • HRM: Verify PAM Data • HRM: Migrate Payroll Documents to CORE • CORE: Submit Payroll Documents • CORE: Post PAM Documents • CORE: Correct PAM Documents 13

  14. Migrating PAM Payroll Document to CORE PAM payroll document data is stored on these tables in HRM SysManUtil is used in Advantage HRM to Export documents. This step will generate an XML file containing the payroll document data SysManUtil in Advantage Financial (CORE) is used to import the documents using the XML file and submit the documents in CORE

  15. Session Agenda Session Agenda • CORE: Submit PAM Documents • Thissessionprovidesan overview of how to submit payroll documents in CORE • HRM: Verify PAM Data • HRM: Migrate Payroll Documents to CORE • CORE: Submit Payroll Documents • CORE: Post PAM Documents • CORE: Correct PAM Documents 15

  16. Submitting PAM Documents • Document Catalog Access Document Catalog Browse all documents with applicable document code in Held status PREXP PRLNP PRLIA PRLID Select Document ID to open

  17. Submitting PAM Documents • PREXP Edit to make corrections Validate and Submit • Note: Posting Lines visible upon successful validation or submit

  18. Session Agenda Session Agenda • CORE: Post PAM Documents • Thissessionprovidesan overview of how to post payroll documents in CORE. We will review the following pages: • Payroll Event Type Defaults (PYRLETD) • Event Type (ETYP) • Posting Code (PSCD) • HRM: Verify PAM Data • HRM: Migrate Payroll Documents to CORE • CORE: Submit Payroll Documents • CORE: Post PAM Documents • CORE: Correct PAM Documents 18

  19. Posting PAM Documents CORE first determines the valid events for the payroll document on PYRLETD PAM Line Type for PREXP document: Expenditure is applicable to State of Colorado • Gross Pay – Event Type HR01 • Fringe Expense – Event Type HR07

  20. Posting PAM Documents Using the Event Type, CORE will determine the Posting Codes using ETYP page • HR01: • Debit Posting Code = D011 (External Accrued Expenditure) • Credit Posting Code = H001 (Accrued Payroll) • ETYP

  21. Posting PAM Documents Each Posting Code destination is defined on PSCD page • PSCD

  22. Posting PAM Documents

  23. Session Agenda Session Agenda • CORE: Correct PAM Documents • Thissessionprovidesan overview of how to correct payroll documents in CORE. We will review the following document: • Payroll Expenditure Correction (PREXC) • HRM: Verify PAM Data • HRM: Migrate Payroll Documents to CORE • CORE: Submit Payroll Documents • CORE: Post PAM Documents • CORE: Correct PAM Documents 23

  24. Correcting PAM Documents Correction Documents (PREXC) can be used with all submitted expense documents (PREXP) for: Gross Pay Fringe Expense From the Document Catalog browse the PREXP document in a Submitted status Select Document ID to open

  25. Correcting PAM Documents • PREXP Click Copy Forward

  26. Correcting PAM Documents • PREXC Make changes Validate and Submit

  27. ContactUs • Needmoreinformation? • Please contact • Mike Nadeau • michael.nadeau@cgi.com • Marshall Lee • marshall.lee.cgi.com

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