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HPI Activities in Iringa 2010-to date. HPI activities in Iringa in 2010. Supported four Iringa-based NGOs through TAPAC grants of $1,500 each Tanzania Rural Women and Children Development Foundation (TARWOC) Tanzania Home Economics (TAHEA)
HPI activities in Iringa in 2010 • Supported four Iringa-based NGOs through TAPAC grants of $1,500 each • Tanzania Rural Women and Children Development Foundation (TARWOC) • Tanzania Home Economics (TAHEA) • Community Concerns of Orphans and Developments Association (COCODA) • Makete Support For People Living with HIV and AIDS (MASUPHA)
Women Leaders and Advocacy • Built capacity of 235 women leaders in Iringa to advocate for important areas related to reproductive health • Prevention of gender-based violence • Benefits of family planning • Prevention of HIV, including prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT)
OVC and Advocacy • Strengthened capacity of 138 councilors, members of Parliament, chairperson of district councils, representatives from Department of Social Welfare, and ward and village leaders • Purpose: To advocate for successful implementation of the OVC policy • Participants developed an action plan to implement the OVC policy to meet the need and respect the rights of OVCs and to support programs in Iringa council
Promoted HIV Testing and Counselling • Conducted workshops to strengthen advocacy for voluntary HIV testing and counseling and the need of the community members to know and manage their HIV status • 11,706 community members (4457 male and 7249 female) underwent voluntary testing and counseling in 7 wards in Njombe district
Stigma and discrimination and adherence to ARV treatment • Increased capacity in advocacy for stigma reduction and ARV treatment adherence of > 200 selected peer educators • TOTs organized to conduct step-down training on S&D reduction, treatment adherence, and increased community leaders’ advocacy for S&D reduction in their communities • Group leaders in Tusonge mbele Ubiluko and Uwawa conducted seminars to their group members
Gender-based Violence • Conducted GBV baseline assessment in Iringa May 2010 • Purpose: • Identify gaps and challenges in GBV service delivery • Make recommendations for appropriate interventions to alleviate GBV • Increase ownership of the process of developing GBV guidelines by ensuring that the community voice is heard. • Assessment findings have informed the development of the GBV policy and management guidelines
Strengthening the GBV response of the Police • Built capacity of 70 police officers from six districts in the Iringa region in the area of GBV • Purpose: To increase participants’ GBV knowledge and enhance their skills to better manage GBV cases • Trainees are establishing gender desks that are responsible for handling GBV cases in each of Iringa’s 16 police stations
Other GBV activities in Iringa • Collaborated with TARWOC to sensitize all councilors from Iringa Municipal Council and Iringa District council on GBV issues (April 2011) • Sensitized all ward development committee members in the 16 wards of Iringa Municipal • Providing financial and technical assistance to TARWOC to establish a drop-in center for GBV survivors