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Status of FTK simulation. June 16,2005 G. Punzi, Pisa. FTKSIM. PEOPLE: Chiara Roda, Giulio Usai, Iacopo Vivarelli Mauro Dell’Orso, Giovanni Punzi Francesco Crescioli, Guido Volpi TASK: Build an FTK simulator taking input from ATLAS full simulation
Status of FTK simulation June 16,2005 G. Punzi, Pisa
FTKSIM PEOPLE: • Chiara Roda, Giulio Usai, Iacopo Vivarelli • Mauro Dell’Orso, Giovanni PunziFrancesco Crescioli, Guido Volpi • TASK: • Build an FTK simulator taking input from ATLAS full simulation • Evaluate performance parameters on fully simulated ATLAS events
(Trivial in CDF) PATTGEN’ Sectors ATLSIM (ATHENA) Detector Hits From existing FTKSIM FTK tracks Performance parameters Code organization Done In progress Done Existing (SVT) ATLAS Eff. MC tracks+hits PATTGEN Linearized resolution CORRGEN Patterns (.patt) Existing (SVT) Existing (SVT) ATLAS fit constants (.fcon) Existing (SVT) Red: basic performance parameters than can be brought inside ATLFAST
Hit distribution (barrel) Projection on the X-Y plane of the muminus_4040 sample (10000 tracks) Every hit belongs to a specific module of the detector and uses global x-y-z coordinates. Each module in this plane is identified by the kind of detector (Pixel or SCT), the layer number and the phi_module id
We need to transform global coordinates to local, according to some data files mapping ATLAS detector/layer/phi_sector ids to plane/sector and defining the local coordinate space ATLAS hits format atltrackToHits() FTKSIM hits format detector/layer to plane .pmap sector phi offset for global to local coordinats .offmap phi_module to sectors .psmap
.pmap file format Number of layers per detector 3 pixel 4 SCT pixel 0 plane 0 pixel 2 plane 1 SCT 0 plane 2 SCT 1 plane 3 SCT 2 plane 4 SCT 3 plane 5 detector/layer pair to plane number Example .pmap file that maps all detector/layer pairs to a plane. Note: pixel layer number 1 does not exists so it's not mapped.
.psmap file format planes 6 phi_module0 22 phi_module1 52 phi_module2 32 phi_module3 40 phi_module4 48 phi_module5 56 sectors 156 plane 0 phi_module 0 nsectors 8: 27 40 67 104 110 113 119 150 . . plane 5 phi_module 55 nsectors 2: 62 153 Number of planes used Number of phi_modules per plane Number of sectors defined Sectors assigned to plane/phi_module pair. Note: In case a module belongs to multiple sectors, the real hits in that module generate multiple virtual hits, one for each sector.
.offmap file format planes 6 sectors 156 plane 0 sector 0 offset 0.137124 . . plane 5 phi_module 155 offset -0.196837 Number of planes used Number of sectors defined Global offset of the sector in the coordinate used for global to local transformation. We are using hit's phi as one dimensional coordinate, so we need to know phi region covered by every plane/sector pair to map global hit's phi to local one. In this case we use the phi of the right end of every plane/sector pair to perform the transformation.
Sector generation • Define sector with the same method used for patterns: • 1 detector element= 1 superstrip • Run a MC track sample • Define sectors as combinations that have larger occupancies • Depends on Pt-> need realistic distribution in training sample
Results with current input track data • Samples currently used: • µ+, µ- samples, fixed Pt 5 GeV, ~10000 tracks each • We use iPat 3D hits (Poppleton’s) • 2D hits from different detectors are associated to produce them • This is NOT what FTK is going to see: • purpose is to compare FTK performance with offline • exercise code with smaller number of patterns, ecc. • Our current tests are: Barrel only, 2D only • Sectors: generated 156 sectors, each with very few tracks in it (we will eventually have much more) • Many tracks have multiple hits • Good as test of the code, but we need >>statistics
A great number of tracks have many hits, typically multiple hits in a single detector plane.
Useful events Useful events are events with 6 hits in 6 plane for a given sector. 7-8% of total tracks
Status • Interface ATHENA->FTKSIM created • Brought CORRGEN and PATTGEN to work with ATLAS data • Created new piece of code to build a sector map in automated (and optimal) way (useful for real implementation) • Need to produce an appropriate sample of single tracks to actually start making constants
Job Breakdown • Athena interface (C. Roda, G. Usai) • FTKSIM code organization (G. Punzi, M. Dell’Orso) • Core code (Francesco, Guido) • Production of real Geometry Constants • (Giovanni, Guido) • Production of real Patterns (Mauro, Francesco) • Measurement of linearized resolution and background rejection (Giovanni, Guido) • Measurement of tracking efficiency (AM workload) (Mauro, Francesco)
Next steps • Chiara+Giulio • Produce a sample of ~10^5 good tracks • Go to lower-level (non associated) hits for next round • Francesco • Generate sectorization and patterns • Guido • Generate geometry constants (“.fcon”)
Next to Next steps • Mauro+Francesco • Produce pattern files (“.patt”) for ATLAS • Evaluate efficiency and verify AM workload • Giovanni+Guido • Measure performance of linearized fit • Chiara+Giulio • Produce module for creating FTKSIM input from fully simuted ATLAS events.
Detailed physics studies Physics-study sample ATLSIM (ATHENA) Detector Hits Patterns (.patt) FTKSIM fit constants (.fcon) FTK tracks ATLFAST (ATHENA) More complex performance indicators ATLFAST Root-ple + FTK block