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Explore the enchanting world of winter constellations like Orion, Canis Major, Taurus, and more, along with their fascinating mythological tales. Learn how to locate these stellar formations in the night sky and discover the stars and nebulae they hold within.
6C Winter Constellations Objectives • List the six winter constellations we will discuss. • Describe each in terms of: • Location • How to locate each constellation using Orion • Important stars or other deep space objects contained in each constellation • Mythological Story
Winter Constellations There are several constellations that can be classified as Winter constellations. Seasonal constellations are any constellation that is far enough away from the pole star to rise and set Because it can rise and set, it will also vary in its location in the sky relative to the seasons Because our axial tilt changes throughout the year, the location in the celestial sphere where we find a certain constellation will change too
Winter Constellations Winter constellations reach their highest points in the sky during the winter months So the best time to view them is during the winter That’s why they are called “Winter Constellations”
Winter Constellations Orion Canis Major Canis Minor Taurus Auriga Gemini Winter Triangle & Winter Hexagon Pleiades – Star Cluster
Orion Name : Orion (Ori) Translation The Hunter The Great Hunter Family : Orion One of the original 48 ancient constellations Part of Winter Triangle & Winter Hexagon Contains many notable stars Contains several nebulae including Orion’s nebula
Orion Orion, the Hunter, is by far the most famous seasonal constellation No other is more distinct or bright as this northern winter constellation The famous Orion's Belt makes the hunter easy to find in the night sky Orion looks very much like a person
Orion • First, you should spot Orion's Belt, which is made of three bright stars in a straight line • Mintaka • Alnilam • Alnitak
Orion One of Orion's legs is represented by the bright star Rigel (blue supergiant), one of the brightest stars in the night sky His two shoulders are made of the stars Bellatrix (blue giant) and Betelgeuse (red supergiant) Hanging from his belt is his sword. Near the sword you can find the Orion Nebula
Orion • Orion was a famed hunter, and in one story boasted that no creature could kill him. Hera then sent a scorpion (Scorpius) to sting the hunter. Orion smashed the animal with his club, but not before he was poisoned. • Both are now constellations on opposite sides of the sky. • Myths say that the gods put them on opposite sides of the skies so they could no longer harm each other • Orion hunted Lepus and Taurus
Canis Major Name : Canis Major (CMa) Translation The Dog The Great Dog Family : Orion Contains Sirius – The Dog Star Part of the Winter Triangle & Winter Hexagon
Canis Major In Greek myth, it is said that this constellation, along with Canis Minor, were Orion's hunting dogs Canis Major was one of the most important constellations in ancient times because the brightest star in the sky is part of it
Canis Major Sirius, the Dog Star, is one of the brightest objects in the night sky Only the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mars are brighter
Canis Major Those that lived near the Nile River used the Dog Star to signal the flooding of the Nile This special occasion represented the return from the dead of the Sun god Osiris
Canis Major Canis Major is very easy to find during the months of November through March First locate Orion the Hunter, and imagine a straight line through his belt From Mintaka to Alnitak Follow the line and you will see Sirius perched right below the line Sirius is the nose of the dog. His body stretches to the southeast, and his front leg is to the west of Sirius
CanisMajor CanisMinor
Canis Minor Name : Canis Minor (CMi) Translation The Lesser Dog Family : Orion Contains the star Procyon Part of the Winter Triangle & Winter Hexagon
Canis Minor The second of Orion’s hunting dogs The brightest star in Canis Minor is Procyon.
Canis Minor To find the constellation Canis Minor, locate the two brightest stars at the top of Orion, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix. Connect a line from Bellatrix through Betelgeuse. Continuing this line will lead you to Canis Minor. Canis Minor is a small constellation. Its brightest star is Procyon. Procyon is the eighth brightest star in the night sky.
CanisMajor CanisMinor
Taurus Name : Taurus (Tau) Translation The Bull Family : Zodiac It passes through the sky from November through March Notable Star: Aldebaran Part of Winter Hexagon Contains Hyades & Pleiades star clusters Contains Crab Nebula
Taurus Taurus is a distinctive constellation, with star-tipped horns and a head defined by a V-shaped group of stars Two Greek bull-myths were associated with Taurus.
Taurus Zeus disguised himself as a bull to get near to Europa. His bull form was very attractive being white as snow with horns that shone like polished metal Europa adorned his horns with flowers and was entranced with him. The bull lay on the golden sands and Europa ventured to sit on his back.
Taurus At first, she feared nothing when the bull went into the water. But she became alarmed when it began to swim strongly out to sea. Europa looked around in dismay at the receding shoreline and clung tightly to the bull’s horns as waves washed over the bull’s back. Craftily, Zeus the bull dipped more deeply into the water to make her hold him more tightly still.
Taurus By now, Europa had realized that this was no ordinary bull. Eventually, the bull waded ashore at Crete, where Zeus revealed his true identity and seduced Europa. He gave her presents that included a dog that later became the constellation Canis Major. The offspring of Zeus and Europa included Minos, king of Crete, who established the famous palace at Knossos where bull games were held.
Taurus Locating Taurus Use Orion’s belt Draw a line pointing the opposite direction from Canis Major From Alnitak to Mintaka Follow this line and Aldebaran will be just above it Taurus is The Bull Aldebaran is the Bull’s Eye
Auriga • Name : Auriga (Aur) • Translation • The Charioteer • Family : Perseus • Notable Star : Capella • Galactic Anticenter • Part of Winter Hexagon
Auriga To locate Auriga: Draw a line from Saiph to Alnitak That line will point to Capella, the brightest star in Auriga
Capella The bright star Capella also has some legend about it. It is reputed to represent the goat that suckled Jupiter. At some point Jupiter accidentally broke off a horn. Jupiter made this piece of horn magical in that it could be filled with whatever the possessor wished for. It was given the name Cornucopia, or "horn of plenty."
Auriga In one Greek legend, Auriga represents Erichthonius, a King of Athens and the son of Vulcan and Minerva. Auriga was deformed and his difficulty in walking led him to invent the four horse chariot. This invention brought him a place of honor in the sky In another legend, Auriga was the son of Mercury. He trained chariot horses and his animals were said to be the fastest there were
Gemini Name : Gemini (Gem) Translation The Twins Castor & Pollux Sons of Zeus Family : Zodiac One of the original 48 ancient constellations
Gemini • Zeus had yet another illicit affair • Zeus seduced Leda, Queen of Sparta • In form of a swan (Cygnus) • That same night she slept with her husband too • Both unions were fruitful • Two sets of twins (one set of twins from her husband and one set of twins from Zeus)
Gemini • Zeus being immortal • His twins were immortal • Pollux & Helen (of Troy) • Her Husband being mortal • His twins were mortal • Castor & Clyemnestra • Castor & Pollux were the best of friends • They joined Jason and the Argonauts • Sailors
Gemini Pollux beat the son of Poseidon in a boxing match Castor & Pollux both saved the Argonauts crew many times while on their voyages at sea Myth says that they were given the power, by Poseidon, to save shipwrecked sailors The twins have been the patron saints of sailors ever since
Gemini To locate Gemini: Draw a line from Rigel through Betelgeuse (green) This will point roughly to Castor and Pollux
Winter Triangle • Procyon • Canis Minor • Betelgeuse • Orion • Sirius • Canis Major
The Winter Hexagon • Sirius • Procyon • Pollux • Capella • Aldebaran • Rigel
Star Clusters of Taurus • Two main star clusters that are notable in the constellation Taurus • Hyades • Pleiades • Hyades were sisters of the Pleiades • Known as the Rainy stars • Make up a V-shaped in the face of the bull • Pleiades were another group of sisters • Known as The Maidens or Sailing Stars