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  1. Ireland


  3. IRELAND is a country in north-western Europe. The island of Ireland extends over 84,421 km? of which 83% belongs to the Republic. It is bound to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the northeast by the North Channel, the east by Irish Sea and to the southeast by the Celtic Sea. The west-coast of Ireland mostly consists of cliffs, hills andlow mountains.

  4. Name „Ireland” isfull name of this country which means union with North Ireland because for example in Polish it’s name Irlandia or Republika Irlandii. This countrybelongs to European Union.

  5. Lough Neagh (irl. Loch nEathach) – it’s lake in North Ireland, on east from Belfast. It’s the biggest lake in British Islands. Lough Neagh Lake

  6. Dublin Dublin (irl. Baile Átha Cliath) – the capital and largest city in Ireland. Dublin is in east coast of Ireland. Liffeys’ River share Dublin to two parts: North Side and most modern part South Side. The biggest place of cultural, economical and comestible center (well-known Guinesses’ beer). DUBLINS’ COAT OF ARM

  7. Irish love sport... Their biggest stadium Croke Park where almost all major soccer and rugby matches are played holds 76 000 sets for fans. Dublin is the capital of young sportsmen as well. It provides facilities for athlets from soccer and rugby through track and field sports to handball players. Dublin’s authorities are also not afraid of investing in new ventures.

  8. Sain Patrick’s Day • Saint Patrick's Day is the feast day which annually celebrates Saint Patrick (385-461), one of the patrons saints of Ireland, on March 17, the day on which Saint Patrick died. The day is the national holiday of the Irish people. Celebrations are generally themed around all things green and Irish. Everyone wearing green, eating Irish food and/or green foods, imbibing Irish drink, and attending parades. DROMOLAND CASTLE is one of Ireland's finest castles hotels. It is one of the few castle hotels that can trace it’sownership back through history to Gaelic Irish families of royal heritage.

  9. St. Patrick’s Cathedral was built in 1190 year with high tower-93 m. It’s the main cathedral in Ireland. The legend told that st. Patrick baptized pagans but the most famous person was Jonathan Swift, who was a dean. In this cathedral are much tombs and monuments. The most known is 17th century monument of Boyles’ family. St. Patrick’s Cathedral

  10. Shillelagh (wym: shi-lay-lee)- it’s old Irish weapon. It’s wooden truncheon with cane. People protected themselves in bars. Fathers gaveit to their sons. Curiosities about Ireland • Hornpipe- Irish dance which we can dance only in hard shoes. It started in 1760 year. • Tumpshie – it’s a latern from a turnip. It’s very similar to the latern of Halloween.

  11. http://www.youtube.com • http://www.panstwaeuropy.friko.pl/mapy/irlandia.gif • http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Coat_of_arms_of_Ireland.svg • http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Flag_of_Ireland.svg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Stpatrick_hilloftara.jpg/250px-Stpatrick_hilloftara.jpg • http://agajavi.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/20090221-imgp3590.jpg • Bibliografia: Muszyńska Anna kl. III e

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