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How to ask questions. (Wh-word) + aux. + subj. + verb + (comp) ?. (Wh-word) + aux. + subj. + verb + (comp.) ?. (Wh-word) + aux. + subj. + verb + (comp.) ?. (Wh-word) + aux. + subj. + verb + (comp.) ?. (Wh-word) + aux. + subj. + verb + (comp.) ?. (Wh-word) + aux. + subj. + verb + (comp.) ?.
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Wheredoyoustudy English?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? How oftencanshelisten to her music?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? WhenmayIvisit you in your new home?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whose numberdidyouring?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whodidyoumeet at the party?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whendoesshearrive from China?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? WhatshouldIdo,study or work?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? How longhashelived in Japan?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Haveyoubeen to the new hotel?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whywasheworking in the factory?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whatcouldyoudo when you were a child?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? How muchdoesthe dresscost?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Howdidyouget on in the exam?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Which book doesheprefer, myth or love?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whataretheydoing here?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whenisshearriving in Paris?
(Wh-word)+aux.+subj.+verb+(comp.)? Whodidyouinvite to your house?