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I mproving S&T statistics in Croatia: results achieved and the way ahead Dr. Emira Bečić

R&D Project in BiH: Capacity building and institutional strengthening of Science and Research in BiH Science , Technology and Innovation Policy Workshop Sarajevo, 29 January 2010. I mproving S&T statistics in Croatia: results achieved and the way ahead Dr. Emira Bečić

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I mproving S&T statistics in Croatia: results achieved and the way ahead Dr. Emira Bečić

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  1. R&D Project in BiH: Capacitybuilding and institutionalstrengthening of Science and Research in BiHScience, Technology and InnovationPolicyWorkshop Sarajevo, 29 January 2010 Improving S&T statistics in Croatia: results achieved and the way ahead Dr. Emira Bečić Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia

  2. Contents • S&T statistics: key issues • Official STI statistics in Croatia: theinstitutions; datasources; themainsurveys (R&D, CIS, CDH, GBOARD, HRST, PATSTATS) • Future surveys and plans • Conclusions and Remarks

  3. S&T statistics: key issues • Are STI data relevanttomeasure the CroatianS&T system?Croatiancompliance! • Strongneeds of investing in inter-institutionalco-operation and datadissemination. • CroatianSTIstatisticsalreadyavailable at Eurostat/OECD level: whichrolefor CBS and otherinstitutions?

  4. Croatiancompliance • R&D: since 2002 Full coverage in New Cronos • CIS: since 2008 Full coverage in New Cronos (CIS 2006/2008) • CDH: Raw data available, butnotyet published • HRST:LFS data available. Full coverage in New Cronos • GBOARD:pilot surveylaunched 2009  • Patents: DZIV in the EPOsince 2008. Full coverage in PATSTAT and New Cronos • TBP:Raw data probablyavailable, butnotyetproduced • High-Tech: COMEXT data availablebutproblemswith SBS availability. Coverage in New Cronosonlypartial • Regionalisation: Onlypartiallydeveloped

  5. Officialstatistics in Croatia: theinstitutions • CentralBureau of Statistics (CBS) is themainproducer of officialstatistics in Croatia • Otherinstitutions: • Croatian National Bank • Otherauthorisedbodies

  6. Official statistics in Croatia • In order to befullycompliantwith EU Regulations, CBS had to improvethe current data production and tointroduceseveral new surveys and statistics in the S&T area • In SRC, S&T area is definedthrough“Theme 5.06:Science, technology and innovation”whichconsists of twomodules: • 5.06.01 Statistics on science and technology • 5.06.02 Statistics on innovation

  7. S&T statistics in Croatia: the main statistical surveys • Research and Development (R&D) • CommunityInnovationSurvey (CIS) • Survey on Careers of DoctorateHolders (CDH) • GovernmentBudgetAppropriations or Outlaysfor R&D (GBAORD) – is launched

  8. S&T statistics in Croatia: administrative data • Currently, S&T statistics are based onsurveysconductedby CBS • Additionalsourcescouldbeused to produceother S&T statistics, withoutconducting new surveys • statistical data from CBS • administrativedata fromotherinstitutions: SIPO and CNB

  9. R&D statistics (1) Annual survey on Research and Development R&D comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. The R&D concept includes three activities: basic research applied research experimentaldevelopment

  10. R&D statistics (2) Reporting units are all the legal entities which perform R&D activities in Croatia Coverage: business sector (companies and their units), public sector (institutes, hospitals), institutions of higher education as well as non-profit organizations The survey is carried out according to the Frascati Manual 2002 – “Proposed standard Practice on Surveys of Research and Experimental Development”

  11. R&D statistics (3) Financial indicators: gross domestic expenditure on R&D, by sectors and field of science; sources of funds for R&D Employed persons (full-time and part-time), as well as persons under employment contract or contractual agreement, engaged in R&D, by sector, field of science and gender; Indicators on researchers

  12. R&D statistics (4) • Data regarding human resources engaged in R&D are collected and published as: • Headcount and • Full time equivalent - FTE (which is expressed in person-years as the share of full working time in which the person employed has been engaged in research and development activities)

  13. Innovation statistics (1) • A sample survey with the aim of measuring innovation activities in Croatian enterprises (carried out for the first time in 2007, for reference period 2004-2006) • A secondround of thesurvey is conducted in 2009 (reference years 2006-08) • Innovation activities include product and process innovation, as well as organizational and marketing innovation • Main questions on new or significantly improved goods/services or the implementation of new or improved processes, logistics or distribution methods

  14. Innovation statistics (2) • The methodological base for the survey is the Oslo Manual 1997 • The statistical unit is the enterprise, as defined in the national statistical business register • The target population includes all enterprises with 10 employees or more, in manufacturing and service sectors • Paper questionnaire, sent out by mail • Results of the survey were published nationally through a “First Release” • Micro data, output tables and quality report were transmitted to Eurostat

  15. Careers of Doctorate Holders (1) A joint project carried out by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), OECD and Eurostat Aim of building internationally comparable indicators on careers of doctorate holders and identifying and analysing trends on career paths and mobility of DHs A survey was carried out for the first time in Croatia in 2008 (sample survey) The target population are doctorate holders i.e. persons with an education at ISCED level 6, living in Croatia on 1st December 2006 with an age below 70

  16. Careers of Doctorate Holders (2) Mode of data collection was on-line questionnaire The questionnaire includes modules on: personal characteristics, educational history, recent graduates, postdocs, employment characteristics, perceived job situation, international mobility and career-related experience and scientific productivity Micro data and national methodological report were transmitted to Eurostat

  17. HRST statistics • At EU level, LFS is the main source of data on “Human Resources on S&T” • In Croatia, the most common HRST statistics are already available from LFS • The statistics on HRST could be improved by developing additional education indicators i.e. number and characteristics of graduates in Science & Engineering fields of study

  18. Patent statistics: what is available • European Patent Office: a potential source of data on the Croatian patenting activity • Main patent indicators are already made available for Croatia by EPO and Eurostat • PATSTAT: this international patent database – managed by EPO - offers additional options for international data production, comparison and analysis

  19. Patent statistics: what is availablefrom SIPO • A key source of information: the Annual Report of the StateIntellectualProperty Office (SIPO) • A detailed electronicdatabasepatents’ data (foreign and domesticapplicants, patentsgranted, etc.) ismanagedbySIPO • A partnershipbetween CBS and SIPO is underdevelopmentin ordertoregularlyproduce national statisticalindicators on thepatentingactivity

  20. Patents and S&T indicators: are Croatian R&D performers applying for patents? (1) • CBS R&D surveyprovidesdata on patentingactivity: a linkagecanbepotentiallyestablishedbetween CBS an SIPO data • Patentdata are collectedthroughthe R&D surveyusingaspecificquestion on inventions and IPRs

  21. Patent applications by Croatian R&D performers (years 2006-07) by sector Business enterprises GovernmentHigher education

  22. Patent granted to Croatian R&D performers (years 2006-07) by sector Business enterprises GovernmentHigher education

  23. Patent applications by Croatian R&D performers (years 2006-07) by S&T field Patent applications in Croatia Patent applications abroad Agriculture/biotechnology Natural sciences Science and engineeringBiomedicine/health

  24. Patent granted to Croatian R&D performers (years 2006-07) by S&T field Patent granted in Croatia Patent granted abroad Agriculture/biotechnology Natural sciences Science and engineeringBiomedicine/health

  25. Patenting activity in Croatia • SIPO patent applications by technologyCroatian inventors, by priority date • International Patent Classification (IPC)-WIPO (2008) A-Human Necessities / B- Performing Operations; Transporting / C-Chemistry; Metallurgy D-Textiles; Paper / E-Fixed Constructions / F-Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons / G-Physics / H-Electricity • Source: EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database, April 2009 • Between 1992-94 and 2002-04, there has been a shift in the underlying technologies of Croatian inventions : 1/3 of patent applications relate to Human necessities, twice as much as 1992-94 level. In 2006 Patent activity was highest inElectricity,and Human necessities

  26. Patent statistics: policyremarks • The attractiveness of the Croatian market for protecting foreign inventions • The countries the most involved in patenting in Croatia • The technical fields on which Croatian inventors focus the most • The relative performance/strength of Croatian inventors/researchers at the international level • The internationalisation of S&T activities performed in Croatia

  27. Future surveys and plans • In 2009 a pilot survey on Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D (GBAORD) is launched (budget-based data) • New activities will be introducedas a resultof the national PHARE 2006 programme: Humanresourcesin science and technology (HRST),High-tech industries and products, Technology Balance of Payments (TBP), patents and regionalindicators • In 2010 a second round of the CDH data collection is planned • ERA IndicatorsQuestionnaire: experimental data collection on the new ERA indicator 'national public funding to trans-nationally coordinated research’

  28. The actionsahead • Proceduresforproducingindicators on patentingactivity in Croatia • Documentationof the practicesadopted in Croatiato produce a technologicalbalanceofpayments • Feasibilitystudy on producingregionalestimatesof HRST aggregates • Pilotsurvey on a sample ofenterprisesbelongingto high-tech and knowledge-intensiveindustries • Guidelinesfor the regionalisationofS&Tindicators

  29. Conclusions and Remarks • Increasing demand for indicators on S&T, both at national and internationallevel • Strong commitmenttointer-institutionalco-operation • Growing need for a harmonized approach (methodology, indicators) and reliable data production/diffusion in order to meet national and international requirements • Emphasis on the interaction between data producers, providers and users to achieve high quality results • Costburdenissue (howto share it)

  30. Thank you for your attention! emira.becic@mzos.hr www.mzos.hr

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